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Disclaimer: I don't own Dune 

Y/n's POV:

I woke feeling a little sore but ridiculously happy. Paul was no longer lying beside me but I could hear him moving around in the kitchen and the whole house smelt of fresh pancakes was spreading through the house. 

I groaned slightly as I got out of bed and changed into a basic pale purple crop jumper and a pair of loose shorts. When I walked into the kitchen I was behind Paul as the counter with the hob on it was facing the opposite wall. I suck across the kitchen and wrapped my arms around his waist. He too was wearing shorts but he had neglected a top, he had the kitchen towel slung over his shoulder and looked pretty good.

"Morning" He said flipping the scotch pancakes using a spatula.

"So, how does it feel not cooking on a tin can?" I asked 

"Good" he chuckled

I de-tangled myself from him and glided across the kitchen to a punnet of mixed fruits and berries which I began to prep to put on out food. Occasionally I would ask Paul if he wanted something so wee didn't have to much and we ended up with a good sized colourful spread. Just as the last pancake was take off of the grill. 

Paul grabbed two plates, some butter, maple syrup and chocolate spread and dashed to the table as I carefully carried over the fruit desperate not to ruin my presentation. Paul smiled slightly at my measured pace helping himself to three pancakes as I took my seat claiming the same amount for myself. 

I covered my pancakes in a generous helping of raspberries, blueberries and strawberries smothering the hole lot in maple syrup before digging in. I sighed as the sweet luxurious taste hit my tongue. 

"That hits the spot" I said and Paul agreed. 

We ate in comfortable silence until all of the food was all gone just enjoying each others company. As I picked the last few slices of banana off of the fruit plate Paul spoke.

"Glad you liked breakfast" he said with joy in his voice.

I stared into his face for a second his jaw had been slightly clenched while he was cooking but it was relaxed now, it took me a moment to realize why  "you didn't think they would work did you" It wasn't a question it was a statement. I rose from my chair wand wrapped my arms around him kissing his neck. "well I never doubted you" I gently kissed his ear then grabbed his hand and lead him out onto the balcony "now since I never doubted you baking ability and I was such a nice person maybe the universe might finally let me beat you at chess" I gave him a winning smile and pulled out the chess board and beginning to set it up.

"I love you so much" He said sitting down and pulling my hand to his mouth to kiss it " but your never gonna beat me at chess!" he joked setting up his side. 

We began to play.

Two hours later Paul had won 5 games of chess and we decided to call it a day and head down to the beach to see if any of the wildlife we had spotted the day before was still there and If we could find something new. We went to the other side of the Island as it was only about a kilometre across. When we reached the beach I changed into my bikini on the shore line as there were no other people in the island. we dived into the sea and messed around in the water for a bit diving down and splashing around frantically in the water. 

We ended up having a full on water fight both of us screeching whenever we were hit in the face and ducking and diving around trying to sneak around on the other. Most of the sneak attacks didn't work but it was fun to try. 

Paul also grabbed some seaweed and threw it into my hair, I laughed and pretended to model it walking out of the water. "How do I look?" I giggled

He dashed up behind me and pushed me so he was straddling me in the deeper water and murmuring "Beautiful" into my ear. I clung to his chest and he hefted my up so he had his hands supporting my ass and carried me out of the water and lay me down on a beach towel then dried himself off, reapplying sunscreen and grabbing a book which he must have carried down with him then he sat down on the beach towel behind my head and began to read to me.

After a while I moved to rest my head on his chest but he pulled away slightly. I looked up at him confused "Sorry Y/n, it's just that your hair is soaking wet and it's cold" 

"Oh, sorry" I said pulling away slightly "Don't worry love it was just a shock" He said kissing my temple and pulling my head back to where it had rested on his chest. I smiled and he continued to read the pair of us now in our accustomed positions. 

Once the chill of the cooling water on my skin began to bother me we made the desiccation to head back up to the house and shower before we prepared dinner. The shower warmed both of us up, we had decided to shower together sponging each other down, Paul washed my hair which felt wonderful his fingers working through my hair and massaging my scalp sighing at the pleasant sensation. Then I washed his curly hair with similar results eventually we ended up standing in our bedroom arms tangled around each other both exhausted but hungry.

 "There's a cook from frozen pizza in the freezer" I told him and he chuckled

"Sounds good, you want to put on a movie or something while I warm it up?"

I pulled on some Pajamas and put the hunger-games on the TV It was an old film now but it was still good. 

"Ah, child murder!" said Paul as he walked back in "I still don't understand why this is good but it just is" 

I laughed and the Pair of us settled on our bed watching the movie, talking and eating until we were both ready to sleep.

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