Their Tamanna

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So it's the day before they are going for the surrogacy procedure....
As she is normal and healthy to carry a baby, doctor will do some minor surgical procedure with her to use her eggs to fertilize them.
It was night time....she was sitting on a couch while she was waiting for him to come ....she was thinking about it because she was so scared.... because of this surgery, she actually got scared even if it is simple things.
SRK went back to home while she was thinking she didn't even realized that he is behind her till he touched her shoulders and give her warm hug...
She surprised while he said
SRK: Chand are you ok ?
MD: yes Baby I was just thinking, tell me when did you come ?
SRK: No you are not ok actually, you didn't even realize that I'm here since quarter hour ago
MD: I'm just worried about tomorrow, I'm always like that ....don't think about that I used to have these worries...
SRK: I can't see you like this and being quiet, if you don't want we will not do this , if you want another time we will postpone it...
MD : Actually I didn't want it at the first time but now I want it so badly we will do it at this time she show him her smile and hugged him to comfort him...
SRK: are you sure Baby?
MD: she nodded yes
SRK: took her hand and rubbing her to comfort her while he was saying to her ..everything will go as we want ....don't think twice 🥰...I will be there with you all the time, don't worry ...just relax, ok ... she was taking her power from him the way he is loving her.
At the morning after preparing everything they went to fertility centre and after simple anesthesia for her they took her eggs and fertilized them by his semen and then after seeing her in little pain he went to comfort her by hugging and being around her.... everyone was amazed by their love 🥺
After ensuring them that everything will be alright and there will be someone to care this Baby ....they went home while he wanted her just to have rest now.... he made her laying on the bed and kissed her forehead and just letting her to take a rest while he was comforting her and taking care of everything.
After few years....

They are at the airport, then Danish came they both greeted him and Abii...
MD: hello young boy ? How's you ? Then she hugs him n gives him some gift
Abiii: hii beautiful ...thanks MD for this ...
MD to Abiii : deal is a deal, right ?
They all are smiling...
MD to SRK : He is so like you ..little flirty boy...then she pampers Abiii by playing with his stylish hair

SRK to MD: what's this gift?
MD: It's me and boy's deal
SRK to Abiii : and why this teddy , you play with it , I can't believe this!
Abiii: dad , it's for Tami...where is she?
MD: she is at home, waiting for her brother, let's go now
Abiii: is all my elder brothers n sister are here na??.... like we all together celebrate Christmas here every year, it's the best time for all of us...
SRK : No boy, they returned to the States yesterday only they have their own works to do, you are bit late Abiii this time...
He seems bit sad....then they went to their home.

It was evening...Abiii and Tamanna are playing together on the beach ..
While MD and SRK are seating on the couch in each other's arms ...
Listening and watching them...
Tamanna to Abii : why do you call mom MD?
Abii to Tamanna: because she is my best friend
Tamanna: just wait I come in few minutes
Them Tamanna came to them

Tamanna to SRK : daddy ...
SRK to Tamanna : yes darling what happened?
Tamanna : please set my hair...
MD to Tamanna: Tami, how can Daddy knows that? Come to me I set your hair...
Tamanna to MD : Mom, Daddy always sets your hair so well...he knows it ...
Now both MD and SRK gave each other a blushed smile 🤭
SRK to Tamanna : ok come here , I do it for you as well...he then set her hair well and asked her
SRK to Tamanna : now it's looking perfect, now go and play with your brother ...
Tamanna : thank you..she said it her cute voice..SRK kissed her both the cheeks and smiled ..
SRK to MD : you too want to set your hair baby ? he said it with the naughty smile
MD: flirty man...she too smiled then

SRK said to MD: you know what Chand ...she is so obsessed with her hair just like you.....and they both smiled ...just look at her she is playing with her hair just like you ...and you both look so beautiful when you play with your hair ...
MD : we do it to make you extra happy....
He smiled to her...
While kids have their own talk..

Tamanna went to Abii and said : look brother, I have new hair style......
now they are listening the kids talk
Abii: you look the prettiest with this new hair Tami
Tamanna : No, Daddy says mom is the most beautiful
Abii : don't mind them they are crazy lovers ...

Now MD gave SRK a surprised look and said

MD : have you tell Tami this??
SRK : Yes , Baby because no one is more beautiful than's a fact ...and promise is a promise ..
She then hold him so tightly...he kissed her head in return...
He is getting closer to her ..
SRK : please send the kids inside
MD : let them play ...we go inside..

SRK : No, I want it here only ..
MD then smiled and called kids care taker...Daisy....
Daisy please come n take the kids's getting so cold here and please give them something to eat ...
In short time daisy came n she took the kids inside were so busy with their play n talk

Now it's only Chand and her charming lover.....

They both hugged so tight and then went for a walk on the beach being hand in hand...
There was silence on the beach..

It's just them..there is a beautiful view...the sea ...the soothing sound of waves breeze...and the sunset ...
It makes them more romantic...and excites them to have each other....

Then he took her in his arms tightly again and
They have long soft lip kiss.....
They are just ONE now...Forever..

For the world their life is so IMPERFECT ....
For them their life is so PERFECT now...


Hope you all enjoyed and fall in love with the romantic and beautiful journey of our characters that is our softies #SRKMadhuri And live with our fictions 💞

Our fiction IS finished but our love for them will be never end...❤️

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