Chapter 3: Early Morning

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It was 5:00 in the morning when James woke himself up without an alarm. This doesn't come as much of a surprise to him as he's always waking up early to train.

James: Hm... I should go back to sleep, but I'll go for a walk instead, maybe take in some of the scenery, maybe train for a little while. I dunno. I'll just see where the wind takes me.

James was out of bed and ready to start his day with a morning coffee. The sky shone a beautiful orange, which is coincidentally his hair colour. This seemed like the perfect time to take some time for himself.

James: What a relaxing early morning it is today.

After finishing his coffee, getting into some comfortable clothes, and exiting the house, James was on his way to Inkopolis.

James: Surely there's going to be SOME people there.

After parking his car, getting out, and locking it, he entered Inkopolis Square.

Inkopolis Square... looked like a ghost town. There was no one to be seen. This shouldn't be a surprise as it was 5 in the morning.

James: Huh, I guess not a lot of people like to wake up early. *he breathes in some of the air* Nice weather this morning. *he puts his hands in his pockets*

The weather was warm and slightly windy, it felt so relaxing to James. It's all brand new to him as this is only his second time in Inkopolis, the first time being yesterday.

James: Wow, I made it. Inkopolis. The most popular place in the world, and I'm standing here, hands in my pockets, taking in the scenery. *pauses* I should do this more often.


Just after James took in Inkopolis' beautiful scenery, a splashing sound came from his left ear. Maybe he wasn't alone after all.

He turned to his left, to see a girl in a kimono that looked to have come out of a drain that was near Grizzco Industries. She held an umbrella and used her clothes to hide her identity.

 She held an umbrella and used her clothes to hide her identity

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Girl: ...

After a brief moment, she was signalling James to follow her.

James: (She wants me to follow her?)

Completely oblivious of the situation, James walked closer to the drain, in which the girl took her squid form and went down the drain. James followed.

A few moments later, James ended up in what looked like some sort of training grounds. The girl in the kimono was standing a few metres away from him.

Girl: It's so great to finally meet you.

James: Uh... who are you?

Girl: I saw you at that Turf War match at Inkopolis, you look like you have some great potential.

James: Really?

Girl: Yes. You've got quite the skills for a rookie, I must say.

James: Well, thanks, but could you tell me who you are and exactly why I'm here?

Girl: Right, my apologies. *she puts her umbrella down and reveals her face* I'm Marie.

James: Wait, you're-

Marie: Yes, I'm THAT Marie, from the Squid Sisters.

James: Wow...

Marie: Anyway, I need your help, and that's why you're here. Last night, my cousin Callie was on a scouting mission to locate any Octarians in the vicinity of our base. She told us that she saw something on her radar and decided to investigate. She didn't say anything after that. I thought it was just a bad signal, but she didn't come home. We think it might have something to do with the Octarians. Earlier that day, I saw you. I think you'll fit great as Squidbeak Splatoon's Agent 4.

James: Agent 4??? So like, I'm an agent?

Marie: Yep. I was thinking of seeing your next match or training you for a while, but this situation is urgent. We need to find my cousin Callie and figure out why she went missing.

James: Well, I'll be happy to help.

Marie: Great! We will get you started now!

James: We? Who's we? I thought this was just you.

Marie: Well, gramps and Agent 3 are also here, I should introduce you. Come with me.

James: Ah yes, let's go.

Marie and James made their way to the Squidbeak Splatoon Shack, where they would see Cap'n Cuttlefish and Agent 3.

Marie: *knock knock* Hey, it's me!

The door creaks open, and James sees an old man's face which quickly brightens up upon seeing Marie.

Cap'n: Ah, Marie! It's great to see you again! And this must be our new agent?

Marie: Yes, it is.

Cap'n: It's great to finally meet you. Please, come inside.

Marie and James walk inside the shack and Cap'n closes the door behind them. Upon entering, James sees lots of agent and telecommunication equipment, as well as the old man and a young girl.

Cap'n: 3, this is our new Agent 4.

Cap'n: 3, this is our new Agent 4

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(Art is not by me)

Agent 3: (Wow he really is hot) Nice to meet you, 4. The name's Kathleen, but I really go by Kath.

James: Nice to meet you, I'm James.

They shake hands.

Cap'n: And allow me to introduce myself. I am Craig Cuttlefish, but you can call me Cap'n. Cap'n Cuttlefish.

James: That rolls off the tongue well. Nice to meet you. I'm James.

They also shake hands.

Marie: Alright, now that introductions are out of the way, we can talk about the situation at hand. Callie is missing, and we have no idea where she is or what she's doing.

Kath: She lost her signal last night after telling us there was something important on her radar, we think it could be the octarians.

Cap'n: Those darn octarians! Who else could have captured my sweet Callie?

Marie: We don't know if she's captured yet, gramps, but it is very likely.

James: So, where do we start.

Marie: We start with your training, which is today.

James: Great!

Marie: Now, let's get to your training.

James: Aye, aye, captain.

Hero's Charge: A Splatoon Story (Agent 4 x Splatoon)Where stories live. Discover now