month 2 - Mini Mia

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Disclaimer: I don't own dune

Y/n's POV: 

I was awoken early in the morning by a sudden and harsh rap on the door. I sighed into the Pillow as Paul got blearily out of bed and trudged  across the room opening the door to see an overexcited Duncan who loudly declared "Mia just went into labor, she's having the baby!"

I shot up, a little to fast my world spun for a second and I had to steady myself, all vestiges of sleep were removed from my mind. The baby was coming I got out of bed and danced across to my dresser to grab some cloths not even caring when I stubbed my toe on the foot of the bed. I had started wearing pregnancy bras about a week ago as, though my bump was still pretty subtle my boobs had seemingly inflated something that Paul wasn't complaining about. He in a man after all.

I got into some loose purplish blue leggings and a black skin fitting top which I threw a jumper over the top of since no one apart from my close friends and Paul's Parents knew about the baby and we didn't want the whole world to know before we were ready.

Once we were both changed we dashed to doctor Yueh's  room where Mia would have the baby stopping on the way to grab some breakfast for ourselves and Mia and Ben since they probably hadn't eaten yet.

The delivery room was all hustle and bustle but Mia's contractions were still two minuets apart and she was not yet in too much pain. She thanked us for bringing up breakfast then turned the TV in the room on and we began to talk casually and watch the show. The excitement in the air was palpable but this wasn't something you could rush and now that the initial excitement rush had worn off I was beginning to realize just how tired I was so I decided to rest my head on Paul's shoulder and sleep for a while trusting that he would wake me up if anything happened. 


The sun had just began to rise when my eyes fluttered open to see a room with only slightly more energy than when I had fallen asleep. Ben was holding Mia's hand and by the looks of pain on his face she was squeezing it during her worst contractions. 

"Morning, not much has happened since you fell asleep, she's a few more centimetres dilated but she says it's just like really bad period pain at the moment" Said Paul. I winced slightly, It may not be the worst pain she will be feeling today but it still can't be nice.

"Ahhh" Mia grunted as a contraction swept over her Ben's face too contorted in pain as eminence amounts of pressure were pushed onto his hand. I rested my hand gently on my belly where my own baby rested. I was looking forward to meeting my child but not so much to the pain of child birth. notching my actions Paul joined his hand there and pulled my into a embrace my back pressed against his warm chest. 

Our piece was broken by a half scream from Mia "that was the worst one yet" she gasped and I rose to my feet to join Camilla and Mary who were both sitting in the sofa; Duncan was still asleep in the visitors chair. 

We talked for a while mostly about what had gone on in the kitchen and our shock that Duncan was able to sleep through the occasional screams. The four of us chatting about kitchen gossip reminded me of the days when the four of us were just serving girls in this castle. It was strange to think that I would never sleep in my old bed again, in fact none of us would due to the fact that all of my friends slept a floor higher than they used to, mostly for my ease of visiting but also a bit because they totally deserved a promotion.


 Two hours later Mia was in heavy labor and the Doctor was predicting that the baby boy would be here soon. He also mentioned how Mia was lucky to have such a short labor, which in her current state of pain, she did not appreciate. 

Ben was permitted to stay inside with her but the rest of us had to stay outside the room nervously passing and occasionally flinching at Mia's screams.  Paul was rubbing my back every time I winced and I was leaning back into his warm chest.

"I have to go threw this in seven months" I said butterfly dancing in my stomach.

"you will be amazing at it, you have survived a lot of shit and you were fine and at least this pain is giving you something we really want" He answered softly kissing my head.

Him message however was slightly undermined by Camilla saying loudly "If it's that painful I am never having kids" Duncan chortled at her comment and pulled her into a deep hug and I just about heard him whisper.

"I think your scaring Y/n Millie" she glanced over at my nervous face and looked slightly guilty but it just made me laugh but I stopped suddenly as I heard the wale of a new born baby in the next room my face splitting into a wide smile as I spun to face Paul who was also grinning I pulled him into a tight hug and I squiled excitedly. 

15 minuets later we were allowed in Mia was cradling the baby boy in her arms "meet Lucas" she said glancing up at us then returning her eyes to her baby. The child was swaddled in a blue green blanket It's eyes were still closed as it hadn't been long enough since birth for them to open but the child was beautiful. Ben was standing beside the bed a hand resting on Mia's solder and another resting on the fabric of the baby's blanket.

I walked across the room and sat in the visitors chair and settled in. "Do you want to hold him?" she asked

"Yes" I said there was nothing else I could say. I beamed as Lucas was carefully passed to me. 

"He's so perfect" I said to Mia then I turned to the baby "I'm gonna be the best aunt ever to you" I whispered to him stroking the top of his head. Eventually I passed him back to his mother who welcomed him back. I then glanced over at Paul who was smiling gently at me. 

Today is the best day.

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