The Jungle

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Disclaimer: I don't own dune

Y/n's POV:

I woke with Paul still asleep beside me. I kissed his temple and got up so I could make some breakfast in the kitchen.  I found that  I was craving toast and a smoothie so I made enough food for the pair of us and brought it back into our room just as my husband began to stir. 

"mourning handsome" I said sliding back into bed and handing him some food wile taking a sip of my smoothie through the straw I had placed in the top. 

"mourning beautiful" He replied taking a bite of toast and sighing as he took a sip if his own smoothie "Thanks love, this is amazing" he said.

"Not as amazing as your pancakes, but yes, amazing!" I burst into peels of laughter the bent my head to brief my lips to his in a brief tender kiss. As I pulled away he pulled me back down to him murmuring something I didn't catch as I sunk into his lip his tongue tracing my lips I moaned into his lips and he took the opportunity to sink his tongue into my mouth. Eventually we pulled away from each other and with me still resting on his chest. I sighed and then gathered myself to prepare for the day we had decided to explore the jungle that covered most of the Island and my excitement for the day was just enough to draw me out of bed to change into some activity trousers and a loose fitting shirt. Paul also war activity trousers, though in a very different cut they were wider and didn't cling to his thighs as mine did. However his top was tight to his body and I could just make out his abs through the material.

I grinned "Ready to go?"

"With you always!" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the house and towards the jungle a backpack we had prepared the day before slung over his back. The sun was extremely bright so we hurried to the shelter that the canopy would provide. There was a bread leaf vine dangling near the edge of the forest we harvested a few so that we could eat them for our lunch.

After a while walking we clambered into the canopy we began to swing across the many vines traversing the forest as though it were some attraction at a theme park we were both longing to try. Paul eventually wrapped an arm around my waist and I wrapped both mine around his neck so he could swing us both through the canopy. 

I gently kissed his cheek. He chuckled slightly and murmured "Don't distract the designated swinger. At least not until he's on the ground and won't kill us both if he gets distracted"

"Fair enough" I chimed merrily but I still placed a final kiss on his cheek  before I relented. Right now swinging us through the canopy his muscles working against my touch he was irresistible. He rolled his eyes and landed us on a sturdy branch, he wrapped tightened his arms around me in a fierce embrace before letting me go and perching on the bow and removing two pairs of binoculars from his bag so we would be able to sit and watch any creature that may pass.

"Careful, in your condition especially you shouldn't distract the man who is carrying you. Come on lets eat you must be quite hungry by now and perhaps one of those birds you have been so eager to spot my flutter by while we rest" He jabbered seemingly slightly protective though I was unable to define why.

"Yes, I am hungry. But how did you know it's only just past mid morning"'

"Just a hunch" He lied. He's a good liar when he needs to be but he's never been able to hide much from me.

"Right, and what do you mean my 'condition'?" I asked

"I just meant that you are probably tired, we've been staying up late and..."

I grabbed his hand and gently squeezed it pulling it to my lips for a fraction of a second "your a terrible liar"

"I know, just trust me. I'll tell you everything when we get back. I think my bene gesserit training may be allowing me to see ... something. But I'm not sure, I need to ask you to do something. When we get home, it's our last full day on this island let's appreciate the life here while we can and hopefully we'll get a nice surprise this evening too"

"Fine" I chuckled gently kissing his cheek and smiling "even though I think I might know what your 'suspicions' may be" I finished with a warm smile digging into the jack fruit he had handed me and laughing again at his wide and extremely goofie grin.


The rest of the day passed without incident, we spotted several of the birds I had wished to spot along with a dancer deer and a decedent of the orangutan witch I insisted had waved at us as we clambered past searching for some onion moss to fill out an other wise rather bland lunch as I had eaten most of our better flavors as snacks. When we had found our fill we wandered through the forest until we reached a glade not unlike our garden back home apart from the fact that the plant life was slightly more exotic and there was a large palm tree with a hefty bunch of coconuts.

"You think we can get to them?" I asked indicating the fruit, at this stage of ripeness they would be full of sweet coconut water and I found myself craving the nectar like liquid.

"Yep, with a bit of work!" 

A 'bit of work'was the understatement of the century. although we did eventually get the fruit it took hours and multiple times we fell backwards trying to climb and fell on each other, or rather I fell on him, but it was worth it for the reward which we sipped as we strode back to the hut ready to finish talking about Paul's 'hunch'. 

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