Aur pass 💕

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He said , here we come...and he came out of car and went to her car door to let her out of the car...she smiled and hold his hand n get out of the car...then she is about to say goodbye...but SRK is in different mood, he know very well I don't leave you until I drop you at your house door....
She said , Shahrukh you already bother yourseslf  so much for me , you should go to party asap...
SRK isn't interested what she is saying ....let's go upstairs , he said
Madhuri  : ....its impossible for me to win an argument with you...
SRK said, then why are doing the one with me? He said it with smile

He holds her hand and they went to the elevator door....
They went into the elevator and she pressed 7th ....she is by now very nervous that she is becoming weak with his presence this close ...
And it's 7h floor , door opened and they went at home door and he is about to say goodbye with hug....but

MD said, Shahrukh would you like to have some tea or coffee ? You look so exhausted ...

(she couldn't control herself to ask this to him, as she too wants to be with him more )

SRK said, I want and need to have one but I don't want to bother others at your home, they will wake up, it's not the time ...

MD said, that won't be a problem as I told you, Rajesh with kids went to the States and mom is sleeping upstairs so it won't be any trouble...then he agreed.

Then they entered into her home....he said Nice Home...
She smiled at him and took him to terrace balcony and said him seat here I will be back soon with your tea...

He seated on the couch their ...MD went to kitchen for tea...
He can see her from their...his heart is now desperately wants her in his arms , he wants to feel her love ...he took out one cigarette and he looked at the moon and then watching MD doing something in the kitchen with as usual adjusting her hair often and he is just lost into her ....

He went with their memories again :
Their love making goes on and on with the night ..then they freshen up themselves and dressed up to sleep...they want to talk whole night as its their night...then they both sat on the bed and laying their legs on the bed....SRK is putting his one arm on her waist and with the second he is holding her hand and she put her head on his shoulder and she gets herself squeeze into his arms to have his warmth and love , he is pampering her back with his hand and it continued for some time....just being in each others arms feeling loved and warmth feelings.....

SRK then broke the slience and said  : Is it my Chand today?
MD : why ?
SRK : my Chand is soft
MD: and today Chand is so wild..... she is still being so naughty and teaser
SRK : and teaser too, but why so today ?
MD : Chand teases you to get things as per her wish
SRK : your teasing makes me more wild
MD: Chand knows that
SRK : so Chand wanted me to be wilder n on fire
MD: Chand gets anything as per her wish from you
Now he is getting provoked from the way she is saying these
SRK: so lets do it again and attacked her neck with passionate kissing.
MD: n your love for my neck..uffff

SRK : no one can come between me n my love for Chand's neck, not even Chand

MD: yes I know ,you  don't even care for the camera too 🙄😏🤭🤭🤭

SRK : it's all your fault Chand, I just can't care about anything , when I see your neck
MD: you don't even care for Chand's scoldings

SRK: Chand your neck is so provoking and with you being teaser I m getting wilder and Chand can't stop me now...
and he started kissing her neck and said, let's do it again
MD: but Chand is tired now and wants to sleep ..
SRK : Chand can't resist my kisses and touches , you always lose to it

MD: Chand has already lost her heart n everything to you
Then she hugged him tightly and he is pampering her a lot

And their talk continues until both went asleep holding each other....

MD woke up early, as she is conscious not to get late as they had travel for an hour n then have to catch their flight to she come out of bed slowly as she does not want him to wake up early as he is much tired ...before this she gently kissed his forehead...n then she after doing her morning routine gathering her n his stuffs .....and in between she is setting her hair frequently as it's her habit....she doesn't realize he already woke up n enjoying her beauty, after realizing that he woke up she greeted him good morning n smiled ...she offered him tea of he wants but he said not now ...

He came out of bed, and came close to her n kissed her forehead...n said thanks for everything my love
He went to balcony n MD is continued doing her task ...after a while when she completed her task she noticed where is he? So she went to balcony n hold him from behind , he still isn't talking....MD then went in front of him n realized he is so emotional n trying hard to not have teary eyes....
She put her head on his shoulder and gave him a gentle hug n said....

It's our destiny that we have to stay apart, don't know at which point destiny will make us meet again like this....I don't know what we have done during last few months is right or wrong...but I realized that I loved you always
He is getting more emotional and took her face in to his hands and said , pls don't  leave me like that..she said I am here only...then she said shall we dance ? He nodded n they had a gentle hug n without music they lost in their world.....
Then again the one thing that disturb them the most...ringing of cellphones...
Its Danish who is confirming the timing with him again...
Then they got ready and went to their way to catch the flight.....on their way MD told him to stop the car as she wanted to gift him something...he came closer to her and said for that we need not to go out ....she said, not that , lets go there...she pointed towards a beach....
They went there set on a bench there, MD gave him a gift, he said thanks and unwrapped was his most favourite perfume and of course his Chand's as well...
He said I will miss these days and you....I will use this only when I meet you...I wont use it now onwards its for MY Chand only....
He added then don't be harsh to me now....I can't bear this distance between us....keep on meeting me...
MD smiled : sorry for being harsh to you many times....I will never do this again to my love...
Then they have soft hug and moved towards the car to reach their destination ...
To be continued....💕

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