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Disclaimer: I don't own Dune

Camilla's POV:

I woke up and Mia instantly ran over to me an expression of manic concern highlighting her face as worry sparked in her eyes. Glancing over at Y/n's bed I understood why, it was empty and clearly unslept in. As I stared Mary walked over and whispered "I left her with Paul"

"Shit!" exclaimed Mia "She is going to be stuffed when she gets down here, Matrons gonna blow her lid"

"Mia, you need to bring Paul breakfast today or it won't just be her in trouble" I said frantically

"I know" she said tying her hair back as she fled the room. 

Y/n POV:

 I woke feeling deliciously relaxed. Leaning back I felt Paul shift behind me. "Good morning beautiful" he said sleep still clouding his voice and his hands snaking their way around my waist, feeling his warmth against my bare skin I sighed contentedly. 

"I love you," I said leaning my head back to see him before gently closing my eyes and allowing him to kiss me gently. I rolled over and ran my hands through his hair, the kiss we shared was pure love. "I want to wake up like this every morning, that was the best nights sleep I have ever had"

"Me too," he murmured "I love you so much"

At that moment our utopia was broken by a knock on the door. 

"Fuck, what time is it?" Asked Paul

"May, I come in, It's Mia" Called a voice from the other side 

"Just a minuet," called  back Paul, Mia may know about us but we were in no hurry to have her see the pare of us nude and sharing a bed. We pulled on cloths and then Paul raised his voice slightly to call "come in"

Mia walked in put the trey she was carrying on the table before looking up on  my sheepish face. 

"Your in deep shit" she commented 

"I know, I'm gonna say that I fell asleep in the training room" I said glancing back at Paul, Waking up next to him made me realize that I want to spend my life with him, have his children, marry him if I could. Deep down I knew that this wouldn't be a one off, the idea of sleeping alone again made me feel cold. Only a single tear rolled down my face, but Paul noticed. 

"What? Baby, what is it?"

I wrapped my arms around him "How are we going to do this, I want to have your children, I wan't to grow old with you, how are we going to hide that" 

"Maybe were not, it's my birthday next month, maybe my girlfriend could bring me a present, when I'm with my mum?"

My face split into a wide grin, but I was still nervous after all, even if she didn't mind my status "What is she doesn't like me?"

"She will love you, your amazing!" 

I smiled at him and he embraced me allowing me to lean into his chest and absorb the smell of him and his warmth before turning my head up to be kissed by him. The kiss was soft and gentle but not without passion, I melted into it giving him everything that I had, then forcing myself to pull away.

"I have to go" I muttered and he nodded in understanding before leaving the room.


When we returned to the dorm Mia dashed over to Camilla just before I entered.  I took a deep breath then walked in, the room, which had been previously buzzing with activity, went silent.

"Where have you been?" asked Matron 

"I fell asleep in the training room and Duncan only just unlocked it sorry" I said staring intently at the ground.

Matron clearly didn't completely buy my excuse but she allowed me to pass and the noise level steadily increased. As soon as we could my friends and I slipped away. 

In the dorm room Mary and Camilla sat on one bed and Mia and I sat on the one across from it. "Your going to do it again, aren't you? said Camilla, I nodded "You realize how risky your being?"

"Yes, but I love him. last night I had the best nights sleep that I have ever had, I will be as careful as I can be" 

"Okay, but we can't cover for you every time" Said Mary.

"I know," I said and then the four of us smiled and the questions began pouring in as to what had actually happened last night, some of which I decided to answer.

The rest of the week I tried to keep my head down and work hard but it was difficult when I was tasked to clean my boyfriends room. Everything in there smelt like him, and me, after all It was more our room now as I visited every night and many of my own cloths were stashed under his bed. 

He walked in as I finished cleaning and asked "Do you want to just stay here?" 

I looked at him and pouted slightly "I can't, People will miss me"

"I don't care let them find out, what are they going to do?" He said slightly annoyed

"I don't know, and that terrifies me, what if they take you away from me" I tried to be angry but began to cry, "Because If I never get to see you again, I- I can't do that"

"Baby shhhhh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

"I can't loose you" I screamed 

"I can't loose you either," he said pulling me into his lap and letting me cry into his sholder until I had no tears left to shed, then I opened my eyes filled with a sudden reckless urge.

"You know what, I want to stay and fuck anyone who says I can't" I said my voice still thick with tears. 

He laughed, "Yep, stubborn till the end, you want an early night?" he asked 

"It's 4 in the afternoon" I said confused 

"Okay since subtlety didn't work. You want sex?" he said a smile spreading across his face.

"Yes," I said "But not now, right now I want to play chess" I said sliding off his lap and grabbing the bored. "And this time I am going to win" 

He laughed and we sat down to a game of chess which he won and then another which he also won then we turned in and went to bed, it was another hour or two before we actually fell asleep.

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