How are you feeling?

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Disclaimer: I don't own dune

Authors note: Hi, hope you are enjoying. If you want to write comment's I love reading them and it helps improve my writing to know what you guys think of it:). Also sorry it took me so long to post, It's around Christmas so really busy. 

Mary's POV:

She looked terrible her body crumpled in Paul's arms blood staining her cloths and she was caked in clinging mud and shattered glass, her hair was clearly damp and she smelt like mildew and sweat as she passed, barely able to keep her eyes open. No doubt she didn't full comprehend her situation.  

Paul had been muttering words to her as they walked through soothing her, promising her it would be okay but he had tears in his eyes and dripping down his face, his pain seemed transferred to all who viewed him. He seemed broken and desperate but pouring all of his love out to her as he carried her up the passage, presumably to the doctor.

As soon as she was gone Camilla turned on Beth "What did you do to her?" fury bubbled in her every word and I noticed how Duncan rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand possibly to stop her from physically attacking Beth. 

"Nothing" she snapped back "She must have just smashed a glass, or maybe it was Matron"

Duncan took this moment to step forwards to a place where he was towering over Beth "You are a pathetic little liar with no moral complex and you would be lucky not to loose your job" he said, he didn't need to shout the undercurrent of fury  lacing his words was enough to terrify anyone.

Beth quaked slightly where she stood before apologizing swiftly and turning away. "Right," said Duncan "Now that that's done I believe Mia has some news for me and the two upstairs."

Mia smiled "Yep, guessing Camilla already told you I'm Pregnant"

"What... Millie, no" he said his voice dripping with sarcasm but he chuckled slightly and ruined the affect.

"Sorry, It slipped out," said Camilla but Mia was by laughter and not listening "What so funny?"

"N-Nothing Millie" said Mia before bursting out laughing once more Camilla turned beet red but smiled slightly. 

I laughed too it felt as though everything was getting better. We walked up the corridor to see Y/n, Jessica, Duncan and Camilla  stopped to talk to a very confused Lento (Probably trying to explain exactly why Paul had spent the vast majority of the last hour yelling). 

When we got to Doctor Yeuh's Quarters Y/n was passed out on the table and Paul was holding her hand and gently stroking her head while the doctor worked around her patching up her various cuts and bruises.  

"How is she?" I asked, my voice was quiet but Paul's head sprung round like a coiled spring as if he had been startled.

He had been crying, there were tear tracks dripping down his face "She's okay, but she won't wake up" his face screwed up slightly and he began to cry again "I'm so scared, I can't loose her. I-I can't live without her any more. I love her too much"

I walked over to him, I'm so short that even when he's sitting down I'm still barely taller than him but despite that I embraced him and allowed him to sob into my shoulder. "She will be fine," I whispered once he had stopped crying and I had pulled away "She is strong, and brave and loves you just as much as you love her and she will fight to come back to you okay?"

"Okay," He replied "Thank you Mary" he said  turning away to Kiss Y/n's forehead whispering "Come on baby, I believe in you, you friends believe in you. Come on love all you gotta do is wake up" 

We lapsed into silence for a minuet or two before the others walked in Jessica and Lento instantly walked up to their son and embraced him whispering words of comfort assuring him that everything would be okay. 

We sat in the room not leaving barely speaking, Paul's eyes never left Y/n's face and his hand never left hers his thumb stroking over the back of her hand in an exercise which seemed to reassure him some how. 

We had been sitting in there for nearly the full day when Y/n shifted on the bed groaned slightly and opened her eye's. 

Y/n's POV:

My head hurt, My head hurt and my legs felt like led, My legs hurt and my leg, felt like lead and my whole skin inched and my stomach felt as though it had been ripped out and reattached with roofing nails. My vision was still blurry but I could feel Paul's hand in mine anchoring me, pulling me back to earth. 

"Paul" I rasped out "Water, Please Water" There was movement somewhere in the rook and drips of water began to hit my lips I licked them, my tongue taking in the moisture, I was starting to feel a little more human. 

After about 30 drops the water stopped, I wined slightly "Sorry baby but you can't have too much yet or it could make you sick" Whispered Paul giving me a lingering kiss on my forehead causing my mouth to pull up into a tiny smile. 

Mia and Ben walked up to me both smiling "We have some news, for you and Paul, I'm Pregnant!" said Mia. My face lit up and even in my sleep deprived state, Mia would make an amazing Mum and Ben would be a great dad.

"Congratulations!" exclaimed Paul expressing my joy for me. We both needed some good news and this was amazing.

I could feel myself slipping back away to sleep but I didn't mind as my boyfriend would keep me anchored and the world was looking up.

I smiled as I fell asleep and for the first time in days I slept peacefully and when I awoke my family were still around me. The next few weeks would be difficult but we are going to get through it together.

Authors note: Merry Christmas

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