The Tensed Lives

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MD was so soon as she reached her home , she went to her room and crying a lot like how could he question her like that when she is always there for him....and then her mobile buzzed, it was him ...she doesn't want to talk to him , she didn't pick ...she is crying unstoppably...again mobile buzzed n it's HIM only, she has to pick it now....
she picked n said ...hello
SRK : are you OK?
MD is crying hard so she could not speak anything just said yes
SRK : Chand your sound doesn't seem good...I m sorry for everything...please let it go ...
MD: ok
SRK : Chand why don't you speak anything, please say something , I m worried for you the way you were on the set today...I know its all my fault , I m extremely sorry for that
MD: how could you ask me that Shahrukh?? ...and  then she couldn't control n started crying
Now he is so tensed...
SRK : Chand just stop crying please, I feel so bad that I make My Love cry this much...
MD is crying n crying ...
She then said ...I can't talk now...give me some time. Then she ended the call.

SRK can't wait for the morning n to see his love in person who is in pain because of him only...
In the morning he called Monali about where MD is doing shoot, I need to see her n discuss some important sequence with her ..
Monali gave him a address ..he rushes there to meet her...he knows it's not a good idea to go on her shoot as it may create doubts on them but as they are doing movie, he thought  it's okk we have excuse...
He reached there he got to know she is in her van , so he went there....she was getting ready for the shot...she was surprised to see him...he gives her a warm hug and said her
SRK : I am very sorry....he kissed her eyes n forehead....
MD: Shahrukh it's not a good idea to come n meet me like this, we are going together tomorrow, then why...
SRK : because of me you have to suffer this
MD: Shahrukh it's not the time n place to discuss all these.. we will do it later
SRK : I know Baby, but I couldn't stop myself seeing you in person after our last call
MD: it's okay ...but she is still so upset now and she is having wet eyes...
He again kissed her forehead n said, please don't cry now...please let it go..
She controlled herself and said him: don't worry, I am okay
SRK : see you tomorrow...
Then he left and she continued her shoot.


Then it's the day when they are leaving for outdoor shoot at's been first time after their world tour, they are going together like this....but situations are so complicated for them now.
They reached their destination in the evening...whole crew taken the dinner and discussed the next day shoot n timing , they are going to shoot romantic song first on MD-SRK....
After this, they separated and went in their rooms....SRK called her ...Chand I want to talk to you
MD: come then...
He went to her room....
She still not in her best mood...
He set besides her... holds her hand n kissed them...and said ..
Chand now please forgive me it won't happen again...please smile ...
I can't see your sad face like this...
MD: you should not have told me this when....
SRK : when what ? Please say me everything....I know something happened ...that's giving you pain....
MD: It's been since past few years, Rajesh is interfering in my professional life n I don't like it all... he is so mad at me because I told him to stay away from my profession as it's not at all his business...I should not behave this rudely with him...its not only about it ...its like when he wants to love me, he wants to have me, but I can't do it with him with comfort or I say I don't want to do it with him at all...but I can't say him No...I don't find his touches comfortable ...whenever we are doing it... I want to feel your touches n kisses ....its so painful feelings...she by now is crying ...
He is listening his Chand...he can feel the pain through which she is going on...he is holding her hands and rubbing them to let her feel good...
She continued her talk : Few days back he was trying to make love and like always I was avoiding it , he then got angry n told me .... What's happening with you ? You were never like this honey? It's not the first time you are behaving like this, I noticed it for long time.. tell me the reason someone else in your life?
then I told Rajesh : even I don't know what's happening in my life is a total mess...sorry but please excuse me...I m not ready for these moments now or may be never...I will tell you everything on right time...
And now it's all mess between us ...
SRK : does he know it's ME?
MD: no he does not know
SRK : even I want to say you something...on that day when you came to my home...after you went Geetha asked me about you n me ...
MD: some day or the other day it has to happen....what did you tell her?
SRK : like our relationship were not on right path since so many years, I said her everything about us...from 90s to till now...
MD: I don't know Shahrukh how we will manage this ...I am so scared.
SRK took her in his arms n comforts her as she is so stressed...
SRK : I want to leave relationship with Geetha wants to start new life with you Chand...I can't lie more to anyone especially to myself...but yes it's always your decision which matters the most for me...
MD : I can't take any decision now...but I don't want to continue with Rajesh ...I can't lie to him's so painful when he touches me and wants me but I can't give him myself as I always wants to feel you.....because my heart, my body , my everything belongs to you now ....even I can't lie to myself...

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