Month 1- training

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Disclaimer: I don't own dune 

Authors note: Firstly, I am so sorry for the delay in publishing this chapter, as I said when I first published this book I an a competitive writer and that has to take priority sometimes. This is my relaxed writing where not everything has to be re-read a million times and finished to perfection and I am so glad that you are enjoying my work.  

Y/n's POV:

I awoke in the morning feeling incredibly ill. I was luckier than Mia had been with morning sickness as it only ever gave me a headache or nausea but It still wasn't incredible. Paul pulled me into a hug where we lay in bed. 

"We have training in about an hour baby, you think you'll be good?" he asked he had been extremely careful to make sure I was always in my comfort zone since he had found out I was pregnant a week ago. I had decided  that I would continue both helping out in the kitchen and training as long as I could. I mean seriously how bored would I get if I did nothing for the next nine months, you can't even see a bump.

I rose from the bed and plodded across the room to freshen up mostly pregnancy was treating me well but night sweats were a bitch and I stank. I striped down and got in the shower running the water to my preferred temperature before getting in. Paul always jokes that I shower in a furnace but who's he to talk when he's practically taking an ice bath. 

I hummed a tune I had heard somewhere while I brushed my teeth and dried and tied back my hair. I decided that I couldn't be bothered to came back to the bathroom so I hung up the towel and walked into my bedroom to see an equally naked Paul. I had caught him half way through changing. He didn't immediately see me but glance up when he heard the door open his mouth pulling back into a smile that matched mine.

He strode across the room and pulled me into a deep kiss in which tongues danced for dominance and  lips were gently bitten and teased by teeth and tongue. We stood there like that just kissing, reveling in the joy of each other but neither of us attempting to take it further. When we pulled away breathless I knew my face must be shining with a perfect smile.

"God I love you" I whispered to him. 

"I love you too" he muttered kissing my cheek then grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the wardrobe. "come on Y/n were gonna be late" said cheerfully chucking some underwear and my fighting gear onto my side of the bed and taking his to his own. We talked about our plans for training today, I wanted to improve my shield less fighting as Paul had a habit of deactivating mine whenever we spared and he wanted to work on the voice and some swordsmanship. 

"How come you could use it perfectly when we were on honeymoon but not always when your training with others?" I asked as I pulled on a loose jumper over my t-shirt and prepared to leave.

"Well you see, on honeymoon I really wanted to do those things"He said blushing slightly.

"So why don't you just really want to do whatever you need to do in training?" I asked as we exited our room and headed towards training. 

"Cause there's a difference, you wanted those things too. In training people are trying to resist" he answered I nodded in understanding just as we bumped into Duncan and began a full scale race towards training.

We burst through the door and were met by a nervous looking Mary and a stoic Gurney. Gurney was the only person in this room not to know on my pregnancy and I was glad he was here, I didn't want to be treated differently.  

"Your late" Said Gurney 

"I don't think we are" said Duncan checking his watch to reassure himself that we had in fact gotten to the training room with ten minuets to spare. 

"well then how come you didn't get here before me like Mary?" asked Gurney

"Camilla and I had the best sex this morning" he said merrily as he began to get ready.

"Duncan, that's my best friend I don't want to hear that" I said pulling a face

"Your lucky you didn't" muttered Mary "I'm only here so early cause I could hear through the walls. It was traumatizing" Duncan blushed deep red at this but chortled good heatedly. Gurney however was somehow agitated today and pressured us to begin training. Paul and Duncan and Mary and I got into two rings and began fighting. My fight against Mary was easy to win. It was easy to forget due to her level of maturity that she was only 13. 

"Your pulling your punches" Duncan criticized Mary as He walked over "Remember I've fought you kid, I know what you can do" He said pushing her back into the ring. 

The second she re entered the circle I pounced trowing a targeted punch into her stomach forcing her to bend in half to cushion the blow. She found her footing again and leapt at me swiping her leg under mine in an attempt to bring me to the floor, which I dodged using some fast foot work. The pair of us lunged to punch simultaneously I moved by other hand to block her but she was too slow and my punch hit her tin the trough making her collapse I counted three. I had won. I ducked down to check she was okay and to my surprise she was smiling. "That was  the best fight ever" she smiled "never pull your punches again, oh my god I have so much adrenaline!"

I laughed and looked over at Paul who was staring blankly at my face with a goofie grin. I danced over to where he and Duncan were training after congratulating Mary on our fight. Paul was still staring at me."Hello hansom, how are you doing?" I asked warping my arms  around his waist ans gently kissing the back of his neck.

"all the better now that your here" he chuckled spinning in my embrace so that he could kiss me full on the lips. 

"Wanna practice the voice?" I asked after pulling away and he nodded. The rest of the day of training was extremely enjoyable and when my head hit the pillow that evening I fell straight asleep.

Authors note: By the way Mia's baby will be born in the Next chapter and I have no Ideas for names yet so Please leave your suggestions and I will pick my favorite. :) have a lovely week!

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