The road to Recovery

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Disclaimer: I don't own dune

Y/n's POV:

"Morning beautiful" were the first works I heard as I opened my eyes, Paul was standing over me holding a small glass of water and a bowl of porridge. I smiled and, after he had set down the Items in his hands, tilted my head pouting slightly. He chuckled and bent down to kiss me slipping onto the bed and just leaning into me. My tongue traced his lips and he sighed opening his mouth and allowing me to explore it. It was a slow leisurely kiss. when we pulled apart he sighed contentedly but He looked a little nervous. 

"What?" I asked taking up the porridge and beginning to eat.

"I love you so much," He said with a smile then he took a deep breath "Marry me?" 

Happiness exploded in my chest as he pulled out a elegant ring with a delicate diamond set in the center surrounded by two pieces of golf formed to resemble the twisting vines that decorated the walls in our secret garden. I pulled him in and Kissed him passionately tears of pure joy as I pulled back staring at him grinning like like I had after our First kiss. 

"I still sorta need an answer" He said a hint of a smile crossing his face

"Yes. Yes you Idiot. Oh my god I love you so much, so much" I rested my forehead on his out breath mingling as he slipped the ring onto my finger. 

We lay like that for a while before he pointed out"Your porridge is getting cold" with the goofiest grin I have ever seen

"I don't think I care" I laughed but I still grabbed my bowl of porridge cause I needed to eat or I would never get out of this bloody bed. 

He rolled his eyes at me so I bopped his nose with the end of my spoon leaving a tiny bit of porridge on his nose which I quickly licked off before he could brush it away. He blushed slightly and I resisted the temptation to kiss him again. 

I finished the small bowl of food and glass of water without any trouble, I moved so I was sitting on the covers and decided to test my legs. I gently swung my legs over the side of the bad and lowered myself the Inch or two to the floor then, with Paul walking next to me encase I fell, I walked across the room. I shook slightly and the cuts on the base of my feet itched and burned as if I was walking on a thousands of needles and Knives and the muscles in my legs, which had seized in the cold of the cellar, complained to no end. 

I made it the almost the whole way round the room collapsing into Paul's arms about a half foot from the bed I looked up at him tears in my eyes. "Well, it was better than yesterday" I said but my voice broke on the last word and I began to sob into his chest.  He tightened his arms around me and lay me back into bed before joining me, wrapping his arms around me. 

"It's gonna be okay, the doctor said It would take a week or two for you to heal fully," he whispered pressing butterfly kisses to the back of my neck. 

"I know," I wined "But I'm so bored... and If i'm being honest, real horney" I finished blushing, Paul had been extra attentive since my injury  and it was really turning me on. Paul laughed gently behind me vibrations thrumming through his chest where it touched my back.

"Well I can help you with that," he said huskily  before positioning himself so that his head was between my legs and pushing up my nightgown and gently removing my panties so that I was completely open to him. "May I?" He said his breath ghosting across my bare skin. I nodded and he began to work, bringing his fingers up to toy with my clit bringing loud moans from my lips. He was being very careful not to brush up against my legs, the only thing still in significant pain. He continued to toy with me for several minuets, rolling my clit between his fingers and tracing down to my entrance occasionally inserting the tip of a finger or circling around it, teasing me making me beg for more. 

"Please" I grounded and he lowered his mouth over my center his hot breath triggering me to buck up to meet him his tongue flicking in and out of me as his lips massaged my outermost walls I moaned loudly his tongue delved deeper and deeper catching onto my insides licking me making me tense and clench and pulse with the building frustration and his tongue went deeper still  his nose now berried in my folds  while his thumbs continued to play around my clit every nerve I has was thumbing as his tongue found my sweet spot I whimpered slightly and my hands hound their way to the back of his head tangling with his hair moving him up and down as he worked sweet magic on my insides. "Fuck" I gasped then he hit my sweet spot once again and my whole body writhed as, screaming, I came he carried me thought it making it last before I finally relaxed panting and grinning.

"Better?" he asked pulling away from me and licking my pussy of of his lips as he grinned at me.

"So much better" I gasped still euphoric. 

"Good" he said Maneuvering back to his original position, as he did his rock hard cock brushed against my stomach, seconds later I was squeezing his hardened length while he groaned loudly and began to buck into my hand.I pulled of his shirt and began to kiss along his muscles and over his chest. Then I slipped off his trousers and boxers gently massaging across his v-line before slowly flipping over and kissing along the lines my fingers had just traced causing him to gasp and moan his hips bucking up and down his erection huge. I hovered over it sighing slightly and then lowering myself onto it massaging hi balls, gently squeezing and pulling, as my tongue explored the length of his shaft licking right down to it's base and up to the top to lick of the droplets of pre-cum forming there, slightly salty and absolutely delicious.

He groaned again and through gasps and moans forced out the words"I'm gonna cum" a second before his seed fired into my mouth, I swallowed every drop and grinned at him as I pulled away mimicking his earlier gesture and licking my lips to clean of the cum. 


"I love you so much" He whispered later, neither of us had moved from the bed or put any cloths back on. 

"I love you more" I whispered back absentmindedly playing with his fingers my head resting on his bare chest.

"Impossible" He chuckled kissing my head at ruffly the same moment that Camilla and Duncan strode in,

 I was still in my nightgown but Paul grabbed a blanket and threw it quickly over our legs blushing furiously just before they were fully in the door.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" Screeched Camilla looking anywhere but at the bed.

"Looks like you two have been busy" commented Duncan staring pointedly at Paul's cloths which were still in a small pile on the floor. 

"Fuck off" Muttered Paul and the two of them hurried outside for a minuet or two to allow us to change in privacy.

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