The Beach & The Romance 💖

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Thinking about those moments ....He now can't wait more to see his Chand in his favourite color....and his heart wants to see her in black saree only he then thought to tell his heart wish...
So in the early morning itself he called MD

On the other hand. ....MD had a night shoot so she was resting in her van in the early morning , her phone buzzed, it's him again.

She thought now what...wish he agrees that it's OK if I don't go come to his party.

She received it n said, hii Shahrukh
SRK : hello , Beautiful , how are you?
MD: on the sets
SRK : I have one request for you, if you pls do it for me
MD: what is it? tell me
SRK :  you have to have come in black saree...its been since ages I have seen you in black saree..pls do it for me...
MD: No, not at allll ...are you mad ??
SRK : It's so simple , I am Just asking you to come in a black saree, I haven't asked for anything more

MD: I know very well what you mean by that, Shahrukh it's party...
SRK : please, please
MD: no way...better I don't come at all
SRK : ok, I gave up, you come pls whatever you feel comfortable , but I will be happier if you come in black saree.
MD: okk, see you in the evening Shahrukh

SRK : looking forward to see you in black saree...n laughed

MD: you won't change ever....
MD completed the shoot n went home , freshen up...n she has to get ready for the party..

She is looking for a black saree that SRK had given her at Newzeland....and she found it...and by touching this saree she can feel his warmth touches and she feels so excited and recalls for that night...HER Night when she surprised him with her hotness...

As they entered the resort at Newzeland
MD :Wow !!!! such a  peaceful place....
They went to the suite, SRK jokingly said I didn't have much money so I have booked only one suite here, would you like to share it with me? Giving her naughty expressions
MD put both her hands on his shoulders n said, of course yes

SRK said I m bit tired n going outside for fresh air, will be back in short time...

MD said I know why you are going?  Pls don't do smoke here I told you many times to control it. He said pls just this time ......

SRK then said, you get refresh n get ready meanwhile, we will be on the beach during sunset...and yes I have brought something for have to have wear this ...MD took it n said what's this, again black saree????

SRK said: My Chand in Black Saree is my weakness...pls do it for me my love...
SRK went to smoke n MD is getting ready ...

He was walking along the beach n thinking how can he control his emotions as he has to relax MD as she is definitely going to break down ....then he saw MD coming towards him ...She in black saree is the most beautiful sight for him...he just lost into her, he stopped smoking ...MD came near to how I m looking?
He said: I think I have to have my dinner early today n they both laughed

SRK n MD set on the couch that arranged at the beach..
As she always says HE loves to talk and I love to listen to him...
So he went on talking a lot and then he told her how she teased him hard in front of camera that he has to close his eyes ...because he can't behave normal after seeing this Madhuri...
It was the time when SRK has to interview Madhuri for some awards events...
They were on the shoot .... it was going nicely...
They supposed to play a game ...where SRK gives her actress name and she has to enact and he has to was all fun for them....then the Madhuri the teaser came into picture...she wanted to tease him so when it comes the Name Katrina Kaif...instead of doing act of any of her dialogue MD choose to show sexy moves from her famous song..SheilakiJawani...she knew he will go mad...but that's what she wanted ....
And then in between the break of shoot...he went to meet her in her van...
He then in the van, grasped her and started kissing her neck

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