It's THE DAY : The New Beginning

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Now she entered their home, it's SRK and MD home 🏡💞

She saw him doing work on laptop...she set besides him and holds him softly...

MD: have you taken your dinner?
SRK : No, not feel like to eat anything
MD: but see I brought your favorite dish from your favorite just stop working and let's have dinner, even I am feeling hungry now
SRK : you already had dinner naa
MD: yes, but I didn't like the taste there, so I took just a little bit there .now please let's have the dinner
Then they took dinner together.
SRK knew why she did this ...she sensed that he wanted to have dinner with her only...she wants to give him everything he wants so as he 💗
After the dinner MD said
MD: I am going to freshen up and sleep, please do come soon, we have to catch early morning flight
SRK : you go, I am just coming
MD: ok

MD then went and freshen up herself but still she saw he isn't there so she went to check where is he?
MD saw him still working
MD set besides him
MD: just stop working and let's sleep
SRK : Chand please , just some more time
MD: No, complete it tomorrow, you still have time to do of now let's go and sleep...
SRK: Baby please
MD: I am gonna change all your bad habits which isn't good for your health.
He then laughed a bit and said
SRK : don't make me scared of you as wife
MD: that's funny, now let's sleep please...
SRK : okk, I end it , happy
MD: yes...
Then they both went to bed while being hand in hand

So finally their movie is released and as expected it's a huge hit...and ruling the box office and audience heart....the main attraction of the movie of course is SRKMadhuri's intense sizzling chemistry.
Aadi and MD both are so happy for SRK as he deserved this success...
So now their all focus on their personal the movie released already,  they want to make their relationship public and wants to get married. .
So this is THE DAY ..when they will public their relationship the special conference...
He was ready and went to see MD if she is ready or not....MD dressed up so simple but yet looking so pretty...
SRK : hii Chand, looking so gorgeous 😍
MD just smiled, she is looking nervous
SRK : are you ready ?
MD: No
SRK then holds her hands and said
SRK : you are strong enough, right?
MD: No, I am not....I am not ready
SRK : what happened? Why so nervous?
MD: I don't know
SRK : just relax...I am with you there....I will handle everything just be with me ...ok?
She is still not ready, it seems

He then give her a tight hug and said...
SRK : My Love we have to do it today....just close your eyes and think about our beautiful moments just need to speak out your heart feelings why we wants to be together without thinking about what others feel....
While speaking he is comforting her ....
Then he raised her face towards him...and said
SRK : don't worry, everything will be fine ...
She nodded yes
Then he kissed her forehead and holds her hand tightly and they are ready to attend the press conference...
Media is all ready to question the one thing....
Media asking them about rumours all over the world about them, the closeness and everything..
First they were little bit excited and worried but SRK started to talk about it...
SRK: maybe some people are thinking that this is not true or just promoting for the new film but it's not like that  ( noises all over the hall were heard now )
Please give us a chance to tell you that since last few months we are really in relationship and we will get married soon..
Someone at that hall wants badly to ask SRK, so SRK tell him to do without referring to the interviewer
What about your spouses ? Your children?? Your life ?
SRK said : I always respect Geetha as a person and we talked like mature people and everything went good we always wants the best for each other and our kids are mature enough to understand and we will always being together for them and we will help each other when we need each other....
And about Rajesh he will be always my friend.
SRK wanted MD to talk a little bit so he asked her to go ahead
SRK : if you have something to add please do.
MD: ok hi everyone
As SRK said we will have new life together, so we already talked to them and we respected each other decisions so we separated peacefully and we will be always together for our kids...and one more thing it's my and Shahrukhs' humble request to all media people  that please do respect the privacy of our family, please do not bother them with any questions ...if you need to ask anything me and Shahrukh are always there to reply your questions..
Many questions were there about their new life , the production company with Geetha and their new life
SRK said we will get married and we will produce more movies together ....nothing new about acting in movies till now but will start new life at another place will tell then...
They asked MD if she will stop acting she said nothing to say as of now ..

Then SRK stopped them from asking about this subject they asked for another things...
Everything went as they prepared to.
They left then while he was holding her hands and smiling at her proudly.

Before the press conference SRK is giving MD strength but he too also so nervous but he did not want to show it to MD as she was more tensed about it...
But during the conference she was quite confident and strong as she is always been ...he was happy to see her like that but she felt his nervousness and tension behind his happy and smiling face...after the conference while in the car MD asked him

MD : why you so quiet ? everything went well ....
SRK : nothing ...and smiled at her....he is still quiet
she knew he wants to say something but she feels to wait for him to say that....after sometime they reached at their home... as soon as they entered their home...he holds her hands and hugs her tightly....she sensed that he is being so emotional right instead of asking him anything she just let him feel comfort ...there was silence for some time...he then came out of hug...then he keeps holding her both the hands with his ....and said
SRK : I just can't believe that all these happening in seems like a dream to me....Hope I can keep you the Happiest always as your happiness is my life....but if ever I hurt you by mistake please forgive me....I just love you so much and I can't live without you My Love...
she then just gave him a beautiful smile  ...she cupped his face and said
MD : I am the happiest with you ....and you know that....your love your caring makes me feel the luckiest one in the world....and I love you too ...after saying this she blushed a bit and she gave a gentle kiss on his lips and give him a warm hug again..

They both are being so emotional now ....he then looked at her eyes and said...
SRK : my Chand will be my wife tomorrow....Chand is all mine now forever...he is blushing saying as MD , she too blushed while hearing this from him...
MD : and now your wife will scold you and tease you even more ....
SRK : and l love her even more in every way.....he is getting excited and flirty now...
He then holds her tightly and giving gentle kisses on her face....MD while enjoying his kisses said : Not now please....keep these special moments for your wife...she is excited so much to have his charming husband, she then blushed hard
SRK : I can't wait even for a day even when I can have you with my full right on you ...
MD : it just a matter of a day and smiled ..
MD then let herself free from him and said
MD : we have lots of things to complete today so let's do our packing, we don't have much time for that...
SRK: you won't ever stop being the Teaser...ok as you say ...then they both are busy in their stuff.
On the next day morning they went to have their court marriage, they keep this news secret as they don't want media crowds at that place....Aadi n Rani too joined them there...after their marriage Aadi n Rani congratulated them and wished them all the happiness...they are in hurry to complete the other legal they need to catch their flight to New Zealand because they will start their new life there ....

as they need to catch their flight to New Zealand because they will start their new life there

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All the things done.... while they are leaving the place few media people are there  , they can't deny but have to pose for their pic as couple after the marriage .
They are looking so happy and excited ...their pic says it all... then they left for the airport directly.
To be continued....❤️

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