A Step Ahead For Togetherness 💗

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After Aadi and Rani went...
It's just them....
MD stopped crying but she became so cold with the nervousness n stress....he felt that , he told her...Chand let's go to the room...you are feeling so cold.
Then they went to his room...she is so quiet...
He let her seat on the bed and took hot water for her to drink ...he then asked.
SRK : Chand, are you OK? Don't mind them, as they are our good friends they want us to be happy just that...there is no need to take tension to tell Rajesh this early...whenever you want ...

MD just nodded yes
Just then her mobile buzzed
He saw it's showing Honey Calling...
She didn't pick the call..
Again it buzzed...
SRK : Chand you talk with him...I go out for a while...just relax and talk normal ok?
Then she told him to seat besides her and then she holds his hand....he did as she said. .he doesn't know why she told him to do so...like he wanted to have her talk with Rajesh alone...
But he did what she wants now..he is just holding her hand tightly...

MD took the call

Rajesh : hii honey, all ok ? You called me but I could not call you back then as I was busy and I just landed to India today
As he has all business at the states he travel there frequently...
MD: yes I am ok...I just called to inform you that I will be out of India for the shoot for couple of weeks...and...
Rajesh : btw I want to ask you something...but yes you say and what?
By now SRK understood why she wanted him to be with her ..
MD: no you say first...my thing will take time ..
Rajesh : no you go ahead...
MD: ..I don't know from where to start....listen carefully and try to understand me...we always had a great times together as family...but during past few years...there is always tension between us ....there are differences between us...
I can't give all of mine to you during these years...believe me I tried my best for it...but I can't lie to you anymore or to myself...I think I can't justify our relationship anymore....I...I want to...
Rajesh : wait... are you talking about you getting in again that Old love of yours? If you wanna have it then why you have created this mess....and took this long to take the decision..
MD: yes, it's that love I told you before our marriage....I was away from him for decades and I thought those feelings are vanished....but when I met him again.... these feelings came back ...and I can't lie to you....this love is my life now...we want to have new life together....I m sorry Rajesh... I tried my best to stay away from these feelings but nothing worked for me or for him this time....
Rajesh : we will talk about it when you will come here....may be you are upset with me so saying so...
MD: No, Rajesh I am serious...I can't be with our relationship anymore.....I told your over call because I never ever can say this to you in person...I m sorry again...
Rajesh : so what I was hearing these days are true. ..is it SRK?
MD:   yes, it's HIM....
Rajesh : I thought its all part of your movie promotion.....I never expected such things from you MD...
MD: I am sorry again...I can't justify relations neither to you nor to him...I have to take decision ...
Rajesh: I don't know what to react....there is no sense in forcing you in our relationship as there are lots of differences than the love since past few years..you think on twice before doing anything...
MD: I m extremely sorry but it's my final decision
Then Rajesh ended the call ...

SRK during her whole conversation hold her hands tightly and was giving her strength to speak out her heart feeling..
As soon as MD put her cell aside... SRK said to her
SRK : come to me...
He took her in his arms ..just rubbing her back n kissing her cheeks just to comfort her...as he knows how she must be feeling right now...
There was deep silence there for some time...
She is not saying anything....

SRK then looked at her n said : you trust me?
MD nodded yes
SRK : don't worry about anything....I am forever with you My Love....I love you so much Chand
MD then gave him a hug n said : I love you too....
SRK then wanted to make the moment lighter and to let her feel good

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