New Girl

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Disclaimer: I don't own Dune

Y/n POV:

Over the next month life continued as it had before with the added benefit that the group was meeting in different spots once a week. We had now don charades, guess who, Monopoly (Again) and a game which Duncan abbreviated to magic. Paul and I continued meeting as often as we could and truth be told it was probably more than we should if we don't want to get caught but the pair of us just don't care so much anymore.  

I was scrubbing down the pots in the kitchen humming tunelessly in good spirits. Paul and I had agreed at our last meeting, three days ago, that we would go stargazing tonight and I was as exited as I was nervous. It would involve sneaking upstairs after lights out and if I was caught I probably wouldn't be aloud to train tomorrow as punishment. 

"Good work Y/n" said Matron as she passed.

"Thank you Matron" I replied bowing my head slightly to show respect. 

She smiled at me " Would you be able to take care of the new girl this evening? Her name's Mary and she will be our new kitchen maid, just help her settle in" 

"of course Matron" I said but my heart sunk this was a complication that I had not foreseen, of coarse a new girl came every few months but I had never been trusted to look after one before. "How old is she?"I asked 

"12" replied matron shortly. WOW, she's the youngest we've ever had, now it made sense that I would be the one to look after her, I had a way with children, I always looked after any younger visitors. Camilla Walked into the kitchen an Matron moved on to talk to another of the girls about making up a bed for the new girl. 

"Camilla" I called her over "you're going back upstairs, right?" ]

"Yep, why?" 

I scribbled on a piece of paper which was lying on the side.


I'm so sorry but I can't come this evening, there is a new girl in the kitchens and I have been tasked to look after her. 

Love you and can't wait to see you tomorrow


"Can you give this to him?"

She nodded understanding 'him' to mean Paul and turned away to grab a glass of water and a plate of food, Paul's lunch, slipping the note under the plate she smiled at me and left.


About half an hour later Matron walked over to me again this time accompanied by a peaky looking girl who looked no older than 10. I smiled at her trying to conceal my worry that she might be younger than she had said. The next few months would be hard for her. 

"Mary has deposited her possessions in her room, she will be shadowing you for the rest of the  day and will be able to come to you with any questions over her first week." Said Matron Primly

"Yes Matron" I said 

"I trust you will settle in well" She said to Mary before leaving me with the clearly terrified child. 

"Right, can you help me finish up these plates and then we can move on to some baking" I said with a warm smile.

"Okay," She said hopping up on a stool to reach the sink "What's your name?"

"Matron didn't tell you?" She shook her head "I'm Y/N"

"Okay" She said. We finished the washing up her asking the occasional question about what it was like to work and live here then we moved on to making bread and Mia came over to help out. While the bread was proofing we grabbed some lunch as by that point all of us were starving.  At roughly the same point Beth came down from work and over to assess the new kid. 

"She's tiny," she declared loudly to Alisha clearly wanting Mary to hear.As they walked past Beth flicked a piece of gum into Mary's hair. Mary looked down her tiny face screwed into a ball as she held back tears. 

"Fuck off Beth" I muttered 

She laughed "Whatever Y/n" and marched of making a show of 'accidentally' spilling some water into Mary's dress as she left.

"Right we should get you changed" trying not to make to big a fuss so that Mary didn't get any more unwanted attention, Camilla walked through the door as we entered the dorms. I showed Mary where to change and grabbed a fresh dress from the pile at the end of her bed. 

While she was changing the three of us talked "Beth?" asked Camilla though she already knew the answer. 

"Better than what she did to me on my first day," said Mia "took me weeks to get all that sand out of my hair and cloths!" We all laughed. 

"Ohm Y/n before I forget, From Paul. She handed me a piece of paper. 

"Thanks" I said slipping the paper into my pocket to read later. 


The rest of the day passed without a hitch, and by dinner Mary had gained some confidence and snapped back at Beth when she passed. 

I checked she would be alright for a moment with Mia and Camilla before slipping away to read Paul's message in piece.


Don't worry about tonight, You'll just have to spend a bit longer with me tomorrow, I miss you and can't wait to see you. 

Love Paul

"I miss you too," I whispered into the empty air of the dorm, not returning to the dining hall but rolling under my bed to remove a loose floor board concealing every note Paul had ever sent me. I read everyone imagining his soothing voice lulling me to sleep in our secret haven then replacing the letters in their hiding place before going to sleep

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