The bachelorette

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Disclaimer: I don't own Dune

Y/n's POV:

Mia, Camilla, Mary and I left the dress shop to head to a near by cafe, it wasn't particularly adventurous for most but considering we hadn't left the citadel since we started work there everything out here was new and exiting for us. The girls had booked us into a restaurant for the evening so we each just bought a drink, three milkshakes and a coffee for Camilla who insisted that she would need it to get through the evening. 

We sat and sipped our drinks laughing and reviewing the day. 

"So, how does it feel to know that your  going to marry Paul tomorrow?" asked Mia 

"Year only one guy for the rest of your life!" teased Mary

"That would be the case even if I wasn't marrying him. I mean look at Mia and Ben or Camilla and Duncan their not getting married yet but I don't see them braking up" I said shoving Mia gently in the arm. 

"I know but I need something to tease you about!" she giggled sipping her strawberry milkshake and wincing as she clearly got brain freeze. 

We sat and talked for a while about the last few months leading up to now, about Mia's baby about where we would go next since we had some time before dinner and most importantly we all caught up on the kitchen staffs gossip since I had been busy the last few days and hadn't been able to pop down.

"Matrons stressing out before your wedding" Mia said offhandedly 

"She always stresses, I'll come down when we get back and make sue she's doing okay" I said, Matron may not have always been the nicest to me but she was basically my mother for years. Everyone makes mistakes right?

"Your too nice" said Camilla 

"I know" I said flicking my hair but chuckling at the same time, then I checked my watch "Shit, Were running late to the restaurant" I gasped, had we really been sitting here that long. 

We quickly gathered our things and headed out to the restaurant where there was a small table done out in gold and silver streamers with tiny pieces of table confetti reading 'to be married' scattered across it. There was also a large balloon which read 'think of this as your 0 year anniversary, your too far in now!'  

"Wow, thank you so much, I love you guys" I said pulling all of my friends into a crushing hug

"Stop, can't breathe" gasped Mary

"Never" I replied but released them a few seconds later the story of how I killed my best friends might not be a great one to tell future kids. 

We sat and ate for hour discussing nothing in particular and laughing regularly. While we were waiting for pudding I noticed something across the room from us. 


He raised his eyes at me and waved slightly, I stared at him and began to use sign to communicate with him across the room.

'fun night' I accompanied the sign with a raise of the eyebrows to indicate a question

'yep, nice food, I missed you' he pouted slightly 

'I missed you too' 

'can I come over' this time he raised his eyebrows but they provided the same indication

I shrugged in reply 'don't know want to test your luck'


"Hi" He said walking over and sitting beside me. The rest of the boys on the other side of the room had followed him with their eyes as he walked and were now strolling over to meet us too. Mia and Camilla embraced their respective partners and we all squeezed in around the tiny table Camilla and I sitting on our partners laps to make room. 

When the waitress returned with pudding to find almost double the amount of people originally at her table it was fair to say that she was shocked but the restaurant was very accommodating moving the boys desserts over to our table and pushing together two tables as she hurried of I herd the waitress mutter "new I recognized her she's that Bitch who's marrying Paul Atreides for his money"

Clearly Paul had herd too because he stiffened slightly next to me "Don't do anything" I murmured in a futile attempt to soothe him gently stroking his leg with mt thumb.

"How can she say that about you, Your beautiful and your caring and wonderful, you'd never do that!"

"Do what?" asked Duncan who had been listening to Paul rant

"Nothing" I said "one of the service staff here just made a tasteless comment about me, I've had worse" 

"tactless?" asked Duncan his stare hardening as he looked around. 

"Look not everyone is going to like me, I'm not campaigning for universal popularity okay?"

Their hackles went down and Camilla rolled her eyes at me "I recon it's the soldier in them" she muttered

I hit her arm "I'm a trained soldier!" 

She shrugged "I know, I've seen you defend Paul" 

I hit her arm once more before resting my head gently on Paul's shoulder and enjoying the rest of dinner. 

When we returned I walked down to the servants Quarters where I would be sleeping tonight and collapsed exhausted onto a mattress lain down beside my old bed and almost instantly I sank into a deep sleep looking forward to the next day.

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