Better Together

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After a while she came of the hug...
SRK : why you so tensed ? Please tell me
MD: I have work burden these days n I feel like to have peace and rest home there is lots of issues ...
SRK : ...but what Chand? Anything he said to you? See it's been difficult phase for both of you...
MD: few days back when I was sleeping ...I didn't know when he came and slept besides me and I too slept holding him and he thought I was rethinking over my decision regarding you n he tried to come closer n I suddenly wake up n asked: what are you doing here ?
Rajesh : it's still my home honey? And still you are my wife....
MD: I didn't mean that Rajesh, I mean when did you come ?
Rajesh : I feel you should rethink your decision, I have been not good with our relationship since past few years but I will make it like before..
MD: that is not the only thing's about me, I can't justify more our relationship as I totally lost to someone will be injustice to you and to him as well....better I accept the truth and go with it..
MD to SRK : believe me Shahrukh, it's so difficult to face him and his questions.. .like we had all good memories except past few years...and on that day there was lots of talk over this ..I didn't want to talk about it but I had to reply all his questions as he deserved all the answers from me...after a couple of days he went back ...but those two days were so tough for me, it's been so hard to detach from each other whatever bad phase is going but in the past we had great time together..
Since that day I am not able to sleep at all...due to all these worries.. I feel tired all the day
SRK then holds her hand and said: Chand relax, I can understand your feelings, yes I know two had good's so hard for both of you to detach from each other even if you don't want to stay together ...just give some time....everything will get over...
MD isn't saying anything just listening him
SRK : and you are not alone.. I am always with you.. if you feel and scared to be alone , let's stay at our new will be better for you...

MD: No , we can't do that
SRK : but you can't live like this, just look at you ...
MD: enough rest will help me, you don't worry
SRK : just for few days let's stay together for sake of your health....sleepless nights will make you sick now...
MD: No, Shahrukh we can't do it with Aadi, before Release of movie we can't live together...and this movie is so important for you as well....
SRK : what about you Chand?
MD: I will try to fix it.
SRK : we will talk over phone until you sleep okk ?
MD: yes , it's better
SRK then hugged her and said : take care My are too soft to take this much tension and stress...your Happiness is my responsibility, I need to take care everything about you...
He then kissed her forehead and she hugged him again as she wants his warmth to tackle the difficult times...
Then they went to shoot again

After some days... after the shoot...
SRK : Chand , get ready we two are going for vacation after tomorrow
MD: what?
SRK : you heard it right , let's go for few days, it will help you to have some rest and me to have some best romance....
And he laughed
MD : we can't stop the shoot and go like that ..we have shoot for all those days
SRK : I have already talked with Aadi and he said he will manage ..its just a matter of 3 to 4 days only...
He saw she is thinking over something
SRK : don't think too much ....I am with you , so no need to take any tension...
MD smiled at him and said him : thanks for this special caring
He too smiled at her in return
After the day they went on holidays together...
They reached at their destination at the afternoon..they took their lunch and roam around that place for a while being hand in hand...talking about the place and anything about everything...then she told she is being tired so they took the dinner and he said
SRK : we are just here to let you have enough rest...I am with you all the just relax ..don't worry about anything.... just have sound sleep...
MD then smiled and hold him tightly...he too holds her hand and pampering her and tries to give her comfort and warmth what she wants to have peaceful mind and sound sleep...
MD: please turn off the lights...
SRK : okk....just relax and sleep ..
MD then squeezed herself into his arms more and he is kissing her gently to show his love to her....
He is giving her everything she wants and requires to be happy.
They are just having rest and lazy holidays...enjoying being together ...
On the next day at the evening SRK told her
SRK : let's have some fun
MD: what you want to do now?
SRK : nothing I want to learn something from you
MD: what's that ?
SRK : that hook step of Chane Ke khet me
MD: ohh can't do tried it many times
SRK : one more chance please
MD: ok let's do it
MD then showing him how to do ....when she comes near to him to let him show the step...he tries to flirt her and touch her...
MD : what are you doing Shahrukh? Just stand here and do it properly....
SRK : I am learning Baby....romance and learning both go simultaneously..
MD: then show me
SRK did that step for her in a weird way and she started laughing a lot
SRK just staring at her and smiling
MD then noticed his staring
MD: what ?!
SRK: nothing, so glad to see you laugh like's been so many days I see my Chand like this
MD then stopped laughing and went near to him, put her arms around his neck and said
MD: it's all because of you my love and she kissed her cheek and said...I love you.
SRK : I love you too baby but where is my gift?
MD: no gift this time
SRK : not fair, let me have my gift please...
MD : it's not easy to have the most beautiful woman , you have to earn it to have her
SRK : Chand the Teaser is back again
MD: get me if you can
SRK : why you always behave hard to get ..but never mind I am the king of romance for a reason
MD: no cheating, you can have me only if I say you yes...
SRK : I know how to get you
MD: ok then go ahead
SRK : you just need to answer my questions
MD: alright
He then went near to her
SRK.: how do you feel when I give you a hug..
MD: I feel so much comfort
He then give her a hug
SRK : when I holds your hands and kiss them
MD: I feel I am being loved so much
He then holds her hands and kissed them and said I love you...
SRK : and when I kiss your forehead?
MD: I feel your immense care for me
He kissed her forehead
He can sense that she is being getting into him slowly, he smiled to himself...Chand loves to see me flirt her more 😜
SRK.: and when I kiss your cheek ?
MD: I feel so much pampering
SRK : let me pamper my Chand...he then kissed her cheeks
SRK : and when I touch your waist
MD: then I want you to hold me tighter in your arms
SRK then put his hands around her waist and holds her tightly
SRK : and my kisses to your neck
MD: it just excites me the most and I lose myself to you

He then kissing her neck slowly and gently for a while...
SRK : now the last one, tell me how you feel when my lips touches yours
SRK : yes Chand tell me what you feel ?
MD: I just feel like to say ....take me, My you want to have me...
SRK then took her to the wall nearby and started kissing all over her body very softly and gently like he want to let her know that He is the one who loves and cares for her the most...he wants to let her feel she isn't alone...he is always with her all the time ...she in return kissed him everywhere just like him with her soft touches to his body...they both are so soft and gentle to each they are promising each other they won't ever hurt each other....and will love each other like this forever ...will be for each other always....
Their kissing goes on n on ...its more love and emotions than the excitement and passion in their love making today...after their love making they had a long hug, without speaking anything..
After a while
SRK looked at her and said : I love you Chand, can't wait to have new beginning with you soon..
MD: I love you too...your love and care gives me all strength to face all the situations ..I am all yours
SRK : never say again that you are alone ....I am for you always ❤

After a short vacation they returned to India and their work..
They resumed the shoot
After a week they are on the sets.
In between the shots they are talking and discussing the work...
He noticed MD isn't feeling he asked her...
SRK : what happened? Are you OK?
MD: don't know feeling dizziness since today morning
SRK: then let's see the Gynec and winked at her with naughty smile
MD was just speechless and gave him a annoying look and said
SRK: what ?? He is just trying to control his laugh
MD: what was that?
SRK : I just said to see the Doc as you are having dizziness
MD: you didn't use the doc , you used something else right ?
SRK : yes, may be I think it's a after vacation results...😬
MD: don't you think your hopes are being bolder now?
SRK : not only my hopes but my wishes are also bolder and wilder now 😋
MD: then just behave your hopes and wishes ..
He is just loving her annoying face and expressions...he found her so cute 😍
Just then Aadi came there
Aadi : what's happening?
MD: just the little dizziness, nothing much..let's continue the shoot..
SRK is still smiling
SRK then winked at Aadi n said : it's just a after vacation effects...

Aadi: you both can't do this before completing the shoot ...
SRK : that's why I m telling her to check the doc, if there is something surprising I won't allow her to shoot in that case , we need to complete the shoot fast then...

Then they both laughed hard ...they both enjoying teasing her hard.
She is so annoyed now...
MD: just stop it Shahrukh, and if you both are done with this topic , shall we start our shoot..
To be continued.....❤️

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