Truth or dare

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Disclaimer: I don't own any characters form dune.

Y/n's POV:

I entered the servants quarters humming absent minded to myself and not even minding when Beth attempted to trim me up on my way to get my dinner. 

"Someones in a good mood" said Camilla as I sat down 

"Yea, I had a really good day" I said still unable to wipe the smile off my face. 

Mia slid into the seat next to me and said "I'm guessing not all of that was due to training"

"No," I said "Oh, and by the way Duncan Knows now he..." I paused for a second wondering if I should lie

"Yes" said my two friends avidly

"He walked in on us kissing" I admitted and had the dignity to look slightly ashamed.

Camilla and Mia began to laugh as Duncan himself walked into the room and approached us. 

"Well done at training today" he boomed as he strode over, when he reached us he slipped us a piece of paper and whispered "from Paul" before raising his voice back to normal volume and saying "You must continue you training so I will see you next month maintain what you are doing until then"

I nodded and he departed as soon as he left the tree of us huddled around the note. It read:

Hi girls,

Duncan and I are going to play truth or dare this evening and we would love it if you could come, bring Ben too. We will meet in Duncan's room cause it might seem a bit suspicious if a bunch of servants start frequenting my room to often.

See you soon I hope, 


"How does he know about Ben?" asked Mia 

"Believe it or not we do talk sometimes and your relationship isn't exactly secret" I laughed "So you want to go?"

"totally" said Camilla 

"Could be fun and it will be a huge surprise for Ben, he doesn't know about you two yet" she laughed.

Mia walked across to the boys wing to grab Ben and then all of us headed up the stairs.  It hadn't been a surprise for Ben that we were going to Duncan's as he had been training with me today. What we had accidentally on purpose forgot to tell him was that Paul would be there. Mostly just to see the look on his face.

We knocked on the door to Duncan's room and he answered it welcoming us inside. Ben froze as he saw Paul standing on the other side of the room pouring some water from a jug. 

"Hi, You must be Ben, the girls mentioned you" said Paul smiling as he walked towards us and extending a hand to shake Ben's when he reached us. 

"Right, How often do you talk to them?"

"Well," said Paul "I only met Mia a day or two ago, we were playing Monopoly but I have been talking to the other two, Mostly Y/n for about five months"

Ben's jaw dropped and Duncan chose that moment to walk in carrying a tray of snacks and some juice and some shot glasses full of things that I couldn't recognize "It's traditional to drink booze when you play this but since most of us have to work tomorrow or at least keep a good face I came up with an alternative" He said indication the shot glasses "Each one has something that you really don't want to drink. If you refuse to tell a truth of do a dare then you have to drink one, kapish"

We kapished, I also Kapished silently in my head that I didn't trust whatever was in those glasses. "Right, Who's going first?"

"Since you asked, you" Said Mia "Truth or Dare"

"Truth" I said wanting to play it safe on the first one as I had a pretty good idea of what or or rather who most of my dares would involve. 

"When was you and Paul's first kiss?"

"First what?" asked Ben visibly shocked 

"Shhh" hissed Mia before turning her attention back to me. 

I glanced  at Paul who gave me a small comforting smile then spoke "You remember when those Nobels came to visit around the time you got ill?" She nodded "Well I was standing in on one of the meetings and we brought up lunch but Paul had gone somewhere so Lady Jessica asked me to find him. He was in an alcove off of one of the corridors on the way to his room, he asked me to talk to him, admitted his feelings and we kissed." 

"Awww" said both the girls, Ben just smiled and Duncan chuckled good heartedly.

I glanced at Paul again who had a slightly vacant smile clearly remembering the kiss I decided to break through his trance "Paul, truth or dare" 

He considered for a moment before deciding on "Dare"

"Okay..." I suddenly smiled "cook us your 'legendary' pancakes" I said remembering a conversation we had had about a week ago wile playing chess. 

"Really" he asked 

"yep, Duncan do you have a candle and an empty can" 

"What?" asked Mia as he nodded and went to receive the items

"It's very difficult to get secret snacks when everything you eat is monitored by a kitchen okay!" said Paul defensively. I laughed and kissed him gently on the nose as Duncan re-emerged carrying a small candle, a tin can and the ingredients for pancake mix.  He dropped all of it in front of Paul who poked some wholes into the tin can and put the candle underneath calming proudly "see, it's like a stove."

"Have you ever seen a stove?" asked Camilla 

"Yes, once or twice" we all laughed "Well it wasn't for lack of trying, I always wanted to learn how to cook but I'm very busy"

"Maybe that's something we can do together one day," I said smiling 

Paul whipped up the batter while asking Mia "Truth or dare"

"Dare!" said Mia instantly

"sit on Ben's lap for the rest of the game" he said taking a spoonful of batter and poring it  on top of the tin can too cook.

Mia shifted into Ben's lap and Paul took the first Pancake off the can. It didn't look amazing but it tasted pretty good. 

We continued to play for about an hour in which Mia revealed to us that she and Ben were trying for a baby and Camilla and Duncan engaged in a Make out session after which Camilla didn't return to her seat. I refused the dare to tell Duncan where the 'usual spot' was and therefore had to drink some sludge which was later revealed to be goose fat. Paul was now shirtless and Ben had the Remanence of the eggs that we had thrown at him stuck to his shirt. 

We decided to call it a night and began to bid each other farewell. Paul and I walked into another room to say a more private farewell and then Camilla, Mia, Ben and I left together.

As soon as we were outside Ben looked at me and said "Bloody Hell Y/n, Paul, Paul Atreides"

I grinned "What can I say? I got good taste"

Ben rolled his eyes and turned to Camilla  "So you and Duncan a thing as well?"

"What?No" blurted out Camilla

 "Really that was a pretty heated kiss" Laughed Mia "And it's perfectly within the rules for you to date him" she finished looking pointedly at me at me.

"I don't know what your implying"I laughed in a mock offended voice

Camilla just smiled slightly and we returned to the dorm in good spirits and ready to sleep.

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