Chapter 19: Moving In

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-After moving out of his friends' house-

It's the same day. James is moving into the Squidbeak HQ, where he will be staying until his duties as Agent 4 are completed. He will be staying with the 4 other agents that are part of the Squidbeak Splatoon.

It felt like the right thing to do. This whole Octarian situation with Callie going missing and the Octarians getting stronger was important, very important. Moving into the HQ will make things far easier for all agents, especially James.

James: I guess this is it. I'm moving in.

He was in his car with the luggage in the back.

James: It still surprises me that I came here to be a Turf War athlete, but now I'm an agent of Inkopolis' highest-level agency.

Soon later, he arrived at the HQ. He parked the car, took out his luggage, and made his way to the front door.

*ding dong*

Marie: Oh, he's here!

Marie dashed to the door, unlocked it, and saw James standing behind it with his luggage.

James: Hey, Marie.

Marie: Welcome home, James!

James: Oh, haha, I wouldn't call it home, I'm only living here for the time being.

???: Why not, matey? We love to call this place home!

James turned his head to see Cuttlefish standing near Marie.

James: Sure, then. I'll call it home... for now.

Marie: Great! Let me show you where you're sleeping.

She took her to a spare bedroom that looked comfortable, but very basic.

Marie: I get it, it looks dull, but this is where you add all of the decorations and stuff you want. It's your bedroom now.

James: Thanks, Marie. I'll get to unpacking now.

Marie: Okay, I'll leave you alone, then.

She left James' new room and shut the door behind her.

James: Time to start unpacking.

He started by unpacking his clothes from his suitcase and putting them away in his wardrobe. He packed all of his favourite casual clothes and clothes for going out. He then put all of his weapons in a large area in the closet. He then put his suitcases away, took out another bag, and started decorating his room with posters, art, and photos, including the one of him and his family. An hour after he went inside the house, James had fully unpacked and decorated his room.

James: Phew. That was hard work. *he said sarcastically* I should go take a break.

He left his room and headed to the living room. When he entered, he saw all the agents there talking, except Cuttlefish.

Marie: Ah, there's the legend himself.

Kath: About time you moved in here. *she said unimpressed*

Rosie: Welcome home, James!

James: Thanks, everyone. I feel at home already.

Marie: Well, you do come here very often. *she laughed at her own joke*

James: Well, that makes sense.

Rosie: At least you're living here now!

James: Right. So, what were you guys talking about?

Marie: Well, since we have all the agents here together, we decided to talk about taking the third district from the octarians using you three.

James: Oh?

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