No More Lies...

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While at SRK home......situation is like this...after MD left his home...
SRK is just taking his medicines n Geetha asking him what happened
Danish said : it's just normal seasonal fever, doc has prescribed the medicine, sir will be alright soon...
SRK to Danish : can you bring something to eat for me
Danish: ohh yes, I just go and order
Geetha: feeling good?
SRK : yeas , little better...
He is upset with her
Geetha: when you called, I was in between the party n I can't leave the party like that...I thought you will manage
SRK : yes, it's ok, I managed....
Since past few years it's been so many differences between them....they are living together for the sake of their kids...their thinking, their life styles everything is different now...

Geetha: yes I saw how well you have managed...
SRK : what do you mean by this ?
Geetha: what she was doing here?
SRK : I told her to come here for discussion of the scenes as I can't go to office in this situation ..
Geetha: whatever it is....MD is so different today, I can see in her eyes , so much worry n care for you....
SRK looked at her n said nothing
Geetha: Is there anything happening between you two ?
SRK : I say Yes....we are in relationship...Now I don't want to hide anything....its a long journey
SRK : we fall for each other during filming of DTPH n I proposed her but she said she could not do this to you n my family n then she decided to marry Rajesh n left her career very early when she is on the top of her career, just to make things normal, it was been decades we were not contact but after she returned here, we were like more than excited to meet each other after long. We thought those feelings were vanished but we were so wrong , it has sparked n came with so force that we can't deny it more...hope you get what I am saying

Geetha: I can't believe it's been this both indeed are great actors for a reason
SRK : MD tried her best, she refused all the offers to work with me n till now...
Geetha : then why now ?
SRK : it's just her effort to let me have the success I deserve.
Geetha: don't you think she is too good for you? Will you keep her happy ? Does Rajesh know it ?
SRK : No...she isn't sure of anything as of now
Geetha: but you are so sure of having a new beginning with her
SRK : I m sorry...but yes...I can't lie more to you or more to myself.....I want to have new life with her if she agrees...

Geetha: you both have created such a mess
SRK : we tried our best to fix it
Geetha: as our relationship is not at all in good state...I say you go ahead whatever you think right..I can say atleast you have better option for my replacement...
SRK : I m sorry for everything...

Geetha : btw can I ask you something? you both had each other ?
SRK just nodded yes n said : it was just going along with the emotions of love feelings we were starving for long
Geetha: I can just say MD loves you so much if she has given herself to you, I know her that...I have nothing to say more..
SRK : I m extremely sorry for these..
Geetha : you should be ..I need to go you too take rest...
She was so disturbed with his decision ...she left then ..
He was sick n all these happened. ...he wasn't prepared for this....He just wanted to tell MD everything ke what happened but he thought its not the time to give her more stress .
His mobile buzzed n it was her
MD: are you feeling better?.
SRK : yes, little better
MD: your sound says something different, tell me what happened?
SRK : Chand, I will tell you everything when the right time comes. .don't worry much, focus on your work...
MD: I will wait dear please take care . Can't wait to start shooting with you next week

The shoot of the Movie " Tum Mile..." has been started and it going so good....its been few days of they have done the shoot together ....
One day on the shoot MD was late by 2 hours....and on that Day SRK had lots of issues a home.. so he came on the sets early n texted to MD ..."Chand, please come earlier for shoot , I need you" he knew she will be on the sets of her another movie so he didn't call her.....
On the other hand MD was busy in her shoot with Salman movie, as she has to finish the required shooting in 3 days because then she will be outside India for couple of weeks for her movie with SRK...

She hasn't read his text ...n she was late for SRK shoot as this shoot taken bit longer she told Monali to inform Danish that she will be late . As she wants to give continuous dates to SRK movie , so she needs to finish this one asap...
Finally she is done with it n on her way for shooting with SRK...n as always she is excited to be with him...she then took her cell n checked his message...she is worried ke what happened to him?!....she thought to call him but she is just about to reach at the she thought to have talk in person with him.
On the hand SRK was very upset with her, first he had issues at home n now MD has not came yet , n neither she replied his text...

She on reaching the set first went to see SRK ....
MD gave him side hug but he is silent n looked angry..
MD: I am sorry , I took bit longer today there, as I have to complete today before we leave for Europe ...
SRK : it's too late Madhuri, I am not supposed to wait this long for anyone
MD: I said I am sorry then she hold his hands n said , : what happened please tell me...
SRK : ohh you have time to hear my problems
MD knew he isn't in good mood as something happened to him at his she does not want to argue with him...she wants to comfort him..
MD: I am always for you dear, now calm down n let's go for the shoot...
SRK : you don't even have time to text me back at least....
MD: I was on the sets n when I saw your text I was about to reach I thought to better talk with you in person.
SRK : yes, lots of fun at shoot, yeah with your favorite friend and co star...

MD is feeling bit hurt now but she knew she has to make his mood right
MD: ok we will talk about it later if you don't want to say it now ....but let's go for the shoot now, I can't wait to shoot with you we are supposed to do a romantic scene, right?
She is trying her best to make his mood right...
But he is having such a bad day at home , he wanted to be with his love his MD, but he didn't get her....he is so angry on her

SRK : ohh really!! you care for our movie this much....but I don't think so , I can't see our movie or even me on your priority list...

MD felt so much hurt now but she does not want to make this issue big , so she said : I m going for shoot, I will wait for you there...all are waiting for us...

He then grasped her n hold her very tightly n asked her: No, first tell me where I am in your priority list , I want to know
MD: Shahrukh please leave me ,it's hurting me...
SRK : I want my answer
MD: isn't it enough for you to know your priority in my life ....when I am going to leave my family n everything just for you ....isn't it so obvious ?
She then having tears in her eyes n she then see Danish is coming ...she wipe away her tears n free herself from him ...
Just then Danish came ...
MD: I m sorry Danish I m coming ...we had to discuss about the scene..

Danish to MD: thank you ma'am for time today
MD: this movie is so special n most important for me, so any how I will adjust ..its not a big deal n smiled ..she then went for shoot without waiting for SRK

Danish knew that there were some tension moments between SRK n MD so he said SRK the whole thing..
Danish : we don't have her date today but we have to shoot this sequence before going for outdoor shoot so I asked Monali and MD both , she adjusted her shoot timing accordingly with other movie for our project...
SRK now got his mistake that he has hurt his Chand without any of her fault....she was just listening whatever taunt he made on her n still she tried to comfort him...he felt so bad n sorry
Danish: shall we start shoot now ?

SRK :ohh yeah... let's go..
He n MD are now set to do romantic sequence but there is tension between them during the whole shoot...he was trying to talk with her but she is avoiding his questions.
after the shoot....he went to meet her in private...

He then came closer to MD n said : Chand I m sorry for everything...
MD: it's ok, without looking at him..

He tried a lot to let her talk but she is replying in just short..
he then hold her hands n said, please forgive me ...shall we go for dinner tonight ?
MD: No ,not today ....I m already so much exhausted and I need rest...
SRK : then tomorrow ?
MD: we will meet directly on airport day after tomorrow...
SRK : I m sorry Chand for all these
MD: it's ok, I need to go now..
SRK ; why did you tell that ?
MD: what ?
SRK : that you are leaving everything....all ok with you at home?
MD: we will talk later is not the day to talk anything...take care , see you soon ...she then left the place n he was so sad ke he hurts her hard this time
To be continued.......❤️

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