The proposal

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As he is in those thoughts suddenly he heard the it is, your tea...

He came out of thoughts and Happy to see her in that saree in front of him again ...
MD then saw he is doing smoking and she scolds him why are you still doing it? When will you learn to take care of yourself?????
She looked so upset with him...
She then added, I am so much worried for you, at least for sake of me take care of yourself pls
On listening this he looked at her ....he is loving her care for him.
Then she avoids to seat besides him on the couch n preferred to seat the chair nearby...
SRK then said, sorry...I will try to make it lesser but pls smile now ...I can't see my beautiful lady upset like this....
Then she smiled and gave him his tea...he said thank you to her n said you still knows my taste 😌
They tried to talk other things to have normal atmosphere but ...they are not interested in this talk , they wanted to talk something else, wanted to feel something else ...
He finished his tea..he put it on the table there ...then he said...Madhuri can I have some water pls ?

She stood up and said, yes wait I will bring
Then she came up with water for him, she put it on the table ...and turned to seat at her place but SRK is now in different mood...he can't control more now...he wants to have her...
While she is going to seat at her place he holds her hand and told her to seat besides him on the couch ....she is surprised but she agreed without hesitation and seat with him on the couch...he can see her efforts to make herself not weak ...but he knows very well how to get HER...

He said with the intense eye contact closer Chand...she in return avoids to look into his eyes but she fails she look at him and says, pls don't do this...
It's a request kind of expression in her eyes....
But he has decided to have her...
He then took both of her hands and kissed them....and he started rubbing her hands with his thumb and says, come closer to me....with his touch with his eyes full of love for her, she now completely lost to him..she is getting closer to him ,they are so close they can feel each others breathing ....he is about to kiss her lips but she come out of it and stood up ....

SRK too stand up and went very close to her and said her, Chand let's dance for a while ...
She can't able to resist anything which he is asking for.....she is melting with his touch and his eyes

He put his one hand around her waist...n with other he holds her one hand...and she put her other hand on his shoulder they always enjoy being in each others arms like this..

SRK while dancing n looking at her asked why this saree Chand ?

MD: just to make you happier

He smiled...their bodies n faces are coming closer n closer
SRK : and this bangle?
MD : to make you bit more happier
SRK then tighten his grip on her waist n pulled her more closer to him
SRK getting close to her ears n asked, and these earrings ??
MD: to make you even more they both are completely lost into each other ....its been so many years that their love is get to have some life again..they are so desperate to have these moments ...these closeness....these warmth passionate touches...
SRK on listening her, kissed her neck and said thank you....and then he is touching her lips with his fingers n asked her would you like to make me bit more happier, she just nodded yes....

they felt so much love n care for each other and they can't help but get carried away with the moments, he kissed her lips and she welcomed it .......after a while she came out of it and hugged him tight

She wanted to tell him that how much she missed him n his warmth ...but she isn't saying anything she just want to listen to him...he then destiny finally give us a chance to have our love some life . .he said , Chand I miss you so much and I love you so much....
She just lost herself to him, then his phone rang n they came out of it, she said ...I think you should leave now for party....he nodded yes, he came to her, kissed her cheeks and said her take care my love,
And going to the door
....and MD is watching him going and suddenly MD said, Shahrukh, your keys ...he turned and smiled n said ohh yess......
He turned to her and taking keys from her ....before he do this MD hold his hand and started saying,
Shahrukh, I am just tired of living this life of guilt n sacrifice....I feel so much pain....its all mistakes, I even put you in this situation, I have created a mess fall in love with each other wasn't not in our control so I tried to make it right and I got married n stayed away from you n these feelings of love for you, I thought I will come out of these and so as you....but this love is always there in my heart ❤....staying away from you never worked either of us, not at the time of I left for the states nor at this time after the our world tour....I don't know what we have done during world tour is right or wrong ....but for us, it was a short life to our love, isn't? Then why I feel so much pain n guilt to lost myself completely to you....I don't understand anything...but I love you and wants to be with you
Why I make our lives such a mess, ...she by now is having teary eyes...
He listened her carefully, he simply can't see her like this. .he gave her a soft hug and then by looking at her eyes said,

You are a sweet heart n a pure soul, don't blame yourself for this mess, it's the destiny who put us in this mess, you left me n went US is just for sake of me n my family , you n me both are always honest to our family....we tried our best to be best family person ...

But we never ever able come out of feelings of love for each other, our love is always pure and true...
You know one thing in this whole mess, the one who sees the most sacrifice n pain is our LOVE only, if our love got a life to live for a short period then it's nothing we should have guilt about , it's our love and our long wait that made us to lost ourselves completely to each other ....

So Chand don't take stress about it, don't blame yourself, pls take care of yourself

I simply can't see you in this pain, you always been strong enough, right ?

She nodded yes and said I love you so much then she hugged him , he then kissed her forehead n said I leave now you forever ❤

Then he left her ....

He has decided something in his mind at this moment only , he simply can't see his love in lots of pain....he started working to make it little right and let her feel good....

On the other hand she is busy with shoot as she is doing dance show and two other projects continuously

After few weeks while she is resting in her van...she saw notification on her cellphone that excited her like anything...

Yes, it was his message, Shahrukh's message

Message is this

Dear Love 🌙

As I told you on that day and I am saying it again , neither you nor I should blame ourselves for what happened between us during the tours, we made love on those nights was not our lust is feelings of love between us make us to do so....its destiny who let us meet again after a decade and we fall for each other completely this time....becoz our love needs to breathe for a while and it deserved it .....we have always been doing great for our family...its our family becoz of which we make our love suffer and have pain of sacrifice for whole life..

I believe in one thing expressing your feelings which you are hiding to the world in any ways is one of the way to reduce the pain of blaming yourself for hiding the truth and make you feel less responsible for the situations...

Then he shared some news link with her...

She read that..
It read as SRK announces his next collaboration with YRF he is playing the lead in Next directorial of Mr. Chopra...female lead is already finalized and after her confirmation her name will be announced....the story is a mature and bold love story...

MD isn't getting anything he continued reading his message

So I have decided to make a movie on our love story and who can play these roles better than us....
I request you to do this movies with ME....
If you says yes then only this project will start else I am not going to let anyone use this this we will feel less burden of hiding the truth and we won't blame only ourselves for this mess...

It's always destiny....who decides
Someone ...somewhere is made for you...

And it's always destiny who always let us feel the truth of life....
There is always someone you can't have....

We both know we are made for each other but it's destiny who decided that we can't be foreach other ever...

I am excited to hear YES from you and to start working with you....

Will she agree to do a movie with her love her SRK ...will they able to control their feelings while working together ....or they will decide to accept to the world ..Yes we are in love....what will be her answer ???

Will come back with the second part soon........till then fall in love with our Softies...
To be continued....💕

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