Chapter 1: Preparation

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James was asleep on his bed inside his room. His room was filled with turf war posters and pictures from back home. He always looked up to turf war athletes he'd see on the TV and promised his mom that he'd be one too. Photos from back home included pictures with his mom Janet, and his younger brother Chris. They are both still back home in Splatsbury. Those pictures remind him of who is cheering him on and always there for him. He always tried to keep his room tidy, but most of the time it gets messy. It's 9am on a Saturday morning, and the rays of the morning sun beam on James' face.

James: *yawn* Jeez, what a day it was yesterday. I slept like a rock. What time is it? 9? Perfect!

James got out of his bed and walked over to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. Upon entering the kitchen, he could see his three friends having a chat.

???: Morning, James!

That was Harrison. He is the more friendly person of the group. His primary weapon is a roller, and he loves making close encounters with his enemies.

???: How's it going, bro?

That was Max. He is the funnier, more laid back and cooler person of the group. His primary weapon is a charger as he loves taking out enemies from a long distance.

???: Ready for today's match?

That was Harry. He's a great guy to be around. He primarily uses the aerospray for a good combination of covering turf and closely taking out enemies.

James: You bet I am!

As for James, he is a dualie main. Dualies cover a fair amount of ink and are great offensively. James loves the use of dodge rolling so much that he actually prefers using the Tetra Dualies, which can have 4 dodge rolls, hence why he called the team "The Tetra Crew".

James: We're going to get in some practice before the match just so we warm ourselves up. Remember, this is a big moment for us. We want to make the tourney this year, so everyone has to put in their best effort.

Harrison: You got it!

Max: Yes, sir!

Harry: Let's kick some butt!

James is kinda the leader of the team. He's the reason that The Tetra Crew exists. He made the team.

The match was in the afternoon, so James and the squad had time to train and warm up.

On his way out of the house, James realised there was mail in his mailbox. He decided to check it before the game.

There was a letter from his mom inside the mailbox. It read:

"Dear James,

Congratulations on making the turf war competition. I always knew when you were a child, you wanted to be a turf war competitor. You'd always tell me how hard you're going to train and how you're going to strive to be a competitor.

Well, here you are. You're all grown up now, you've moved out of the house, and you're in your first professional turf war competition. I'm so proud of you.

Just so you know, Chris and I are going to be watching you on the TV.

Best of luck to you and your team.



The letter his mom sent him warmed his heart. It reminded him that there's always someone looking out for him, and it was his mom and his brother.

James: (I'll make sure I win this for you, mom.)

After reading the letter, James and his team made their way to the training grounds where they trained for the upcoming match.

After some training, it was almost time for the Tetra Crew to head to Inkopolis Square to compete in their first professional turf war match. Before heading there, James had some words to say to his team.

James: Alright fellas, bring it in. This match is more important for us than it looks. I want us to focus and keep our heads in the game. I've already told you guys our game plan. Harrison, you're our frontline and you're covering as much ink as possible. Take out enemies from close range, and also mid-range using your vertical swing.

Harrison: Got it.

James: Max, you stick behind us. Get to some higher ground and take out enemies from long range.

Max: Easy as.

James: Harry, your main focuses are covering turf and taking out enemies from close range. Use the ink we covered to sneak up on enemies to take them out.

Harry: You got it, boss.

James: I'll be constantly on the move. I'll be covering turf and taking out players from mid-range. Alright, we got it?

Everyone: Yes!

James: We ready?

Everyone: Yes!

James: Alright, let's lock in. Tetra on three! One, two, three-!

Everyone: Tetra!

The team was filled with high spirits after that speech. They knew how important this game was.

James and the crew arrive at Inkopolis, and they see many cameras and microphones with many teams and players being interviewed. They aren't so surprised that they aren't being interviewed themselves.

James and the crew finally make their way to the locker room where they will gather up their gear and prepare for the event. James decides to give a pep talk to the team before the match.

James: Alright fellas, we made it. Our first professional match.

Everyone: Yeah! Woo! *they high five each other*

James: I love the attitude, but we gotta take this seriously. This is our time to show the league why we're here. We need to show the league what we can do. This is our time. Leave it out there today.

Max: Alright boys, let's lock in!

The Tetra crew put their hands in.

James: This is the biggest moment of our career, I guarantee it. Let's focus, and we will get the result we want. Alright, boys! Tetra on three! One, two, three!

Everyone: TETRA!

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