Chapter 28: Octopolis

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(Hey, I'm so sorry it took me this long to publish a new chapter! I've been in my final exams and working over the holidays, but I was just able to squeeze this chapter out! Hope you enjoy it! Again, sorry for the delay for this chapter.)

The next day...

After the surprising arrival from Krystal, James was practically forced to go to Inkopolis with her to settle her into the HQ. It was the last thing he wanted to do that day, but he had to.

Our chapter starts in James' bedroom. It was 9 in the morning, and James was starting to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes.

James: Urgh...

???: Good morning, sweetie!

James: Mm... wha?

James' eyes adjusted to the light and saw what was in front of him... or rather on top of him. Krystal had entered his room, took off the bed covers, and sat on his lap to wake him up. She sat around his... waist... and sat up so James could see her whole body. Her breasts were so big, they almost covered her face from James' perspective. James had a good view of her body, in that black latex--

James: Ah! Krystal, what are you doing?!

Krystal: Just waking you up. *she said with an innocent smile* Do you like the way I do it?

James: Absolutely not! I...

He realised where Krystal was sitting. She wore a short black skirt, which meant that the only thing between the two were a black thong and James' boxers. The skin of her thighs caressed against James'. It made him blush.

Krystal: What's wrong, honey? Am I too much for you? *she said as she put her hands on his chest*

James: *blushing* N-no... i-it's...

Krystal: *giggling* I'm just playing with you, James! Come on, sleepyhead! We have some clothes to buy!

James: More like YOU have clothes to buy!

Krystal: Come on, James! Get up! *she said bouncing up and down*

James: I would if you weren't weighing me down...

Krystal: Oh! Silly me! Let me just get off of you...

She slowly moved off of his lap. Her black skirt was so short that she gave James a nice view of her behind. It made him blush.

Krystal: James, don't stare! *she said jokingly*

James got up from his bed. Krystal was still in his room, watching him.

James: Um... I need to get changed. Can you... leave?

Krystal: Can I watch you?

James: *pause* A-absolutely not!

Krystal: Aw... okay. I'll get out... *she said pouting*

She slowly walked out and closed the door.

James: Finally, inner peace.

Now that his room was completely quiet, James was able to start getting ready for his morning trip to Inkopolis.

James: These clothes will work just fine.

After a few minutes, James walked out of his room to see Krystal lying on the couch.

James: I'm ready to go, Krystal.

Krystal: Mm... I dunno... I'm feeling kinda tired...

James: This was your idea!

Krystal: Maybe someone could help me wake up? *she turned her head to him and winked*

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