Chapter 32

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Jennie's pov

"Jennie? You're next." Mino called that invaded my mind. I put down the script then leave my tent.

Today is my first day in our project, I received the script two days ago so I already prepared.

"I saw the script, it will gonna be a big project. You and Rośe have a big roles." Mino said while walking.

"Jennie?" a familiar voice called. I never knew she's here. I glance at Mino.

"Please just call me." I told him. He just nodded then leaved us.

"So...why are you here??" I casually asked.

"I just passed by actually..."

"Uhm.. Goodluck." she added then smiled. I remember what happened between us last night and it's bothering me.

"T-thankyou..." I simply answered but I was caught off guard when she suddenly walked towards me and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

She wasn't uttering a words and just hugging me. I felt my heart pounded,i don't know what should I exactly need to do, should I asked her why?

But I choosed not to react. I just lift my hands and hugged her back then she step back.

"I'll watch you two." she said.


"Jennie are you ready??" The director asked. I nodded and smiled while someone is fixing my clothes and the other one  is fixing my hair.

Rośe came while holding her script, someone is fixing her make up.

"Goodluck!" I told her then she smiled.

"You too unnie." she said then the director approaches.


"We're sisters and you should listen to me ... Dont choose that man, that love isn't real. "I said.

"SISTERS?? Who are you to say that? I love him and I will take the risk the way you didn't! Remember?" she asked while intently looking at me.

I paused then take a heavy breath.

"Now that he's mine why are you against it? Are you jealous now??"

"I-I'm not! —"

"Then why?? You shouldn't just returned.. . I want you to leave." she said that paused me. I take a few seconds before I finally utter again.

"I STILL LOVE HIM... That's why I came back bu-but I never expected that he's yours now..." I said without looking at her eyes,that stopped her.


"I s-still love him...You're my sister but I can't give you what's mine—" **SLAP

I felt my face burned, it seems she used all her force, that she really meant those slap.


"You're so selfish don't you know that!?" she furiously added. Her expression, I saw it before, I saw it last time...

I raise my hands and returned the slap, I don't know but my hands seems to control the force. I slap her according to what I felt for a second.

"YOU ARE SELFISH." she repeated and that word... It reminds me of what Lisa told me last night.

I look at her eyes while holding my tears.

"Because you don't deserved everything." I strictly utter. Her started to tear up and the last thing I just saw was her hands flew over my face again.

Everything turned in silence and the burning sensation didn't leaved my  face.

"CUUUTT!!!" the director shouted. I hold my face then the assistants approached us.


"Can I changed?" Rośe asked.

"You okay??" Mino asked. I nodded.


"C'mon change your clothes." he said then we headed to my tent.

I checked my face in the mirror and both side of my face   turned red. I wasn't expecting her to slap me that way, but I guess it helped and she's not considering our personal relationship as friends. She truly surprised me..

My eyes shifted outside and I saw Lisa talking to Rośe, she's complimenting her and even checking Rośe face.

"Did you two okay??" Mino suddenly asked in concern.

"W-what??" I don't know what he meant by that.

"You and Rośe... I didn't expect her to do it, those slap doesn't even included in the script. Right??" he said that paused me.

I look away then sat on my chair.

"We're okay. Don't you think it's more realistic?"

"Yeah, it's so real. She even added a dialougue I haven't read it." he said while holding the script.

@Parking lot

6:45 pm



That word isn't part of the script. I haven't noticed it...

When the director cut the scenes she didn't even approached me to atleast apologized. It's not the Rośe I knew...

Or am I overreacting??

"Jennie?" Lisa called while I was still outside my car.

"L-lisa... You're still here. A-are you waiting for Rośe?" I utter.

"Uhm yeah..." she simply replied while walking towards me.

"By the way... You did a good job b-but... Are you okay?" she concernly  asked while staring at the side of my face.

"Ye-yeah, of course." I answered but she walked towards me then touched the side of my face.

"It's still red. Let me treat you—"

"No it's fine.Im fine Lisa." I cut her off.

"Jennie it doesn't look fine. Okay?" she said in annoyance then get a small medicine from her pocket. She opened it then put a small amount in the side of my cheek.

I noticed some staffs coming.

"Okay b-but can you do that inside my car?" I asked sher, she paused then look at me. She look around then sighed before nodding.

We sit at the back seat then I faced her while she's putting treatment in my cheeks.

"They won't mind seeing a friend treating a friend. Why are you so worried." she utter while focusing on what she's doing.

I remember what happened between Irene and my parents. I don't want it to happen to me.

"Im just avoiding... Issues." I utter then look at her, she paused then look at my eyes. She lean away then closed the small medicine.

Her phone suddenly vibrates and when she check it I saw Rośe's caller ID.

"I think i need to go..." she utter then look at me.

I just nodded then she opened the door.

I take a breath then when she closed it I suddenly opened the door on my other side.

"Lisa??" I called. She turn around when she paused for taking another step.

"Are you f-free tonight?? Can you... Come home?" I asked without hesitations.

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