Chapter 11: District 2 (Part 2)

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James was in a bit of a pickle (or should I say, "sea pickle"). Octarians, Octolings, and other octotroopers surrounded him, and he needed a way out.

Marie: There are two ways you can get out of this, either break out or sneak out. There's nothing else you can do. *on James' communicator*

James: I see. I guess I'll have to break out.

Marie: You're deciding that quickly? You haven't even considered the other option!

James: It IS the only option, Marie! There's no other way out of this!

Marie: Alright, if you say so.

James: Let's get this show started.

Right after saying that, James came out from the cover, he was behind and quickly took out the two guards approaching him. He then threw a splat bomb at the octosniper that was on the tower to his right. He sprinted through the area, jumping from platform to platform, splatting enemy after enemy, praying for his life that he won't get killed.

Octotrooper: Over there!

An octotrooper spotted James as he was running on a slightly narrow platform.

Octotrooper: Deploy the octocopters!

A bunch of flying octarians with propellers on their heads came descending down on James.

James: Is that all you got? *he shouted confidently*

Marie: James! Don't talk to the enemy!

James: I know, just let me have some fun here.

Marie: As long as you stay alive.

Octotrooper: We know dodge rolls are your specialty. What are you gonna do on this narrow platform huh? *they shouted at James*

James: Just watch and learn, buddy.

As the octotroopers fired ink down at James, he dodged rolled forwards and backward to avoid them. Following the dodge rolls came a series of shots of ink from James. He took the octotroopers out one by one with ease.

James: Too easy!

Marie: So hot...

James: Huh? *in shock*

Marie: Oh! Uh, nothing! *she said nervously*

James looked back up at the octarian who was on a higher platform.

James: Like I said, is that all you've got? *he called out*

Octarian: Just you wait, inkling!

The octarian then disappeared.

James: And we're off again.

James continued on with his mission through District 2. A few platforms later...


Right in front of him, a female Octoling appeared.

Octoling: Where are you going, sweetie?

James: You're in my way.

Octoling: You're in our way, too. Don't you think you could be a little fairer?

James: Alright, you asked for it.

James quickly started shooting at the opposing Octoling in front of him. She dodged by going into her ink and swimming away from it. She then got out of the ink.

Octoling: Just shooting at me isn't going to work, sweetie! *she shouted from a far distance*

James: Hm... Then I'll try a different way. *he said to himself*

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