The shower & The burning desire 🔥

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Ma'am shall we continue the shoot...she heard her Monali's voice and came back to the present..she is thinking how to go n see him as her schedule is bit tight that day but anyhow she has to go...
She had night shoot today so it seems difficult for her, but she decided to see him even for a short in between the shoot she went to his office...
She entered and she greeted him with side hug...she asked , how are you now?
He said, how am I looking ?

She said, that's why I m here to see you...she went close to him, holds his hands n said don't have this much stress, things are fine now, so take care of your health, and pls get rid off this smoking...

He said, thanks for coming n asking , I feel much better....I m sorry for that day, MD smiled at him n said , it's OK.. I can understand what you were going through ....

She then added : Shahrukh, I need to go now I came between the shoot, he then stand up to drop her to her car, but she insisted not to come n take rest, they again had a side hug n she went to the shoot.

Few days passed ....MD is so much busy with her back to back shoots ....

On one day her phone started buzzing , she was giving the shot, Monali show the call, it was SRK, she didn't pick but texted him n said ma'am is busy with shoot she will call you as soon as she came from the shoot...

Shoot was over, MD got to know about SRK call....she was thinking why he has called me? Now what happened to him ? Hope everything is ok with him.....she then picked her phone n dialed to SRK
On the other hand SRK being so relaxed as everything is settled now, he show her name n greeted her: good morning....  gorgeous...
on listening that MD felt relaxed that he is now ok...
she replied hii, how are you?
SRK: good,n you ?
MD: busy with the shoots
SRK : there is a party at my place this Friday n you have to come
MD: sorry , Shahrukh it won't be possible, may be I am having outdoor shoot
SRK : party is to get out of these troubled days ...pls try to come ..
MD: I will check n let you know

On Thursday during shoot she remembered to tell SRK that she isn't coming so it's better to call him than to text , she called him

MD: hi
SRK : so you are coming right ?
MD: I think I won't, as the shoot will complete tomorrow evening, I will be very tired n you know how I hate the parties
SRK : I don't want to listen anything, you are coming along with Rajesh tomorrow at my place
MD: Rajesh isn't here , but I will come , but don't force me to stay there till it ends, I will come for a while only
SRK : okk see you tomorrow  beautiful 😍

SRK then think of their beautiful precious moments they spent at NewZealand...
She thought finally he got time....

SRK locked the door, his intentions were quite clear.... naughty n wild
MD was seating on the couch n she still in her night suit n looking extremely beautiful....SRK was so stunned with her Beauty as usual ...he lay besides her on the couch n he took her hand, gently rubbing her hands.. n said I m so sorry...hope you had a good sleep....MD smiled at him and nodded...SRK said you know how much I am tired ...and then MD took his head in her lap n she is playing with his hair n he is playing with her fingers...

They talked for sometimes, then MD said where we are supposed to go for the what meetings n he explained her it's short meeting we will be free by the noon n I have planned something special for the last day as you wished ...MD just listening him lost in his charming personality n he in her beauty . .

Then MD said let's order breakfast n then we get ready n go....SRK said first I want my special breakfast that I deserve n wants badly...
She knew his intentions...
but MD is a big teaser ...she let him up from her lap n said first let me have shower n then I will order your special breakfast

SRK understood she is acting like this just to tease he pulls her towards his face with force and said , you know well what breakfast I want n they hugged tightly and they laughed ....after that MD said let's get ready , let me go to have shower you too go for it...
SRK then took her face very near to her face n said , if we both need to do the same thing why not doing it together....

MD said, way ....and let herself free from him n going to take shower but SRK wants to have her.....she went to have shower and let him inn with her ...
He pulled her towards him starting to make their lips closer their hot breathes burned them the desire killing both of them, they started eating both of their lips he was biting her lower lip then their tongues touched each other they can't stop kissing while they were kissing and both of them touching each other body they went to take shower while they were hugging and lost in their kisses they were eating each other lips you can just hear their breathes ... while that happened SRK started undressing her she was just in one piece so he just can't stop himself from kissing her, he went to kiss her cheeks and biting her ears down to her neck he lost in her neck kissing biting everywhere top to bottom from behind too and licking it while she was closing her eyes and enjoying with a loud breathe and moaning she can't control herself she went down to kiss his face and neck everywhere unstoppably with gentle slow kisses while she undressed him from the top started touching his chest, Her favourite part then started to kiss him with many kisses unstoppably these drops of water making them on fire, 🔥 he can't stop himself from kissing her boobs and abdomen everything happened is just both of them desire 🔥
....he just so much in love with her n lost in her beauty, MD looking so gorgeous having wet hair ...he is tempted to keep on kissing her neck, MD said Shahrukh, he said, yes Chand while continuing his things... MD said listen aren't we supposed to go for a meeting? We r getting late...SRK said I m busy in having my breakfast I don't care for anything else....
Then his Mobile buzzed so MD said him go n check it....and looked at him n gave him a naughty smile.. n said now pls stop and let's go ...we are getting late now...

SRK now come out of his special breakfast n picked up call n said we will be on time. ..and said MD, baby get ready in short time , we will meet for breakfast within 20 minutes upstairs n hurriedly kissed her forehead n said love you so much, she smiled at him..

Then she got ready...
Then they are in public place... having the routine breakfast hurriedly ...Danish came n said your car is ready so he offered his hand to MD to get up n they both move to the car...
They both are smiling at each other n SRK is then busy with co-ordinating  the meeting details
They are behaving like nothing is happened between them in public, being so professional they r the king n queen of BW so they can't afford to leak not a single private moment of them they r being so conscious  about it
All work done....they r leaving the meeting venue

MD is so curious to know what next. . As it's the probably their last night together SRK must have planned something special for us....

When he reached at the car (MD is still having something left for her to do )SRK said the car driver that he himself will drive the car as he wants to let MD see the nearby small town famous for its beach m he left n SRK is waiting for his Chand to join him
As she came , he can't stop staring at her beauty....MD said what are you doing? Where is him, I mean the driver?

SRK said from now it's just you n me

MD is so surprised, she said are you sure ? Isn't this make a headline?
He said, don't worry it's a small place n not much public is there, I checked everything, no one will recognize us there ...I have booked a beach resort for us, as I know how much you love being on the beach
MD hugged him n said thank you n I love you so much he then kissed her hands n let her seat in the car.. .he said its just an hour away from here....
MD said : I think I need to take a short nap
He smiled at her n said yes baby...
Then she slept for a while n he was busy in talking over phone n in between feeling loved whenever he see MD face so beautiful n so much innocent.

He was thinking I wish she stays happy always....hope whatever we are doing doesn't give her stress in future, I have to be careful more about her ...
He was just setting her hair which coming on her face n
with his warm touch she woke up from the nap ...n asked are we reached at our destination? He said almost ...

She said how beautiful place is this !! ....
He stopped the car n he came out car n offered his hand to let her come out of it....then they both entered the resort.......
To be continued....💕

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