" Tum Mile.... "

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Finally their movie " Tum Mile..." is ready to release ...it's the premier night...
They were dressing in black and he was wearing white shirt , black blazer and trouser and MD with his favorite black saree.
They were looking totally like a married couple...and behaving like the same.
Everyone saw how they were taking care of each other and how they were holding hands tightly all the time ....
All the time whispering in each other ears laughing and smiling all the time....
While they were welcoming everyone...
Salman Khan his friend was there watching the movie and Anil kapoor and others , all the time they were together and people coming to greet and congrats them on their movie ....
The film started, they were sitting and chatting while the film started ..
They started watching but they can't stop talking and smiling....
Till this scenes are shown...

When their intense romantic scene were shown, they stopped talking while they were stunned like they saw it for the first time..
Then he whispered in her ears....I miss you Baby
MD : stop it we were together, few hours ago ,you missed me that much
SRK: so much , let's go now please ...
MD: what !! While she was laughing, I think it's our movie we can't go now while she was playing with her hair and have naughty smile...
SRK: you are already teasing me ...now look at yourself....ok but wait for me then 😜
Then she was so emotional after watching the other scenes...
She put her head on his shoulder he can't do anything but kissing her head and rubbing her hands , all of people around them where stunned by their bonding....they for sometime forget that they are in public....they both are totally just lost in love feelings...
After they watched the movie he took her while all people were sitting, and they stood up in front of them and hugged her while all people where clapping and he said everyone should know that nothing would be amazing if MD wasn't there , she was so shy and just smiling then she kissed his cheeks and she said thanks everyone for attending this event surely nothing will be good if SRK wasn't with me...
Media was asking them their experience of working together after long time...
SRK.: it's always been amazing working with your most favorite people ....
Media : and what about your sizzling chemistry with MD...you both have such fire chemistry always
On that SRK while looking at her and with smile said
SRK : you feel so much Love for the people you really love and I truly and absolutely love Madhuri ...
She was blushing listening this ...
Media ask the same question to MD
MD: me and SRK has extreme level of comfort and I always feel so excited to be with him on sets....it's always wonderful to work with him...
after that media where asking them few questions about them the movie and they answered just few things about movie ,
And when media people asked about the rumors of their love affair...
SRK replied we will surly get back to this topic on the right time but for today please keep it up to movie questions only ....
They took pictures and talking a little with guests and left holding hands...
Now their movie " Tum Mile..." is about to hit the screens within couple of days.. they are busy in promotion shoot and all...
They just completed the promotion shoot.
After the shoot...they are talking about the next schedule
MD after this discussion asked SRK
MD: I want to say something
SRK : what ?
MD: I want to meet Geetha
SRK : Chand...please No...not this...everything is going well...why do you want to make it complicated?
MD then holds his hands and said,
MD: I want to say sorry to her ...because...because I have something that belonged to hers...
SRK : No, I won't allow this, I don't want you to take any more stress, please try and understand...
MD then put her hands on his cheek n said
MD: please Shahrukh, let me do this...
He is upset with her as he doesn't want to invite anymore troubles to their relationship..but MD isn't listening
She noticed his mood, she then took his face in her hands and said
MD: we are getting married soon...I want to be all yours with my full heart with no feeling of guilty
so let me do this, please
SRK doesn't want to allow it but he has to...
SRK : ok let me call her,if we can go and meet her now
MD: thank you
SRK then called Geetha
SRK : hii, how's everything?
Geetha: it's all as it was
SRK: actually she wants to meet you
Geetha: who ? MD?
SRK : yes
Geetha: why ?
SRK : she will tell you only...
Geetha : then come ...I am at home
Then the call ended
SRK.to MD: let's go
MD: yes
They reached at his home...where Geetha is waiting for them only...
Geetha and MD exchanged smiles ..SRK gave Geetha side hug, then both the ladies set on the chair...
SRK.: you both talk I will come in a while...
He didn't want to get into this convo....he isn't prepared at all for this kind of situation
Geetha to SRK.: you stay here only...no need to go anywhere
Then there is silence for a while and lots of tension as well...
MD then initiated the talk
MD to Geetha : I just...I just want to say you sorry....I know sorry isn't enough for the mess I have created ...but believe me Geetha..we tried the level best to fix this mess. ...but nothing worked....
We thought these feelings are vanished after the long separation...but we were so wrong...it was like we just couldn't deny these feelings...at the same time we can't live anymore with the pain feelings of sacrifice and guilt....neither we can justify the marriage nor the love feelings....it's the time we have to accept it...I know it hurts you ...and I am extremely sorry for all these
MD is speaking all these just having her head down as she can't say these with eye contact with Geetha...
On the other hand SRK is so stunned to hear whatever MD just said to Geetha...he felt so proud of MD...
Geetha : you know what...I said him that MD is too good for you...and you prove me right ...I always admire you as person, I respect and admire that you come here to say me these....yes, it hurts and you can understand it well...but in all these you just need not to blame yourself only, it's my fault also that I couldn't give him enough love and care that he required....tbh even if you are not in his life, there is nothing between us since past few years...
MD is just listening her so as the SRK...
Geetha: ...but it's good that he has YOU with him...I have nothing much to worry about the kids and him ...I hope he is always for us anytime we need him ...and she smiled at SRK
MD to Geetha : ofcourse yes, he along with me are always there for you anytime...
Geetha : I feel good that you came and talk to me about it.....just don't blame yourself for all these, it's all play of destiny....I have to accept the reality...I just wish Happiness for you both
MD holds her hand n said to Geetha: thank you so much....your words means a lot to me to get away from these painful feelings of guilt ...and I m so sorry again for all these ...we both are always there for you.
SRK is just feeling lucky to have these two wonderful women in his life...
Geetha seems sad by now , SRK then stood up and hugs Geetha and said her....thanks so much ...and sorry again for all these...

Just then his mobile buzzed..
SRK : yes, Danish I am coming in short time
SRK to Geetha : we have to leave now...you take care ...
He then looked at MD and said : let's go...
MD said good bye to Geetha and said sorry again
SRK then holds MD hand tightly and looked at her and with his eyes he was saying I am so proud of you My Love 💓
Then they are at the car parking..

SRK : I am going to office, let me drop you at the home...and yes, we will have dinner together...and tomorrow we have to catch early morning flight..
MD : actually I need to go to meet Rajesh now, he called me he wants to get some documents signed by me...so I will have dinner there as he told me...
She sense that he doesn't like her doing dinner there but
He said: ohh it's alright, but don't be too late....I think I will be home earlier
He then gave her a hug and kissed her hand and said to her...Chand I am so proud of you ..she smiled to him in return...

On the other hand Geetha is watching them from the window andd talking to herself...
SRK I always knew you lost your heart her when you first time met her....I always knew you will convince her one day, but you took too long for that...and she smiled a bit....


Now MD went to meet Rajesh
They met and they greeted each other with a hug
Rajesh : all good?
MD: just good..you say
Rajesh: just busy with winding up here, there is nothing here to stay, so no need to fly here and there now...
MD with head down said : as I said you we are always together for the boys whenever they want us together....btw let me do the work for which I am here ...
Rajesh: ohh yess, here it is...
She signed the documents and gave to him

Rajesh : what you want to have in dinner ?
MD: anything lite...
Rajesh ordered for them both ...he knows well her choice ..
Rajesh : so it's both of you in the news these days....Btw all the best for success of your movie...I saw the trailer...I can sense your comfort level with him...
MD: thanks for the wish

Just then their dinner arrived , they took it while talking not much....they just about to finish and her Mobile buzzed...

It's SRK...so she went bit far to take the call...
MD: hii
SRK : how long will you take?
MD: just finished, I am coming in short while
SRK : shall I come and pick you?
MD: don't worry, I come on my own...you carry on your work..
SRK : No, no I send Danish to pick you, he will call you when he reaches at your place..
MD: okk
The call ended..she went back to Rajesh...
Rajesh : why you both decided not to settle in India?
MD: media won't let us to have peaceful life here, we can manage the work from there too..
Rajesh : that's true...will you continue to act ?
MD: nothing decided yet, if something brilliant comes I will do..
Rajesh: you deserve the best
MD: thanks, all the best for new project as well....
Just then Danish called her
MD to Danish : yes, I just come
MD to Rajesh : I go now, he then give her hug and kissed her cheeks and said , I will miss you...sorry for the troubles I made to you ..
MD: not you, I am sorry for all these happening, just take care of yourself...
She then left....
To be continued.....❤️

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