Month 7 - Swimming

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Disclaimer: I don't own dune 

Y/n's POV:

I was sitting out in our secret garden resting with my feet dangling into the cool water of the pond wearing a floaty cotton dress that fit my rapidly growing form perfectly. Paul had fully submerged himself in the clear water and was now standing in front of me dripping wet and laughing fit to burst. 

"Come on the waters great!" he beckoned attempting to coax me in. 

"I'm sure it is but I haven't been swimming in the last month and I don't know if i'll be as graceful as I used to be with the baby" I worried stroking his sopping wet hair.

"Please, I know you want to cause you put on that maternity swim suit my mum bought you so come enjoy the water. It's not deep so you'll be perfectly safe and It's been ages since we went swimming together" He complained gently kissing my hand as it caressed his face. I gave in. He was right I had wanted to swim it was such a nice day for it. I slid off the lilac fabric that had covered my body revealing a fairly plain swim suit then slowly lowered my self into the water.

He hadn't been lying the temperature was perfect. I leaned back into the water allowing it to support my body and for a moment the world was completely peaceful. Paul swam up beside me and wrapped his arms around me and there we rested like sea otters on a peaceful ocean holding hands so we would't drift too far apart. 

After a short while I detached myself from him and splashed a glittering stream of water into his gasping face.

"What was that for?" He asked

"Water fight" I answered as though it was the simplest thing in the world.

"Oh its on" he replied a light kindling in his eyes as he threw himself threw the water causing it to splash up into my face just as I fell backwards as a wave of water hit me. I resurfaced laughing and slashing water wildly at his grinning face wile ducking and diving frantically in an attempt to avoid his attacks. 

We played without will or reason both laughing uncontrollably as we chased each other round the small pool in dizzying circles both trying to catch the other and pull them into the water. Finally my hand grasped Paul's trunks and I dived on top of him submerging him fully and as he rose to the surface I could tell he was willing to admit defeat.

I grabbed his waist and pulled him into a tender kiss. Our tongues tangled together tasting each other as our hands grasped at the others back trying to somehow get closer than we already were trying to touch and feel each other, to become one.

"you are so fucking beautiful" he gasped into my open mouth his hot breath ghosting across my lips as he pulled away slightly.

"I know" I said smiling slightly so that I was lying on his bare chest my fingers tracing his exposed abs "and your pretty good too"

He kissed my forehead and we settled once again into comfortable silence with no need to talk just content to see be with each other until the water began to chill and we both climbed out of the pond and toweled ourselves off and changed back into out cloths. Paul lent me his hoodie cause I didn't have a bra and my thin dress was semi see trough.

"Only I get to see that" he  chuckled as he handed it over.

"I know" I replied mimicking my earlier words then kissing his hand and grasping it as we left.

When we walked back up to the castle in the dimming light of the evening we bumped into Duncan who gave us a long questioning look before asking "Where have you been?" Asked Duncan

"Usual spot!" we replied laughing

"Oh, I'm gonna find out where that is one day" he chortled before wishing us a good night as we headed up to bed smiling and laughing the whole way.

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