I do

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Disclaimer: I don't own dune

Y/n POV: 

I woke early stretching out on an empty bed that wasn't my own, It took me a second to fully comprehend where I was and Why. I'm getting married today.

I'm getting married today! I leapt off of the mattress and dashed across the room to grab some breakfast, god I missed being this close to the kitchen. I shoveled some jam on toast into my mouth alongside Mia, Camilla and surprisingly Beth who had already wished me good luck for the day. Maybe people really can change.

Mary walked in stretching and rubbing her eyes, grabbing for a piece of toast and shoving it into her mouth without even pausing to add butter and jam, she winced at the dry texture and spread the relevant toppings over the remainder of the toast. Camilla and Mia were both discussing where we would do our makeup and get changed, after a while it seemed to be agreed that we would get ready upstairs in lady Jessica's  room as that was were out dresses were being held. The flower girls change in the room next door.

As soon as we had finished eating we scurried upstairs jabbering like a flock of over exited birds. Mia was bringing her own shade of foundation as was Camilla however Mary's skin colour was very similar to Jessica's and since she didn't have any of her own she had been borrowing her's whenever she needs it. 

"Welcome in!" said Jessica with a warm welcoming smile after we knocked on her door she ushered us inside and instantly pushed Me into the make up chair. She applied some foundation on my nose and chin carefully blending it into my skin not wanting to cover up too much of my actual face them Mia stepped in to do my eyes in a pale gold eye shadow  and dark brown mascara. Lastly I put some lip stick on and got out of the chair so that the others could get ready.

About an hour and a half later we all had our makeup on and we were doing each others hair. The flower girls had two strands of hair platted and tied together at the back to form a sort of crown, the brides maids hair was being pulled back into a single braid as it was more or less the only hairstyle that Camilla's wild curly hair would accommodate. My hair was platted and twisted into bun. 

Soon after we all got into our dresses and waited the final 15 minuets knowing that people were currently entering the hall where I was to be married.

"How are you feeling" Asked Jessica

"Would you judge me if if said nervous" I asked

"Not at all" She answered with a warm smile. 

"Good, cause I am" I said 

"you ready to go?" 

"Absolutely" I rose to me feet my dress just trailing on the floor and Jessica tucked the final pure white flower into my hair. I took a deep breath and took Ben's arm ready for him to walk me down the isle. My brides maids trailed behind me and my flower girls walked to either side of me. Abi grabbed my hand  grinning up at me I smiled back and she stepped away to begin throwing flower petals at me as I turned my attention to the end of the Isle where Paul stood in a suit that fit snug to his form. 

I exhaled slightly, he was breathtaking I felt the corners of my face pull back subconsciously in a wide smile unaware of the eyes on me I walked down the isle to the point where I Ben gave me one last hug and I was left to stand beside Paul staring into his glistening blue eyes. 

"Please say your vows" 

"Y/n, you are the most beautiful and smart and wonderful person I have ever met. You light up my world every day, you are sensational and it is the greatest honor I will ever have to spend the rest of my life with you." He said staring earnestly into my eyes.

My eyes were slightly glazed as I began my own vows "Paul, you are my rock, you are always there when I need you and you have helped me through my darkest times. I will spend the rest of my life trying to deserve someone as incredibly smart and brave and wonderful as you"

"Do you Paul Atreides take Y/n Y/l/n to be your lawfully wedded wife till death do part?"

"I do"

"And do you Y/n Y/l/n tale Paul Atreides to be your lawfully wedded husband till death do part?"

"I do"

"Then you may kiss"

We did, the kiss was soft and long but not without passion we sank into each other for what could have been a moment or an eternity lips finding a soothing comforting rhythm then we broke apart turning to face our now clambering guests our faces wearing matching grins our hands still linked. 

After being congratulated by more people the resection began, I changed into a slightly shorter dress so I would be able to dance. We sat down to eat still grinning our hands intertwined I leaned into him slightly my weary body taking comfort from his warmth. 

"You okay love?" He asked 

"Yep, just a lot of people to say thank you to!" 

He chuckled at that serving a plate of food and passing it to me. "I love you so much" I sighed digging into my food. 

Jessica's POV:

I watched my son and his wife who seemed to be having a private conversation the reception was already working out tremendously and we had one last surprise for the couple. 

"Sorry to interrupt but if you want to dance you should do it now your transporter will take you to the beach for your honeymoon in about three hours. 

Looks of shock and great thanks crossed their faces "Thank you Mother" said Paul an Y/n tilted her head to show her agreement to this statement. She looked as if she wanted to say more but I stopped her before she could,

"Go, dance, have fun this is your day and you should enjoy it" The pair thanked me once again then their hands locked they walked out onto the dance floor for the first dance.

Y/n's POV:

Paul and I danced slowly and gracefully until more people entered the dance floor at which point we switched to swaying my arms around his  neck his around my waist all to soon we were informed that we must depart to our honeymoon. We hugged all of our friends than got into our transporter ready to enjoy the next few days.

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