The Love-Struck Duo

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Now they are returned to India...
Lots of changes in their personal life after their outdoor Shoot...
Their movie shoot is going on...
Their closeness is getting all the attentions of Media...
After a couple of weeks ...It was filmfare award function...
SRK is hosting the show....he is ready for the show to begin...
He knew Chand isn't performing this time
He is curious to know her look and want to see her before he gets busy with the he called her
SRK : where is my Chand?
MD: on the way for award function, but why ?
SRK : I just want to bless my eyes with Chand's beauty before I get busy with hosting
MD: I will seat at the front can see me easily
SRK : naah not from that far...this Chand's beauty I have to see while she is near to me
MD: so drop the idea of hosting...I can't help it
SRK : Chand please, don't tease me...come soon...and please send me your pic with today's is about to start
MD: today I have dressed up so special....but it's your bad luck my are stuck with your can't flirt me today 😜
SRK : why you love this much to tease me ?
MD: because I love you my charmer

SRK : I will see you on the sets have to pay for this ..need to go...can't wait to see my gorgeous Chand making this beautiful evening extra gorgeous and graceful with her beauty😍
MD: all the best love
Call ended

SRK is preparing himself...

After a while MD reached at the function and she posed for the camera ...and her beauty today is something extra beautiful 😍

All the red carpet short interviews are flashing on the big screen....and

His eyes are happily surprised to see the beautiful Madhuri..
He can't stop himself to text her

I just saw your carpet short interview....
My Love my Chand is extra gorgeous today....
MD replied : thanks ...but my poor charmer have to watch this Chand too from far ...sorry Baby

SRK : don't provoke me to do anything which I shouldn't...then after you only will get mad at me🙄
MD: but you can't do anything except hosting the show...enjoy doing it
SRK : uffff....bye
Show is going well....everyone there is mesmerized with MD Beauty today...

Salman is flirting her with singing....main hu hero tera...and Anil is also giving her the soft hugs everyone wants to flirt her hard today...

The one who is desperate is just standing on the podium n watching all these.... It's now too much for SRK

He has short break as the other performance is going on..
He texted
SRK : Chand be ready for the surprise...I just can't see others are flirting you and I just stand at podium n watching it n smiling ....
MD: what surprise? Just behave yourself here...all people are here...
SRK : I don't care about anyone
MD: but I do
SRK : it's your problem with it 😜
MD: ufffff...
SRK : see you soon in my arms Chand
MD: forgot it for today
SRK : don't challenge me.
MD: better focus on your work
SRK : doing it only 😜
MD: I gave whatever you want to....
Then he came on stage and created a situation where he has to perform a bit on romantic song with some actress.

So as per his wish ...they called on stage MD to romance with him...when her name announced she was like....ufff !... He can do anything anywhere to flirt with me....he then just winked his eyes towards MD..and she just smiled ...


These days Madhuri was busy preparing for her movie premiere and promotions of her movie with Salman so she isn't doing shoot with SRK for their movie.
While SRK was missing her so much , even though he knew about her work he felt so jealous that she wasn't with him
After a while she called him
MD: hello Shahrukh how are you ?
SRK : missing you so much
MD: I know Baby but it's just few days but I want to invite you for my movie premiere tomorrow.... will you come ?
SRK: No Baby, I'm so busy with the movie preparation and arranging things I'm so sorry
She felt his jealousy but it's her work...
She said so I'm just being happier if you are here but it's ok as you feel comfortable.
He felt her pain because of his jealousy.
He can't do anything , he is so jealous as he loves her so so much.
He thought about that again , he didn't sleep much that night.
At last he convinced himself to go and control his jealousy as much as he could .
But he won't tell her .. it'll be a surprise for her...
He did all of his stuff so early and left the sets ....
It was afternoon, he went to his house took a shower wore his clothes then he put her favorite perfume, her gift for him...
With smelling this perfume, he remembers how they did that performance in filmfare just few days ago and they just can't get out of the hug because she was totally lost in this hug so they pretended that this is just funny scene to make everyone in this event laugh but they totally lost in this hug...
(After the performance how he called her...
SRK: how gorgeous you are today , you're my best award today to see you like that
MD : she laughed and said what about your perfume?? It makes me loose my control and she winked at him)
I'll do that today too Chand , your charmer will be a teaser today .
At the event of her movie premiere...
She was smiling but a fake smile , because she missed her charmer today , the cause of her happiness.
Till he came while she was lost in the long conversation with people just to forget about him.
He came to her first she was so shocked.
This smell of perfume acted on her mind... her heart... she lost in him , hugged him again tightly and said in low voice
MD: thanks so much for being always with me and for me...
SRK: I'll be always and forever
They were holding hands till they realized that they are in public
He went to greet Salman too and hugged him
At the time of screening MD sat between them
But she was always looking at him staring at his face and no one else.
He was watching the movie , all was fine till her scenes were showing so he was amazed with her beauty as always but he was so jealous that someone is romancing her another than him.
He wants her all the time with him even in movies , even if he knew that this is impossible to happen.
He got more jealous especially when all asking them and she left with Salman to answer the media , he waited for her till she came back ...with all eyes on her all the time , he was talking with people but everything in him was with her .
She finished everything, so he went to her..
He said : you look amazing in this movie ! How could someone not love you Chand !!
MD blushed and said thanks
And hugged him so tightly... she kissed his cheeks...
SRK: is that something effect again !!
MD : believe me this perfume make me more than wild now...
SRK: ahhhh this time I should say control yourself Chand !!
MD : she laughed and said now you are a teaser too...
He left after that and she finished her interviews then.

After her movie with Salman released she has all days shoot with her movie with SRK...
They almost meet due to shoot and other things related to the movie...
On one day during the break of shoot...they were sitting and discussing about the movie and other things ,there is time for next shot....
MD: please excuse me, I think I need to take rest for a while and she left..
SRK is worried for her, like what's happening, it's been many days he haven't seen her happily smiling like she always used to...
After a while, he too went to her van.
When he opened the door her voice came
MD: who's this?
SRK : it's me
MD: ohh please come in
SRK went to her and gave her a hug
SRK : Chand, everything alright ?
MD: yeah, just feeling tired so came here for rest
SRK : I know you have work stress but it's not the only thing....tell me Chand...I can't see you like this
She then say nothing but hugged him...he isn't asking anything to her, he just want to let her feel comfort...
To be continued....❤️

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