We have good news

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Disclaimer: I don't own dune

Y/n's POV:

I collapsed onto the sofa in the sitting room of the servants quarters nearly crushing a packet of biscuits, which Mia saved before I could, and sighed. There was nothing truly like this, it may not have been my first house but it was my first home. The training institution had always been ruff on us and when I moved here at the young age of eleven just having a bed was a luxury to me. I had been a scullery maid never aloud upstairs for my first few years. That was about the same time I met Camilla. It felt like visiting a childhood home after time away. I was well aware that I was getting overly emotional about returning from a two week trip but hey, I have pregnancy hormones, give me a break.

The rest of us slouched around along with a couple of other maids, some of the guard and much to my surprise matron and the head butler who were both struggling to loose their prim and proper stance, especially around Paul. They glanced at him regularly and Matron still had the shadow of guilt in her eye. I don't think she ever truly forgave herself for what happened to me in the cellar and the time I spent in hospital after. 

I rose to my feet giving Paul a reassuring smile as I strode over to them.

"My lady" They chorused

"Y/n" I corrected them "I got married but I'm still me" Matron almost smiled at that her eyes lighting up for a fraction of a second. "Come on, you should join us. We have some board games to play for a while until it is time for us to turn in. 

They glanced at each other clearly worried about improper etiquette or one off the other hazards of class that plagued the serving world. Matron was now looking at Paul with doubt in her eyes. "That is a kind offer my La- Y/n. But I don't think we will be welcomed. Not after what I did."

"It's forgotten, and he won't mind" I reassured her then I lead the pair towards the group Mia, Camilla and Mary all gave friendly smiles. Duncan rose to embrace the butler since they were both head of their respective operations and were on good terms. Paul just gave them both a relaxed wave before turning his attention back to me and opening his arms indication that I should come and sit on his lap, which I did.

"So what you want to play?" Asked Camilla with a wary look at Paul.


"We are not playing monopoly again" Camilla insisted cutting him off and  the rest of us nodded in agreement.

"I love you baby but you have unhealthy obsession with that game" I chuckled sticking my tongue out at him then snuggled back into his chest looking expectantly at the others as they discussed options for games. My glance darted over to Matron who looked as if she wanted to speak but was once again holding her tongue. I smiled at her a simple indication that she could speak freely. 

"We could play cards" She suggested timidly her voice quavering slightly on the last word.

"sure" said Duncan grabbing a deck and shuffling before setting up for a game of bluff. 


The rest of the evening passed uneventfully people joining and leaving the game at regular intervals until it was just our original group left, matron and the butler had just turned in. It was at this point that the focus switched from the game to me. 

"So you said you had something to tell us?" Asked Camilla 

"Um, Yes" I began glancing at Paul for momentary reassurance. He gave a comforting smile and I continued "Yes, I have news. Good news. Very good news."  I felt Paul's hands shift to my belly. Mia followed their movement and gasped.

"No way!"

"No way what?" asked Duncan still woefully oblivious.

"Pregnant?" Mia asked me but before I could nod Duncan interrupted.

"Yes Mia, we know you pregnant but what is ... oh my god"

I smiled shyly at the group and Paul pressed a gentle kiss to my mouth "I'm pregnant" I said smiling and moving my hands to meet Paul's on my belly. He pulled me tighter to him and smiled then I let out a sigh.

"Tired?" Mia with a knowing smile.

"Yep, how did you know?"

"your experiencing everything I went through, remember!" she said 

"you should sleep otherwise you'll be shattered tomorrow she warned me. I smiled in thanks and rose to my feet grabbing some water and heading upstairs reassured in the knowledge that Paul would be up in about half an hour.

I collapsed on my bed and curled into the fetal position my eyes were heavy but I was unable to sleep. I sat back up and got out of bed, putting a robe on over my pajamas and walking back down to the  kitchen to make pancakes. I really wanted Pancakes.

When I walked back through the servants Quarters to the kitchen I asked Mia if she wanted Pancakes too. She did, so we went to the kitchen and quickly made and ate some chatting all the wile about what had gone on while I was away and  her experiences throughout her pregnancy as wall as her rapidly approaching due date before both of us turned in to sleep. 

Once I had crawled back into bed Paul was up in about twenty minuets he wrapped his arms around me kissing the top of my head and whispering into my hair then began gently singing a lullaby until my eyes once again grew extremely heavy and I fell asleep.

Mia's POV:

"Another baby" I whispered to Ben in the darkness of our room.

"I know" he replied "I'm glad, I was beginning to worry our little one would never get anyone to play with."

"Mmm, and now I get to impart my pregnancy wisdom on someone else even once I've had the baby. She's brave though. I would never have told anyone but you this early I'd be worried something would go wrong," My voice was thick with worry for my friend

"I know love but She has Paul and I'm convinces the bene gesserit can see the future or guarantee child birth or something. I mean they can intentionally bear girls so they must have some sway in the process."

I smiled "I realized something, when I was with child Paul probably knew before us but he gave us  time to tell people on our own"

"He's a great person" agreed Ben "and he's gonna be a great dad"

"so are you" I smiled and finally surrendered to the tiredness that had been plaguing me all evening as I fell asleep.

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