The 90s : How it started !!

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While on the other hand MD slept but her health is worse now, in the very early morning she is having fever n so much weakness n feeling very dizzy so she called Monali and not SRK , as she read his text that he has to go for meetings, when Monali came to her room she is about to faint and then they went to hospital hurriedly .
At the Hospital , they suggested to get MD admitted there for a day.

On the other hand he is returning from his meetings n first thing he did is calling his Chand, but to his surprise she isn't picking it up so he gets worried n called Monali, then Monali told him everything, in the early morning ma'am is having high fever n dizziness n she called me when I went to her mam is about to faint n ,I took her here n as doctors said she has to be here for a day, now he is so much worried, he directly went to the hospital n thinking he should have to see her at night itself..

He reached to her at hospital he saw her sleeping , she is being given glucose drip...Monali came to him when she saw SRK
SRK was so mad at her, all these happened to her n you didn't even inform me, we all know how she is but you should inform me ...then he saw doctor coming to visit her , he had talk with him..
Doc said, she is having low BP, fever n inspite of these she worked without having proper food ...she will be alright, nothing to much worry about
By then she wakes up n watches him , how much he is getting worried...he then came near to her after doc left checking her health..
Monali goes outside as SRK wants to talk to MD
MD: I m sorry
SRK : it's ok...don't worry about anything I m here now with you
He then holding her hand asking about her Chand tell me what happened what do you feel are you ok ? his face full of worries while she was smiling to comfort him
She said : I'm ok now it's all because of stress nothing more just a little rest will help me
SRK: no Chand you said that before but it's not that normal ... you are so pale and looking so weak
She felt so special with all of this worries and love for her
SRK: now Chand you just have to rest..... close your eyes and sleep...
She closed her eyes and he put a gentle kiss of her lips and hands
SRK : I will be back after having talk with the doctors.

He told all of people to go to hotel as they have to leave for India that evening and said let me check if she can travel or not , I need to check it with Doc
SRK : can she travel tonight?
Doc : I suggest to let her have rest for a day at least.
SRK : that won't be a problem, but when will you discharge her ?
Doc : tonight , if anything happens to her call me immediately, one has to stay with her all time, shall I send a nurse with her ?
SRK : no no I will manage

Then he is thinking what to do now , he talked with the crew n told them they go to India n we will be back day after tomorrow as doc suggested...He is being so much worried for her
Monali said I too will stay , but he said you too go , I will take care of her, just inform her family n go n let her talk with her family, I m coming in a while...
After a while he came to her and said Monali that I am here with her and you should go now as you have to join with others....she left then to join others

By the time its night and doc came and checked her and said to him, you can take her to the hotel
SRK : are you sure doc?
Doc : yes, make sure she takes food proper and medicines on time
SRK : don't worry for that I will manage that

SRK to MD : so Chand let's go from this place
MD: thank god and she is about to stand from her bed but she could not even stand properly due to weakness
SRK then holds and helps her to stand up ...and said, Chand why don't you care for yourself ? this is not done..
MD : sorry, It wont happen again, then she is trying to adjust her hair that coming on her face but she could not do it properly
He noticed it and he said : let me do this...he then adjusted her hair and smiled at her
MD is being so emotional watching his love and care for herself now having wet eyes..and said to him I love you...
SRK : I love you too Chand
Then he added, you should not do this strict diet, I mean let me have that delicious chubby cheeks to eat amazing it would be
MD : you can romance in any situations
SRK: becoz I am the king of romance
And they both laughed and went to the car and reached hotel room
He then helped her to seat on her bed and tell her wait I will come in short time after freshen up then I will order dinner for us, you too freshen up yourself
After a while he came back and they had dinner and he gave her medicines
And told her to lay on bed and take rest
MD : you look so tired and exhausted you go and have sound sleep, I am all fine ..if I need anything I will call you
SRK : no way , I am not going anywhere , I don't trust you in this matter after what you did yesterday
MD: I said naa I m sorry
SRK : I think I will have more sound sleep besides you on the bed
MD : ok as you wish (as she also wanted his warmth and pampering as she is not feeling well )
Then he adjusted himself holding her hand besides her on the bed
MD : feeling bored after sleeping all day at hospital
SRK: we can't go out my love
MD : ohh yes..
SRK : do you remember how we met ?
She said how can I forget this time , I was so happy to know you... these feelings of comfort since the beginning till now increasing for being love with all of my heart and mind I knew that it's difficult for me although I can't stop loving you

SRK said : shhh Chand putting his finger on her lips to stop talking, let me speak my queen, when I see you first it was seeing a big star working with me but these feelings turned to be comfort and then something happened I don't know what is it but at that time I was trying to avoid it but I failed I know I failed even if I said that you are just a friend but I know this is not the truth , on the set When we were together more time on our second film I felt that in your eyes in your expressions but I was always denying till my heart was crazy in you as our film name , I went crazy in you every single touches It was from my heart my love to your neck my kisses I can't say but it's from my heart Chand believe me but then I know this conversation of aur pass aur pass I was passionate to kiss you from all of my heart I wanted to have more and more time with you this time was kissing and rubbing her hands so many times

you know when that happened the scene
That I said to you if you are not in love with me look at my eyes and say that , I felt your love that time that no one of us can resist or deny any more that was my best time with you
MD: that is what I exactly felt , I couldn't refuse anything related to you
I was so happy to work with you, I wanted all of my films to be with you to feel the pleasure and to be with you for longer time , and our first lip kiss....neither at that time you cared for camera nor now, why are you so shahrukh ?...then they both had smile as that kiss was so sudden that no one else notices except them
And she added then yeah when we did that scene ( if you don't love me look at my eyes ) I was so scared that everything will be obvious and it was so obvious on me I can't hide it but I can't be stubborn to you and your family because I really love you but I could not accept it.

SRK : do you remember the last shoot at Germany I just felt sad that this is the last day for us being together so I can't resist convincing to you that I love you , do you remember how I said that ,
MD : yes after the dinner party you told me to go on long drive
SRK : And there I told  you first time , MD I can't hide it I love you
Your tears were filling your eyes you didn't say anything
Till you said your decision that you can't because.... you can't do that to my family and Geetha didn't deserve that I was and I am and I'll be so proud of you for that.....
And then when this day came you said you will marry Rajesh and you will leave to US just for all of us best you left your career just to make everything normal...... I can't lie in this I was so sad I can't be away from you but at the same time I was so happy for you it was like tearing with smiling face...

MD:  I don't know what I have done and what I am doing but one thing is sure that I always love you ...
SRK didn't say anything but He went to kiss her neck to comfort her and to not cry remembering this
And he went and slept on her bed hugging her and kissing her neck and cheeks till they slept like that
Next morning she was feeling better and they went to see the doctor again and doc said its ok if she can travel today
Then they came to hotel and he let her lay on her bed and went out to wind up the things...he then came back saw her reading the book , he just set himself besides her and holding her , she then putting her fingers on his hair and as he was tired so much he slept like a small baby holding her gently ,....she then staring at him and thinking about their life....destiny put us in a messy situation neither we can accept our love nor we can deny it....

To be continued.....💕

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