Chapter 6 - District 1

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After a great afternoon with the boys, James was ready to finally start the most important mission of his life (so far). He knew he couldn't mess this up.

The bright rays of the sun shone down on James' bedroom and right into his eyes.

James: Argh...

James got out of bed and soon realised what day it was.

James: Mission day! Hoo boy, am I excited.

With a smile on his face, James changed into some different clothes and prepared himself for his first day on the job. He walked out of his bedroom when three males were sitting in the lounge room waiting for him.

Max: Here's the big fella! Ready for the mission?

James: Ready as I'll ever be!

Harrison: Dang. It feels weird to see one of my best friends going out on an important mission, but it also feels great!

Harry: Good luck, man! You're gonna need it.

James: Thanks, guys. I'm glad to know that you three are cheering for me. I have to go now, but don't worry, I'll be back.

James waved goodbye to his three mates and was on his way to his first mission as Agent 4 of the Squidbeak Splatoon.

James: Here we go! Off to Octo Canyon!

After a drive to Inkopolis and an entrance to the Octo Canyon, James made his way to the Squidbeak Splatoon HQ and knocked on the front door. Marie opened it and greeted James.

Marie: Welcome, James. Ready for your first mission?

James: Yep. I've never been more ready.

Marie: Before I take you to District 1, I need to get you set up with your gear and everything. Come with me.

James: Aye, aye, captain.

Marie: Please stop saying that...

Marie took James to what's called the "preparation room". This is where all of the gear and weapons are stored for missions.

Marie: Over here is your Agent gear. It has a built-in camera so I can monitor you and see things from your perspective. *she shows it to James* Don't be too mesmerised by it. It's only your uniform.

Despite Marie's words, James' eyes were stuck to his new uniform. It looked badass.

James: (Wow...)

Marie: Now, take this telecommunication system. Use it to communicate with me while you're on your mission. I'll be able to talk to you from the HQ.

James nodded.

Marie: Go get changed into your uniform and clip this on. *she hands the telecommunication system to James* I'll wait for you outside.

James: Alright. See you soon.

Marie left the preparation room to let James get changed in peace. James changed into his uniform, clipped the device on, and he was ready to go.

 James changed into his uniform, clipped the device on, and he was ready to go

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Hero's Charge: A Splatoon Story (Agent 4 x Splatoon)Where stories live. Discover now