Chapter 29

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Rośe's pov


"Just stop Suzy! We're done!"

"Done?? Have you forgotten?? Have you forgot the person you only have before??"

"You're not that innocent. Remember that." she added then kissed my cheek.

"If you care about her, don't ever forgot...I don't like someone picking a Rose in my garden. " *smiles


"Fuuuck! Darn it!" *heavyly breath.

What now Suzy? You'll gonna mess with me now?!

How could she threaten me??


"You okay??it's late" Lisa asked in concern.

I composed my self while both feet are on the water. I was at the pool while everyone are already on thier rooms.

"Ye-yeah of course... I just can't sleep."

"Uhm, where's S-suzy??" I asked in curiosity.

"In her room." she simply utter then sat next to me then dip her feet on the water.

"Lisa... Ho-how did you met her?? You never told me about her." I suddenly asked that made her look at me.

It takes 5 seconds before she finally answered.

"Uhm, it was at the hospital,when I... I visit Jungkook. She's working there a-and I saw her..."

"Lisa, is there something going on between you two?? I-I mean.. Why did you guys kissed , o-or you're just drunk maybe?"

Please tell me there's nothing going on...

Lisa I don't like you being with her. She's insane.

"I think..."

"Hey!I've been searching for you." Suzy suddenly came.

"C'mon " she whispered then kissed Lisa's cheeks while glancing at me.

"Lisa? I think um, I'm tired. I will take my rest. ." I forced a smile then leave the pool. I paused a meter away then throw them a glance while taking my steps-

"SH-SHI-" I cut my own words seeing it was Jisso.

"What??" she asked in confusion.

"A-ahh... You startled me."

"I didn't. You're not watching your steps Chaeyoung..."

"I-I'm sorry..." *sighed. She's just scanning my face.

"You look bothered." she said that made me look at her.

"No, I think.. Uhm, I'm sleepy. ."

"Really?? Why don't you come with me? Let's go back to our rooms. " she said, I think for a second then nodded before she lead the way.

Jennie's pov

I just came out from my room because I want a fresh air from outside.

I don't think I won't never have a good sleep this night. I don't know, it's Lisa's fault.

How could she be with that girl?! Is that her kind of girl??

I don't want to see them-

Yeah, my darn eyes caught them having a coffee at one of the decks. That Suzy, I just forgot that she knew something about me and Lisa, now I can't understand why she's into Lisa all of a sudden.

"Babe, I was searching for you ." I heard Kai from behind.

"Ohh is that the lovely couples??" he added then scaped a laugh while looking at them. I throw him a glare then walked first leaving him.

Jisso's pov

I was having a drink with Rośe at the bar inside the hotel . I've been noticing her, she seems bothered and I can even caught her throwing a glance at Lisa and that Suzy.

I wonder what's going on in her mind...

"How's your project?" I tried to ask just to get her attention.

"I-it's.. Going well."she pursed a smile then take her glass of drink.

" Good... It's our last day. I think you'll be busy again tomorrow. "

" I think i am a-and I don't like it. "she utter but lowered her voice at the last part. Of course I still heard it.

" You don't like it?? "I asked and she seems surprised.

" I mean.. I want rest day. A long break. "she answered.

Did I hear it right? . The Rośe I know before is someone eager for this kind of career but now she wants a break?

" You're drinking?? "Lisa said as she came. She sat next to me at one of the stools then asked for a drink.

"Where's Suzy?" I asked her then Rośe glance at her.

"In her room, maybe."

"Lisa are you gay??" I frankly asked that paused her.Shes just looking at me with blank expression then smiled.

"You're the second person who asked me today. Well I guess, I don't need to hide it."

"Yes I am." she honestly answered. I just look away without looking surprised.

"WA-wait... Aren't you shock??" she asked in confusion.

"Lisa. I've been waiting for that confession." I answered then put my payment at the counter before leaving my seat.

Jennie's pov

I was on my way to my room when someone bumped me unintentionally, maybe...

"Sorry, I haven't seen you. Are you okay?" she politely asked. She's fucking tall,is this one of her advantage??

"Ye-yeah..." I simply utter.

"You are Lisa's friend right? I didn't formally introduced myself... I am Suzy. Lisa's girlfriend." she smiled.


"A-ah.. Yeah I know." I answered then look away.

"Okay.. Goodnight. I still need to search for my girl." she said then pursed a smile again before continued walking.

So they're official?? Is Lisa didn't care about her publicity?

I take a deep breath then turn my feet around. I walked back where I came from, a meter away I was about to turn right in the hallway when I saw them.

I just look away, I don't even know where I am going. I don't fucking understand why I need to follow that girl.

"Babe-" I cut his words by kissing him. He just came from my side but I saw Lisa and Suzy on on thier way towards our direction.

Kai kissed me back while holding my waist. I just clang my hands over his neck then until Lisa and Suzy passed by. Lisa glance at me but I ignored it.

When they are far away I loosen my grip and step back.

"I loved that. Why don't we continue that inside?" he whispered.

"Kai I'm tired." I simply answered then leave him from his spot.

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