Chapter 25: Commander Krystal

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One week earlier...

*helicopter whirring*

A helicopter landed at the octo base. Out walked Krystal and the three other octoling commanders.

Krystal: Get some rest, girls. We'll get him next time.

Let's take our journey back one full week when James and the Squidbeak Splatoon invaded District 3. In case you don't remember, the four octoling commanders failed to beat James, who was fighting them by himself for a long time. One commander, Luna, had the open shot to splat him, but she hesitated, giving Kath a wide-open shot on her, freeing James.

The octoling commanders arrived back at the octo base and hopped out of the helicopter.

*beep beep*

Krystal: Huh?

She pulled out her telecommunicator and answered it.

Krystal: Hello?

???: Hey Krystal, the boss wants you in his office asap.

Krystal: Okay. I'm on my way.

This was natural to Krystal. She always gets called in by the boss. Unknown to her, this wouldn't be just her usual meeting with the boss.

Krystal: Hey, boss. How's it going?

Callie: Come on in, Krystal.

Krystal: Oh, I thought I was speaking to Alexei...

Callie: Well, you're talking to me now, and I have a few things to discuss with you...

Krystal: O...okay?

Callie got up from where she was sitting and walked closer to Krystal. She then stopped in her path.

Callie: I've already heard that you failed to stop that inkling again. *she said crossing her arms*

Krystal: Oh. (Who told her?) Yeah, that happened.

Callie: *sigh* And I heard that you had a little bit of help, too.

Krystal: Well, yeah, I couldn't handle him by himself...

Callie: And yet you still couldn't handle him when you had 3 other commanders! *she snapped*

Callie snapping at her made her flinch. She stood in silence for a few seconds before speaking up.

Krystal: Well, the inkling had other agents with him--

Callie: I don't care! There's no way a group of four octoling commanders can't stop a measly inkling! You're supposed to be our best soldier!

Krystal: That's what I'm trying to say--

Callie: What? That 4 commanders can't beat one inkling? Clearly, you four aren't our best soldiers if you can't kill this stupid inkling!

That sentence made Krystal freeze. She has never been insulted like this in a long time.

Callie: At this point, I don't even know why the supreme leader even hired you for this position! We didn't give you this job just to do fuck all!

Krystal: I... *she stuttered*

She was taken aback. Callie was treating her like crap, and she couldn't do anything about it. Callie had a higher role than her.

Callie: Well? Spit it out, then!

Krystal: I'm sorry... *she said holding back tears*

Callie: Sorry for what? Not being good enough? Not doing the mission we set for you? Not fulfilling your role as a commander?!

Krystal: I... I...

She was frozen in place, holding back tears, feeling like she was about to burst into sadness and anguish. She kept her composure in front of Callie, but it was clearly visible to Callie that she was.

Krystal: I'm sorry, it won't happen again--

Callie: And that's what you told me last time! When you failed to kill him in District 2!

Krystal: But he's just that--

Callie: "But he's just that good!" Guess what, Krystal? You told me that too!

Silence came upon both of them. They stared at each other for several seconds.

Callie: You know what, Krystal? Get out of my face before I do my most violent act as the second in charge!

This made Krystal's heart sink. Was Callie threatening to hurt her? Torture her? KILL HER?

She quickly ran away before Callie even had the chance to say another thing. She ran so fast through the octo base, no one even had the chance to greet her or even see her for more than a second. She ran into her office and shut the door loudly.

She jumped on her bed and burst into tears.

Krystal: *sobs* Maybe she's right! Maybe I am not good enough! I'm just a pathetic little bitch who can't kill a FUCKING INKLING!

She buried her face in a pillow and cried her heart out.

Krystal: All because I'm in love with him! WHY DID I LET HIM GO IN DISTRICT ONE?!

Her tears covered the pillow. Her eyes turned red from the many tears coming out of them.

Krystal: Is this what I am? A bitch? A whore? A no-good octoling girl who keeps an inkling alive because he's hot?!

She turned over and looked at the ceiling for a few minutes. She laid her arms on her stomach.

Krystal: *sigh* This reminds me of when I was first in the octoling army before I became a commander. I was treated like shit. The commanders treated me like shit.

She wiped a tear off her cheek.

Krystal: When Agent 3 took the zapfish back, most of them died, and that's how I became a commander. That kinda set me free from the crap I was getting.

She thought for a moment.

Krystal: I haven't been treated like crap in so long, and it used to not bother me. Now it's different.

She laid on her bed in silence for a few minutes, wondering about what she should do. How should she deal with this? Should she tell someone? Should she stand up to Callie?

She sat up, and her legs dangled off the side of her bed.

Krystal: You know what. I know exactly what I'm going to do.

She wiped her face clean of her tears.

Krystal: This shithole has become a nightmare for me. All I've been doing is working, again and again. I've never been able to do anything that I want to do. I'm stuck here. I'm suspended here. Wanting to drop into my own life and being prevented. It's time that changes.

She put her hands on her hips and looked up with a smile on her face.

Krystal: I'm going to escape the octo base. I'm gonna get myself out of this mess of a home.

Next time on Hero's Charge...

Krystal is ready to escape the octo base! Will she make it out without being noticed? Will she make it out ALIVE? Find out next time on Hero's Charge!

A/N: Hey, squids and kids! I'm back with our 25th chapter in the story (not really the 25th, but whatever)! So this chapter was a bit dark, and I used a fair amount of curse words in this. I was quite scared putting them in because I don't know my audience very well. So please tell me if you guys are okay with curse words in this story! If you tell me you are, I'll be much more confident when I use them in chapters, and it takes a lot of stress off of me when it comes to my audience! Please tell me in the comments, and I'd really appreciate it!

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