Month 9 - I think my water just broke

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Disclaimer: I don't own dune

Y/n's POV: 

I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling feeling thoroughly miserable. The baby was a week late and I was huge and uncomfortable. 

"you okay?" asked Mia who was sitting with me, Ben and Paul were watching Lucas.

"No" I replies flatly and she chuckled 

"Neither was I, I know this last bit sucks but it does get better, I promise. Lucas is worth everything that went on during my pregnancy and your daughter is going to be so loved by not just you but the whole world. And she'll always have Lucas to look after her" She smiled

I did too it was not the first time we had imagined our children growing up together as someone who grew up with no one it was nice to see my daughters feature with someone. 

I shifted on my bed and forced my self to my feet and trudged across the room to put on some makeup as I was meeting with Brie, Maisie, Theo and Abi along with Gurney who had taken to the kids and had decided to help me with them. 

Mia put my hair up just as Paul walked in and smiled as he glanced over at me. "Your glowing" he said walking over to us and setting a hand on my shoulder. Mia subtly left the room to grant us some privacy. Paul gently kissed my cheek gently then wrapped my arms around me and pulled me to my feet and wrapped me in a cardigan that I had been loving lately.

"Your incredible you know that?" I asked

"You might have mentioned it a few times" he replied laughing slightly before leaning in and kissing me.


Later I had been playing with the kids for about half an hour and had just set up hopscotch, with Paul and Gurney's help and I was now sitting contentedly with Paul gently stroking my hair with one hand while the other rested on my bump as the baby was kicking and he wanted to feel it. 

as we sat there I felt a faint pain in my stomach almost like a weak period cramp but I pushed it off as a wayward kick from the baby, or perhaps I was hungry again. Yes that was probably it.

"Could you get me a sandwich please" I asked Paul who chuckled at my constant need for food and dashed off to grab me something to eat. 

While he was gone my stomach continued to complain occasionally.

He returned about 10 minuets later with a ham and cheese sandwich and some lemon sherbets since he knew I was currently craving them. "You are a star!" I said as he walked back in and he chuckled.

"I do my best" he replied.Upon seeing my food the kids decided that they were hungry too and Gurney volunteered to go grab them some snacks so Paul and I grabbed some books to read to them until he got back.

Paul began reading and the children began listening and  just as I was about to take a bite of my sandwich the strange feeling twanged through my stomach once again but this time slightly worse.

I took a bite of my sandwich, chewed and thought. Shit! "Paul, I think i might be starting lebour" I whispered to him. He looked at me clearly concerned then nodded.

"How long do you think we have" 

"A while I've only had a couple of minor contractions, but we might just wan't to let someone know but I think I have an hour or so before I need to go to the doctor." I whispered

"Okay but if anything changes let me know"


Not even 10 minuets later just as Gurney returned like a balloon bursting inside me my water broke and Paul helped me to the doctor as my laybor pains increased.

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