In the Alcove

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Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from dune 

Y/n POV: 

I strode down the corridor towards Paul's room presuming that was where he would have gone when a voice called out to me from an alcove that  I had just passed and looking over to my shoulder I saw Paul. He was grinning.

"Camilla said she'd be able to get you here" He said, his voice a touch lower than normal.

"What?"I asked intrigued as to why he would want to see me of all people, especially after what happened yesterday. 

"Look," he said "I was a total prat yesterday but I really want to talk to you. Can you come here?"

I turned scarlet at this, why on earth did he want to talk to me in a dark Alcove. What was going on? 

"I promised your mother I would have you back as soon as possible..." I started.

But he cut me off as he wined "Please, just for a little bit, I need to talk to you" he begged and as if to prove the point that he wasn't leaving he sat down his back against the wall. I considered for a second, on the one hand I should follow orders but on the other I really wanted to stay here with Paul. My heart won and I slumped down next to him a little further down the alcove. 

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked 

"Well first of all, I'm sorry for what I did yesterday, not least because I'm going to have to clean up the hell hole I made of my room before someone asks me while I felt the need to wreck it. But mostly I just never want to hurt you and the fact that I did makes me feel like a monster."

"Your not a monster Paul. You made a mistake, anyone could have done it now stop beating yourself up about it and move on" I said a small smile on my lips. 

"There's one other thing I want to talk to you about"


"You know that stupid thing that I was thinking about?" I nodded my head "Well I've decided that I should do it. You can ask me what it is now, I promise I won't flip out" he said looking slightly ashamed.

"Okay, what's the stupid thing?"

"I want to kiss you" He said "with your permission of course" 

For a second I just sat there in complete shock and then I smiled widely and said "Permission granted"

Then he shifted slightly so he could more easily reach my lips and cupped my face in his hands for a second rubbing his thumbs gently across my face before leaning in and meeting my lips in a soft loving kiss. I sighed slightly into the kiss his lips were so soft and tender coaxing my lips to match their rhythm. Our lips seemed to perfectly fit together as if we were made for each other. We could have been there for a minuet or an hour or even the whole day and then we pulled apart. 

"you're so beautiful" he murmured into my ear and those words fed the fire that the first kiss had awoke in my chest and grabbed his face again and pulled him hungrily in for  another kiss. This kiss was less gentle our mouths working furiously at each other he began to gently bite my lower lip causing  me to moan into his mouth and allowing his tongue to enter my mouth our tongues battled in a desperate fight for dominance which he won. Despite the fact that I had initiated the kiss he was now in full control bringing long low moans from my throat as my hands tangling into his hair pulling him crosser causing him to let out a groan a moment later the need for air had pulled us apart our pants mingling in the little alcove .

I spoke first "Wow, how- how long have you wanted to do that?" I asked still breathless

"Maybe two years" he said 

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