bad accident (all of them mainly paul)

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He was laying in bed hooked up to ventilators, different types of machinery as John, George, Ringo, and you, Paul's (girlfriend/boyfriend/ partner) of 3 years watched the heart rate monitor track his heartbeat. It was 1965, he had been in a bad MoPed accident. The others came as soon as you made the heartbreaking call.

"what were you doing, macca?" John asked as you clutched Paul's hand.

He groaned a bit, opening his eyes, "I was riding down the street and some wanker blew the stop sign." He spoke. That angered you. Thank God he wasn't killed! You closed your eyes sparing yourself the details. George, and Ringo silently cussed at their feet, hanging their heads low.

"Are you going to sue?" George asked, glancing up at Paul.

"Yeah, (y/n) and I are going to sort that all out. Don't you lads worry." Paul responded with a weak smile.

"That's good then." Ringo replied, looking over at you.

"I phoned Paul's attorney as soon as I received the call about the accident. Once he's up and functioning, they're going to see us in court. Until then it's a bunch of proceedings and investigating." You replied, rubbing Paul's hand with the pad of your thumb.

"Good on you (y/n)! Always on top of it." John softly smiled.

"Have to be." You answered, when the nurses walked in.

"Hello, I'm nurse Alicia Wincock, I'm here to take Paul's vitals. How long has he been stationed here?" She asked, clearly new at her job.

"Uhm hi, I'm (y/n), Paul's (partner/girlfriend/boyfriend). We already had his vitals taken. This is his bandmates, we're waiting for a doctor to give us an update." You spoke as she nodded,

"Ahh, alright. I'll go see where she is." She spoke, walking out of the room.

"We're going to get you out of here Paul." You reassured him as the doctor walked into the room. she was a slim red headed woman with basil green eyes, a diamond ring on her left hand.

"Hello I'm Doctor Juliet Thomas, we're going to run Paul through some X-rays, and some Catscans. Should be another hour or so." She spoke.

"Thank you Doctor." You answered.

After some X-rays, and Catscans, everyone was finally updated on his well-being.

"He'll just have to stay with us for a little longer but by next Tuesday he should be ok." Dr. Thomas spoke.

"Thank you." You nodded.

"Well we're not going anywhere." George chimed in.

"Good." You responded, glancing over at George.

Dr. Thomas softly beamed, "He's lucky to have friends and family like you lot."

"Extremely lucky." You answered.

George bit his tongue as he looked over at John and Ringo, his eyes saying what he couldn't.

As the days went on, you all took care of Paul as best you could, moreso you. Which enticed George to look at John and Ringo the same way again. You answered questions for the other three as well, which slightly pissed John and Ringo off, but mainly George.

When it was time for Paul to be discharged, the other three had had enough of you.

George was the first to develop a problem with you, often talking about you behind your back to John and Ringo. To which, they would agree.

On this day as you rolled Paul out of the hospital, George finally snapped,

"You know (y/n) this last week has really proven something to me-the fact that you're insufferable."

You stopped rolling Paul as you took a minute to glance at George. You furrowed your brows together before answering,

"what the hell are you talking about?"

"You've only been with Paul for three years and yet you were making it look like you've been there for his whole life. You were answering questions John, Ringo, or I could've answered, you were being snotty, and quite frankly, not to be rude, but you really showed us that you're just a bitch." George quipped as you felt your face fall pale.

"Excuse me! I am not a bitch!"

"Well, you kinda are." Ringo added in.

"Ringo? Really?" You asked with a defeated look.

"What George means is, you took charge a lot of the time and I get Paul is your boyfriend but he's our best friend too. You just seemed like you had an attitude the entire time and while it was stressful and hard on all of us, you made us feel worse." John explained.

"Also you brought the energy down. We would want to joke around with Paul, or tell old stories, and you'd shut it down. Simply for no reason at all." George added on.

"W-well I'm sorry. I just..." You stammered.

"Just leave it. We're taking Paul to Cavendish, no need to worry yourself, (y/n)." George spoke, standing beside you as you moved out of the way.

"Well hold on a minute! This isn't fair!" You protested.

"Life isn't fair, sweetheart. You'll make a great story to tell the kids." George smirked as you gasped.

John and Ringo laughed as Paul looked up,

"Guys, please stop being rude. (He/She/They) were just trying to help." He sighed.

"Well, while we appreciated that, (He/She/They) need to know their place. It's over! (He's/She's/They're) being replaced and I really don't care what you have to say James." George replied, pushing Paul in the wheelchair.

"Did you just call me by my first name?" Paul asked with a raised brow.

"Yes I did. Now let's get you home." George answered. John and Ringo followed behind as you stayed back, staring at the scene in complete disbelief.

"What the fuck.." You scoffed as you walked off, never seeing them again.

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