The Wildest Them

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So it's the day when SRK has to leave for India ...
So he is getting ready ..
MD came to him and helping him to wear his shirt and blazer ...
SRK while holding her said : I will miss you so much Baby
MD: me too...listen I want to tell you something...

SRK : yes...tell me

She is while helping him in putting on his shirt said..
MD: I know you always been friendly with everyone...but is it necessary all the time to get closer to everyone ?....I mean be friendly but keep the distance....I mean I don't bother either but just saying...
SRK is smiling and in his mind saying himself I just wanted to see her like this..
SRK : Chand ,when this happened to you? it you saying this?
MD: I don't know, I don't like when you touches someone else other than me...or someone else touches you..
SRK : I am just loving this are being possessive for me...and getting jealous
SRK : ohh My Beautiful !!! I love you only...and I am all yours only
He then kissed her forehead.
MD: I know I shouldn't feel like that
SRK : No , as a wife you must feel that, he then took her closer in his arms...
He is just so happy to see her like that
MD: uff...and you are enjoying this.
SRK : Baby, I am all yours forever 💖 let me go, I am getting late...just take care My Love and I will miss you so much.
He then give a gentle kiss on her lips .
MD: I will miss you too...take care and please come back soon...I will wait for you Baby
He then left ...
She went to her family house there for some days

She is having great time with her siblings....but she is missing him a lot ...on the other hand he too missing her a it's for the first time after their marriage they are having this distance...

SRK is busy with his work as he visits India after long ...his fans are so desperate to have his one glimpse with MD but as she isn't with him...he for few moments went to wave them and said thanks for their good wishes and love for him and MD...
After this he missed her so much like he felt that she must have been besides him now....he wanted to show the world how happy and in love they both are...
But it's just a matter of few days only...
He then think to be the Teaser like his wifey who is the master in he sent her a pic...his selfie with his female fans....
And texted....
Very Good Morning Chand 😉

On the other hand...
She saw his pic and got annoyed and thought in spite of I said not to do that how could he? She felt jealous actually that some others are close to him and not her ...
So she didn't reply him at all..
Actually at that time she was with her shows co judge he got to know about MD stay at the US and he too was at the same place as she was , he can't stop himself to meet and greet her good wishes on her new life with SRK...
She took selfie with Tushar ...
They had short meet and then she left...
SRK texted again just to tease her more....
"Someone is getting jealous for no reason..."
Like he is in full on mood to tease her today...
Now she replied him...

Yes dear....indeed it's very good n hot morning here...
She then sent him her selfie with Tushar ....

SRK on seeing this pic...
SRK : Noooo...what is he doing with you there? Just tell him to stay away from you...
MD: I see someone is got trapped in their own trap....take it easy my charmer....

SRK: you can't do this to me
MD: exactly you can't do this to me even...

SRK : first tell me he went or not?

MD: why should you bother, you enjoy taking selfies just you did it in the morning..
SRK : you know well it was just to tease you , you now just go to home please...
MD: my poor Baby, I am at home only....for your knowledge I met Tushar for 5 minutes only
SRK : whatever
MD: ok catch you later , someone is calling me....take care My Love you ❤
SRK : I miss you so much ..

After some days stay there...MD went back to their home at New Zealand... SRK will arrive on the same day but later in evening..

She was busy whole day with pending work of their company.

After the work she got herself refreshed and feels so excited to see him after a just a week but for them it's too much ....just then her mobile buzzed..
It was his text...Chand I will be little late due to delay in flight...can't wait to see you soon..
She smiled remembering his pampering and naughty things ....then she went to bed and get herself busy in reading the book...but before going to bed she prepared herself well to welcome his charming husband in a way he loves to have her. . .

On the other hand SRK just landed and in a hurry to reach at the it's been week he hasn't meet his love his wife....he is so excited to have her in his arms and to pamper her love her ❤

So finally he reached at his home...he just put aside his stuffs and he went directly to their bed room....and he is so happy and excited...he has just opened the door and saw....she is sleeping peacefully...he smiled to himself and he is just staring at her . .he doesn't want to disturb her sleep so he quietly freshen up and he too slept besides her on the bed...he then holds her and kissed her cheeks softly ...but with his warm touches she wakes up ...

MD: when did you come ?? I didn't realize when I went asleep...
SRK.: it's okay Baby, I came just few minutes ago...
He then hugs her tightly and said
SRK : I missed you so much My Love
MD: I missed you too ..
There was silence for sometimes as they just want to feel each other...
MD then asked : have you taken your dinner?
SRK : No
MD: ohh sorry dear, I just go and bring something for you....she then about to come out of the bed but he stops her by holding her hand and tells her to stay sleep besides him...and said
SRK : Not that Chand ...he is giving naughty smiles to her...
MD understood his intentions
MD: aren't you tired from this long journey?
SRK : to have this Dinner? ...never
MD: so you missed this thing more ...and not me
SRK : not that....I missed you a lot but I missed this dinner...just a little bit more 😋
She is pretending to be upset but she is actually wanted hear that only....
SRK : don't act as if you didn't miss this 😜
MD: not as much as you
SRK : you liar....just look at yourself...
MD: what I have done?
SRK : why have you wear this shorts today? You know well that I find you the sexiest in this 😉.. MD: just to let my flirty husband realize that he has the best in the world....the most beautiful and the sexiest wife ..
SRK : ohh so my wifey is so possessive for me ...I m just loving it..

She is so desperate to have him...but she wants him to initiate the things...
So she started touching his legs with her bare sexy legs to provoke him....
She then went closer to him with full seductive looks said
MD: now just don't waste the time Baby...and have your's so ready to serve you 🥵
SRK now can't not resist her for even a moment....her seductive look...her loud breathing...soft touches of her bare legs to his body is making him excited and too much wild...he go on to have her....he is too wild and hard on her
On the other hand she calmly enjoying his wild kissing and touches......she isn't resisting anything from him in spite of she isn't able to handle his wild love making as she exactly wanted this from him tonight...
After their love moments...she said him

MD: please never go away from me again like's just let me feel those times of long waiting n longing for each other...I don't want to feel those moments ever again ...and then she hugged him so he has felt the same as MD, he replied her
SRK : I promise, I won't ever go away from you My Love...I will be with you always ❤
With holding tightly each other they go asleep.
In the morning when he wake up, he wants to have her besides him but she isn't there...he saw the time's so late..
He then went downstairs...he went near to her who is doing her things...he holds her from behind and said
SRK : beautiful morning my sexy wifey...
MD smiled at his words n said.
MD : had a good sleep?
SRK : yes ....he then go on kissing her neck while holding her tightly...
MD just said ouch
SRK : what happened Baby ?
MD: nothing
SRK then noticed those love marks and said
SRK : sorry
She then face toward his face , put her arms around his neck

And said
MD: don't say's me who wanted you to be this wild...she then blushed
SRK then kissed gently those love marks....
MD: Baby its morning...let's get ready and go for work...
SRK : no work today at n my wife will go for a yacht drive today . get ready for that Chand
MD: and what about the pending work ?
SRK : I don't care about anything right now...let's get ready...
They had a beautiful day together at their favorite place 💕
A long drive in their yacht
To be continued....❤️

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