The Note

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Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from dune 

Y/n's POV:

I was sitting at one of the larger tables chatting to  Mia, who had returned earlier this afternoon about her first day, well afternoon, back. 

"Well, Matron said take it easy but you know her easy means suffer in silence, but I actually feel much better now so I don't mind. Plus I missed you guys you have no idea how dull some on the nurses are, at least people down here have a personality" She laughed

"Hi!" It was Camilla, she was holding two pieces of paper "For you," she said handing her a note.

"It's form Ben" said Mia smiling. Ben was the delivery boy and he and Mia had been in a steady relationship for years. I almost envied them for being able to so freely show their relationship with small kisses even when in company. If I kissed Paul in front of anyone but Camilla there would be a total uproar. My mind was drawn back to the conversation as Mia continued "I'll go see him one were done eating. Who is the other piece for?"

Camilla didn't answer but she glanced awkwardly at me and that gave us away. "Y/n?" said Mia in a conspiratorial whisper "But who would..." 

"Later, I'll tell you later" I muttered as Beth and Alisha passed. Camilla slipped the note over to me and I slipped it into a pocket. Mia still looked curious but lade it to rest, for now. 

"Okay," she said "I'm going to see Ben now anyway see you later."

"bye" said Camilla and I in unison causing us all to burst out laughing before Mia left to find Ben. 

"What does is say?" Asked Camilla. 

"I don't know yet, I'm going to the dorm to open it, you can meet me there once your done eating"

"Cool, see you in a bit"


Once I was in the privacy of the dorm I pulled out Paul's note. 


Could you come and meet me in the gardens, I have somewhere secret we could go. Also bring a book, I know you love reading. 


Was Scrawled across the page. I smiled and moved across to the tiny bookshelf at the foot of my bed. I pulled out one of my favorite books, it was full of fables from all over the universe and placing it and the note into a bag prepared, waving to Camilla as I left so that she knew that I was going. She pulled an infuriated face at me clearly wanting to understand what was going on but I just hurried off to the gardens.

As soon as I entered felt arms wrap around my waist. I tilted my head back into the chest of the man holding me and saw Paul. He was so hansom, it was as if he had been sculpted by the gods. I reached up and traced the lines of his face. 

"Not, now" he said then unwrapped his arms from my body and grabbing my hand to pull me through a tiny gap in the hedge. 

I Gasped, "Oh, it's beautiful" there was a large apple tree with fresh fruit clinging to every bow and a soft music seemingly emanated from a stream dancing around the space. 

"It's ours" he said "If nothing else in the world, this spot belongs to us. Do you want to read?" 

"Sure did you bring a book?"

"No, I thought maybe I could read yours to you." My smile only grew at that. 

"Okay," I said and he sat down, back against the tree legs slightly spread, I snuggled in between his legs and rested my head on his chest. "go on then read" and he did his voice filling up the paradise I could hear the words in the air and feel them vibrating through my his chest. I closed my eyes, just to enjoy the sensation but I soon fell asleep.

When I awoke the sky was darker and Paul had stopped reading. 

"Hello sleepy head," he laughed as I stirred and I punched him gently in the arm "whoa, such violence!" he commented and I laughed "Come on beautiful, we have to head back up to the citadel else people will miss us"

"I know" I wined "but can't we just stay a little longer?"

"I'm sorry baby" he said  and the two of us got to our feet. 

"One more kiss?" I asked pouting slightly. 

"I won't say no to that" he said giving me a short sweet kiss during which I wrapped my arms around his neck and when he pulled back I continued to hang on then pulled myself  into his chest. I felt him nuzzle into my hair for a few second before he let out a low sigh. 

 "I Know," I whispered my words muffled by his chest "We need to leave"

I detached myself from him and asked "Should we leave separately, in case anyone is looking threw a window?" 

He considered for a second before saying "No, as long as you act  as would around me before we should be fine, and I relay don't want to leave you" 

I smiled at him "and at least I'll have a good excuse if anyone sees me coming back in" I adopted my poshest voice "Master Paul required some help and since I had gone to fetch my shall in the garden I assisted him"

He chuckled then in a more serious tone said "Do you really have to make up an excuse for everything?"

"Pretty much, I mean most things I have are shared and someone is supposed to know my location at all times in case I'm needed." 

He looked suddenly sad, "Were not going to be able to do this often, are we?"

"No, but that won't make the time that we do spend together any less special. Now come on otherwise limited time together will be the least of our problems I said giving him one last gentle kiss before walking out of our beautiful hiding place to face the outside world.

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