Special Surprise for HER

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After getting married, they left India ....and they are at their new home at New Zealand...they have decided to carry on their work as producers with his production company...they have merged their companies...MD is now working with SRK production house....yet they have not decided whether to work again on screen or not ...as of now they just want to enjoy their new beginning together 💞
So they reached at their home ...their new beginning ...new home...it was already evening....they had their dinner
MD : I love this place...so peaceful and beautiful...
SRK: yes, it's nice...we won't be able to have peaceful life at India after our decision...so it's better we work from here only...
MD : Can I ask for something to you??
SRK : anything My Love
MD : can you please stop smoking from now ? I am so worried for this habit of yours...you too know it's not good for your health....I am with you to help you....you just try and support me please....I can't allow you to do this when I know it's not good for you...please
SRK : Chand, it's so difficult for me....but I will try ...you just stop me whenever I do it...and you know well how to stop me, he then winked at her...anytime I will prefer your beautiful kiss over smoking ...so it's all on you now 😉
MD : uffff....how do you bring romance in any topic ? you are just crazy...
SRK : it's your beauty which is to be blamed
MD : So, it's a deal ?
SRK : yes Baby ...it's a deal...
MD : now let's go and sleep ....
SRK then took her in his arms and they went to their room...they changed and got ready to sleep...
It's been their first night after their marriage so MD thought he will do something special for her...
They are laying on the bed in each other's arms and talking about everything...
SRK : Chand, it's been too late ...lets' sleep naa..
MD : naah....
SRK : Then ?
MD : I want my charmer and she is being so horny now....
SRK : Chand , not today....we will do it tomorrow
MD : you promised me you will give me everything I want
SRK : yes Baby, but I want to give you the best....today I am so tired you won't have your charmer at his best
MD now is so upset and she adjusted herself to the other side of bed and trying to sleep..
SRK : Baby ....I m sorry
MD : you spoiled it
SRK : just look at me my beautiful , I just want to give you the best....believe me...
MD : you are so tired then go and sleep...don't talk to me...
SRK : Ohhh my beautiful wifey...come to me....don't do this to me
MD : NO , I won't come...and don't touch me...
SRK then pulled her towards himself and took her in his arms tightly and said
SRK : now it's a perfect position to sleep
MD : leave me
SRK : NO , you have to sleep like this only and he kissed her lips softly..
After the kissing She blushed and said...it's okay I excuse you....but I will remember this that the most romantic man did nothing with his beautiful wife on their first night...she is really been upset over him..
SRK talking with himself ....Chand, you don't know what surprise your husband will give you tomorrow...everything must be so special and best for my beautiful wife

SRK : now do not provoke me by saying so
MD : if myself can't provoke you then how my words will provoke you
SRK : Chand....please try and understand
MD then smiled fake to him and he just hold her tightly and he turned off the lights and while doing cute talks they slept ...
In the very early morning....SRK wakes up...he saw his Chand ....looking so innocent and absolutely beautiful while sleeping....he is just staring at her and he just can't help it but to kiss her cheeks...
MD with his touch half wakes up...
MD : what are you doing ? let me sleep
SRK : Baby get up please....we have to go somewhere
MD : this is too early to wake up.... I am not going anywhere let me sleep
SRK : Chand
MD : you were tired naa....so you too sleep now...no need to wake up this early
SRK : My love, some surprise is waiting for you...please wake up...he then cuddling her....and giving her gentle kiss on her neck...
MD while enjoying this told him : will you wake me up so early every day to do this ?
SRK : No Baby...just today...now get up please
MD :uff....as you wish
She then got up and did her morning routine and then he saw she is confused in choosing her dress so he went to her ... holds her from behind ...
SRK : let me choose it for you...though It won't matter much...but let me choose the one which is easier for me to handle 😜🤭
And he laughed
MD: just shut up you naughty...tell me please where we are going ??
SRK : you ask so many questions....just come with me My Love
MD :I don't understand what you are up to in the early morning?
SRK smiled and said ...Baby just have little patience ...he is enjoying her being clueless regarding what's happening with him..
MD : why are you smiling now?
SRK : you just go and get ready, shall I help ?
MD : no...she is still upset with him
She then getting ready...after a while...
SRK : are you ready Chand ?
MD : yes, almost...but tell me pls where we are going ?
SRK : you just come with me...he then holds her hand they went in their car...
They reached at the place name Milford Sound....one of the most beautiful place of New Zealand...
He then came out of the car and offered his hand to her and said
SRK : lets go Queen....your wait is over and your gift is waiting for you
MD can't get anything....
She gave her hands to him...she is now holding his hand and put her head on his shoulder as this place is like heaven ...it's so beautiful that she is falling in love with everything around her..he then kissed her head and said
SRK : I love you
She then blushed and said I love you too...
They are just being in their world now...the atmosphere around them is so romantic and beautiful it adds more romance to their romantic mood...
SRK : Chand... now close your eyes...
MD : why ?
SRK : just do as I say
MD : okkk ...as you say
SRK then stop at one place and said
SRK : now you can open your eyes My Love
MD just saw...they are at the bank of the river and there is a yacht
MD : I don't get anything
SRK : this yacht is your wedding gift my beautiful wife....he then took her hands and kissed them...
SRK then said : we are going on a long drive on this yacht which is yours now....
SRK then offered his hand to her and said : Shall we go my Beautiful Queen..
MD is just speechless with all of these and she can't help it but to kiss his lips gently and blushed a bit and said thank you to him
SRK : I love you and anything for my beautiful wife
Then they are on the board of yacht ...and there is no talk between them they are just enjoying being with each other at this beautiful place...
He took her to the upstairs and they set on the couch there with open space....they had their breakfast there....now they are at the middle of the river surrounded by the mountains ...away from the everything just between the nature ...just the Chand and her charming lover...
SRK : Chand...lets have one selfie here, to show the world what the LOVE is !!
They took it and he went to twitter to tell the world YES WE ARE OFFICIALY TOGETHER NOW
He posted their photo with the caption :
" Today I am truly the King of Romance off screen as well.....as from today I can romance with the Most Beautiful Woman in the world forever...Thank you all for your support and wishes for ME and MD for our new life."
SRK then took her hand and said : I told you ....you deserve the best My Love....all have their first night but we will have our first morning with each other...as it's our new beginning of our life and love story....he is getting emotional while speaking this...
SRK: it's all for my beautiful wife, do you like it?
MD stood speechless, while she was holding his hand with her surprised expressions she just went and hugged him and said love you this is extra beautiful Baby.
Then they have long hug and the long passionate lip kiss....there is no sound other than the soothing sound of soft cold breeze, the water floating through river...the birds chirping...
It's like nature is loving this couple and singing the love song for them....
To be continued....❤️

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