It's HER Night 🔥

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he opened the door....they entered to the suite MD set herself on the chair there and relaxing herself...he just removed his shoes n trying to put away his stuffs ...MD is staring at him....she got up and went near to SRK who is busy in getting rid off his belt ...she came close to him and holds his hands and said let me do it for you,...and said in a tempting way to him, I haven't said but you are looking so dashing today .....

And this smell of addictive...this smell makes me something else... she is getting touchy

She then come to realize that she is at home and she needs to go for the party at his house...He must be waiting for her...
So, she took his favourite saree and she dressed up herself well...

As Rajesh isn't there She has to go with his body guard cum driver Kamal to party,

She reached at the usual it's so good
She is greeted by Geetha, she entered n meet her fellow actors , n she has blast talking with Karan n Rani, but her eyes were looking for someone, for whom she has dressed up this special...

while she is busy in talking about her project with Karan...she suddenly heard voice ....hello gorgeous...looking amazing like always, so it was HIM....she gave him naughty smile n they greeted each other with hug , he silently told her, thanks for wearing this Black Saree, then he winked at her n told her have dinner or drink whatever she prefers, he for sometime talked with her n Karan then moved ahead with other guests.

So party is going on well....MD busy in talk and SRK from the other side while talking with other guests he is keeping eyes on her, the way she is flirting with her hair every now n then (he loves her so much when she adjusts her hair or just smile) and the way she is adjusting her saree that he gifted her....he just lost in her beauty....thinking how gorgeous My Chand is !!


And then he can't help it but to recall That Night when his Chand was on fire that made him happily surprised...
She then removed his blazer , she is touching him in a way to provoke him...she then unbutton his sleeves and moving towards front part of the shirt , but then SRK hold her hands tightly and he lift her into his arms and let her sleep on the bed ,...she is giving naughty looks and biting her lips he can understand now that she can't resist anymore , he came and take off her earring kissing her ears and licking them while she was enjoying this he went to kiss her cheeks down to her lips she fixed herself sleeping on her back so their lips directly went to be on each other she was so beautiful that no one can resist it he bite her lower lip and he went to take her lips between his put his tongue inside her mouth then she was touching every inch on his back like asking him to hold her tightly to kiss her more and more he went down to kiss her neck
SRK: ohh this neck Chand it's just killing me as always I'll eat it now
MD : it's all yours just go down now
He went down to kiss it and lick it down to her arms and she was dying below him ,
SRK: now it's the time to put off this Saree , he went to put it off but she is the big teaser so he can't, just for the first piece so he went down
To kiss her abdomen and lick it , suddenly she turned left he held her from behind and went to kiss her neck and back everywhere starting from her shoulder it was bare and down to her waist he was licking it too he can open the top piece now so he knew that she is a big teaser she helped him to take off her clothes in this way of sleeping... he opened it while he was kissing this part of back she turned again on her back he was above her he said how beautiful you are my Chand how sexy are you !! She was just biting her lips and smiling ... so he was above her kissing her chest down to her boobs while she was enjoying moaning little to make him on fire ..
Suddenly she stood up with her sedative eyes look , she turned him to be down and she was above him kissing his face his lips his neck he was burning and can't wait for more excitement because he had enough she went to touch his chest gently as it her favourite, she went to kiss it and lick it he can't control his moans he went to kiss her legs

He took off her bottom part but he could not and he got annoyed and said Chand why don't you keep it easy?? Then She did that for him, while he was kissing her legs from bottom to top both of them
Their love making goes on and on with the night ..
This time they make love but his Chand was the leader here , she want to make him on fire so she was always being close to his lips 😛 and he was just smiling giving her whatever she wants that's her real night

he then came out of his thoughts when someone called him...and he sighed and said to himself...don't know when can I have my Chand as all mine again ?!
It's been already 2 am....MD now wanted to leave from the party...then he dialed Kamal to pick her from the party, but she get to know that he is so unwell so she told him don't bother I will manage something with the Monali ...Kamal said are you sure mam? She said yes, you take rest....then she thought it's not time to bother Monali either as it's already 2 ....Rajesh is also not in the town ...what to do?.....

She is just thinking about this and SRK noticed that...and he went near to her to check whether all OK or not??

SRK : all OK? Why you are looking worried?
MD explained him whole matter, I think I will have to stay here long and Karan will drop me to home...
Then karan came to her after getting her call about the thing, he said I will drop you now, as you already been tired after long shoot....
SRK in between talk said to MD n Karan
I will send Danish to drop her to her home..he called Danish and Danish said, Sir I have already left the party to drop another guest...Will be back in an hour and will drop ma'am to her home..
SRK to MD: any how you have to stay at the party n smiled..

MD giving tired look and said to him: ufff...okay then and smiled at him

But SRK noticed that she is been so tired and no more wants to be here as he knows how she hates parties...

SRK to MD: let's go , I will drop you to your home...
MD: are you crazy ? You can't leave your party like this, I will manage , you have to stay here...
SRK : It won' t take much time ,It's for a while only and everyone is enjoying on their own and you already looks so exhausted so better you leave and take rest.
MD : Don't bother Shahrukh, I am fine, I will wait for Danish to come
SRK : I said, let's Go, no more arguments.
MD then smiled and agreed with him

Then they move ahead towards his car, her home isn't that far from his...

But MD started being nervous as they walking together, now they are away from the party n crowd just near to the place where car is parked...
There is silence between them....and silence in the atmosphere as well...

They both are in the thoughts of moments they spent together years before and after that this is first time they r meeting in such atmosphere where it's just the cold night totally alone with the silence of nature ....

MD is so much nervous as she doesn't want to be carried away with the moments that may happen as during last past years they have tried a lot to not to do anything which they should not do but the fact is they both are so desperate to have each other, they are starving for their love and warmth ...and while lost in thoughts she just lost her balance and about to fall but due to her luck SRK is besides her and holds her they have that eye contact that they were avoiding specifically MD...she feels like she is being carried away with his warmth touch on her bare back...his smell of the perfume that she gifted him ....while SRK is just lost in her beauty, he is feeling like this is what I m missing " having her in his arms this close " ....staring at her beauty and into her eyes ...
She tried hard to come out of these moments as this is not the place for their love to have life....and she came of it
Then he helped her to get in the car n he himself drive the car....

He broke the silence and look so sexy in this hair style...she smiled at him and said nothing ...
Then he said , music ?
She said, yes pls but...
He didn't allow her to complete...and said, I know your choice Chand

On hearing this name she blushed a bit n he can feel her efforts to control her feelings..

There remains silence until her home parking came...they were just enjoying the music and eachother's presence , that closeness ....

To be continued.....💕

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