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Disclaimer: I don't own Dune

Y/n's POV:

I was dancing around the hospital room laughing as I was spun around by Paul, It had now been a month since I had been brought here and today I had been told that I was free to go.

Camilla, Mary and Mia had come to help move my things to my new room, I didn't have much stuff and really didn't need that many people but I wanted to spend some more time with my friends.

According to Mary Jessica and Leto had made some changes to Paul's room so that it was now more suitable for two people. Given the response we had gotten from Paul' peasants we were both wondering why we had bothered to hide our relationship for so long.

Mia was talking excitably about her baby as she gathered up my things "The doctor says that next time we go for a check up we can find out the gender!" she squealed excitedly. She was starting to show significantly more and had developed the habit of rubbing her belly whenever she had a free moment, a gesture that Ben found very endearing. 

"What do you think it's gonna be?" asked Mary as I picked up the last of my things and we headed into the corridor and towards Paul's room. 

"I think a girl, so does Ben but I'd be happy with either" She replied

We reached the door and Paul put down what he was holding to push it open Jessica instantly dashed over to the door embracing each of us in tern asking Mia about the baby and for the umpteenth time congratulating me on my engagement. Then I walked into my room, our room. I couldn't believe it I looked up at Paul and wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered into his ear "New bed, looks like it needs braking in" 

He groaned slightly muttering " Don't tempt me" 

"Why?" I asked gently trailing butterfly kisses along his jaw bone until our lips met in a long and tender kiss. 

"Do they know that were still here?" Leto questioned Mary

"Yep, they just don't care" she replied before adding "You get used to it, Camilla and Duncan walked in on them..."

"shut the fuck up!" said Paul said pulling away from me and glaring at Mary as if if she shared anymore he would go for her neck.

"Language!" warned Jessica before turning to Mary "What were they doing?" 

"Um, nothing" said Mary looking at Paul's face which still looked ready for murder. 

"A story for another time then" she said with a confidential smile "Anyway the two of you are coming to lunch with Leto and I today, 12 o'clock don't be late" she finished before grabbing Lento's hand and pulling him gently out of the room.

"What the hell was that?" I said mock angrily at Mary before bursting out laughing, Paul,s face leveled out and then he began to laugh too.

We began to finish up the finishing touches on  the decoration of the room. 

Jessica's POV:

"Well I think that went well" I said to Leto linking my arms with his. 

"Wonderful, but I swear to god if I have to watch them snog every time I see them..." He stammered but I cut him off by laughing.

"Their young and in love, I think we may have been worse" I said laughing slightly at his blush "Now if we're inviting our future daughter in law we should probably go down to the kitchen and try to understand a bit more about her world, I organised for us to cook something" I said 

"Us cooking? Are we trying to give the poor girl food poisoning?" He said But a smile stretched across his face as he gently kissed my cheek and asking "So who will be teaching us?"


Y/n's POV:

Hours later everyone had left, we had found some creative ways to break in the bed and I was now assessing at my wardrobe wondering if I had anything that was worth wearing. 

"What am I supposed to do? The fanciest piece of clothing I own is formal service ware"

"Then ware something your comfortable, it's not a huge event my parents won't mind" He said smiling at my indecision

"I only have one item of clothing that isn't uniform or a nightdress"

"So ware that" He said with a genuine smile 

I turned around and kissed him gently "It's my fighting gear" I said with a smile.

"Wear it" he said hungrily, I just rolled my eyes at him and turned back to my wardrobe "or you could just wear what your wearing at the moment" 

I looked down at myself, I was wearing some leggings that I would sometimes put under my dress in the winter and Paul's over sized shirt which hung down to just above my knees. 

"I can't show up wearing this!"


"Because I just can't" I said chuckling slightly at his pout.

"I guess you could ask my mum if you can borrow some of her stuff" he said sounding slightly resigned.

I smiled in relief " Yeah, that would work, do you know where she is?" 

He shrugged and attempted to kiss me again but I dodged him and, still wearing his shirt, left the room to go and find Jessica.

Half an hour later I couldn't find her and I was starting to panic. I couldn't lie to myself, I was terrified about this lunch and really wanted everything to flow smoothly and here I was an hour before we were supposed to eat stumbling round the halls looking for some one who it seemed unlikely I would find. I decided as a last resort I would head downstairs to see if any of the other girls had something I could borrow although my hopes weren't high.

As I walked down to the kitchen something smelled a little off and as I drew closer I recognized the smell of burning. I dashed down to the kitchen to see if I could help only to see a flustered looking Jessica telling Camilla that she made baking look so easy. 

"Um, hi" I said as I entered and all eyes in the room turned on me. I new why of course this was the first time I had been down here since I was carried out by Paul.

"Y/n" said Matron "I'm so sorry"

"Don't be, you were doing your job" I said with an honest smile. a couple of the other girls apologized to me and  I assured all of them that they were alright and I didn't mind before turning to Jessica with a look of manic desperation in my eyes.

"Please can you lend me 

a dress, only I don't really have anything and if I'm going to a lunch I'd like to make a good impression" I said realizing as I did that I was still in the cloths I had originally declined to wear.

"Don't worry, If you want we can go upstairs and pick something now," She said  

"Thank you sooo much" I said smiling.

In the end I picked out a pale brown dress with bright red orange and yellow highlights mostly concentrated around the bottom. The dress was snicked by a belt in the middle and fell all the way to the floor.

"I'm ready," I called to Paul as I re-entered our room having put on some light makeup. 

"Wow, You look beautiful" He gasped 

"Still think I would look better in your shirt?"

"Yes, but that will have to be a joy for another time" He said and we both laughed.

"Come on, it's time to go," I said grabbing his hand and pulling him from the room. We walked down the corridors together and when we reached the hall Paul pushed open the door and we entered, guess I don't have to knock anymore.

Leto and Jessica were sitting at either end of a table and all of my friends (most of who were wearing something borrowed from either Leto or Jessica) were gathered around, I smiled. There was a slightly smoldering pie that Leto and Jessica had made on their own and a few other bits and pieces made by my friends, It was delicious and just to be able to sit and laugh with all these people after the ordeal of the last month made me unbelievably happy.

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