Month 3 - Lucas

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Disclaimer: I don't own Dune

Mia's POV:

Lucas was crying, again.

I minded less than the some others who shared the adjacent rooms to ours and although I understood why but to me every sound was a reminder that my child was alive and with me.

"He's hungry" Whispered Ben gently kissing the side of my face as I freed my breast to feed my child Ben smiled as he latched on to me. 

"What?" I asked

"Your so beautiful" he replied simply,gently I leaned my head into him and at that moment I felt complete I had Ben and I had Lucas. My family was complete.

Y/n's POV:

I hadn't been able to stop grinning since the baby was born, unfortunately not everyone *cough* Beth  *cough* was so happy she had come up to Paul and I's chambers no less than seven times to complain about the noise that the crying infant was making 'too much noise'. On her last visit she had caught us in a lets say delicate situation and Paul had lost it declaring that if she ever knocked on our door without a good reason ever again he would have her kept in the kitchen for a week and she backed off after that. 

I gently kissed Paul on the forehead where he slept in our shared bed He was sleeping in late so I had left a note to let him know where I had gone. I had learned my lesson after the panic I threw him into last time I left without warning, turns out my friends really weren't exaggerating when they said the would freak out when I wasn't there. He had been furious but I had promised never to do it again and after a while he had calmed down.

I continued my walk towards the under castle, just above the servant's quarters, where Mia's little family now lived. She welcomed me inside gratefully Mary was already inside she had found some blocks and was building them up and allowing  the small child to watch every time the tower was knocked down he would laugh and Mary would grin and rebuilt until Lucas waved his arms and then she would knock it down. 

"How are you?" asked Mia asked glancing at my belly I still isn't really showing and thus to my knowledge no one else but my friends ,Plus Jessica and Leto, knew about the child in my belly but at some point that had to change.

"I'm good, but I can't help but wonder how the people will react. My mind keeps flashing back to that girl in that restaurant who talked behind my back, who said that I only wanted Paul for his money. What are people going to think am I a hoer in their eyes or a prostitute or a serving girl elevated above her status? Am I those things?" I asked tears forming in my eyes

"The only thing you are is a loving wife and you will be an excellent mother." she smiled 

"thanks" I snuffled then I added "Pregnancy hormones are a bitch aren't they" with a little smile.

"Yes they are," she answered and we were both full on laughing now "yes they are!"

Still chuckling we walked across the room to tickle the stomach of Lucas where he sat on Mary's knee. The three of us settled down with a assortment of cakes from the kitchen.  

We talked and ate while laughing at ever tiny extravagant gesture performed by the baby. Later in the afternoon Paul joined us and the afternoon passed peacefully.

I am going to be making these chapters cover either multiple months per chapter or have shorter chapters as I want to keep the story engaging and it is currently quite jumpy. Also I may not update as much as I was as I can only write when I have nothing else to do and as summer comes nearer I have more training however I will defiantly finish the book it may just take a little more time then you expected.

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