Month 5 - the announcement

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Disclaimer: I don't own dune

Authors note: Yes, I know I missed a month but if I did every single one this would loose so much momentum and I could feel it dragging so here it is hopeful back up to standard.

Y/n's POV:

The last month of my pregnancy had passed uneventfully I had been spending time inside as I began to show more the baby had began to kick me but Paul couldn't feel it on the outside yet. I knew he was frustrated but he didn't let it show and for that I was extremely thankful. We had found out the gender of the baby too, a girl. I was tired and hungry almost constantly stopping to snack between meals and once, when he wasn't hungry I ate both mine and Paul's full lunch. I felt guilty after and made him crepes which we ended up sharing  but oh well, baby wants what baby wants. 

I'm nervous for today though because today is the day we officially announce my pregnancy to, well to the world. I knew it would be fine and I was looking forward to Maisie, Abi, Theo and Brie again as they would all be coming, along with their families, to the public announcement. My mind had wondered once again from my task it was getting into the late morning and I was still yet to find a single faltering piece of clothing in my wardrobe. My bump had seemingly grown overnight and nothing fit me anymore apart from baggy hoodies and joggers ( sweat pants ) and I couldn't very well wear that if I was going to be making one of the most important announcements of my life. 

Finally I gave up searching through my cloths. Mia had some maternity wear there was bound to be something their that fit even if she was a little taller than me and If not I could always ask Jessica if she had anything since I had borrowed her cloths before.  

I marched defiantly across the room desperate to find something to wear. I marched directly into Paul's chest. "Oh my god" He huffed out a breath as I crashed into his chest "Slow down okay? Tell me what you need and I will find it cause I know that you are tired and I know that you need something to eat and do you know how I know that?" I shook my head " Because you just tried to leave our room wearing jogging bottoms and a bra" He said kissing my forehead gently.

"That Is a valuable point" I murmured "and I will consider it defiantly but I really need a nice dress or at the very least something that doesn't show about an Inch of bare skin on my belly" I said folding into his arms.

"I figured it might be something like that so mum and I went shopping. I bought you this" He smiled as he pulled from the depth of a bag a beautiful dress in a pale purple with a band that would catch just below my breasts and above the bump. I grinned up at him before carefully pulling it on then slipping off the joggers that were still underneath. 

"Thank you" I said turning for him and allowing the light fabric to waft around me. I sighed "what did I do to deserve you?" I asked dancing across the room and perching on the bed to slip on a pair of shoes that would fit perfectly with it. Finally, I was ready to go.

"Y/n" I heard Maisie's exited squeal before I saw her dashing round the corner. 

"I missed you" she giggled hugging my leg "Your belly got really fat while I was gone" she pouted but then her grin returned as she finished with "But your still really pretty"

"that you are" I heard Paul whisper behind me before he moved to greet Maisie's parents and before I got swamped by the arrival of the other three kids all clammering to find out what had happened since they had last seen me. Mostly the focus was on weather I had learned any good games. I hadn't learnt any knew ones but I knew one they hadn't played with me before and that was good enough for them so soon enough them, and a couple of others mostly servants but a few nobles were all sitting in a circle playing an extravagant game of wink murder. We had a splendid time and the eldest among us chortled merrily when Brie tried to wink at the detective so he would die and not be able to find out who she was.

" I don't understand why you can't do that she protested perching on my lap you wink at someone and they die. It should have worked!"

All to soon however the game was over and it was time to announce my pregnancy, even though most of the adults in the room were already well aware considering the bump barely concealed on my stomach.

"Excuse me" I shouted over the crowd "but we have an announcement" I glanced up at Paul who grasped my hand tightly took a deep breath and then spoke. "As some of you have no doubt already noticed I look a bit different now" I began 

"You got fat" Chimed in Theo making me chuckle 

"Yes, I did and that is because there is a baby growing in my belly and she is taking up so much space that my tummy had to get bigger to make room" I told him. Then I turned to face the knowing that they had all heard what I had said and that they all understood.  I stepped down from the pedestal I had stood on and instantly congratulated by Theo and Abi's mother who informed me that she had all ways knew that I would make an excellent mother and that I deserved every happiness the baby brought me.

All in all I would say that was a pretty good day and now at least I can go maternity shopping with my husband cause I really needed some knew cloths.

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