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Disclaimer: I don't own dune.

Mia's POV:

I woke up my head pounding. I hadn't slept much last night. I glanced over to Y/n's empty bed a wave of worry and concern flooding through my stomach.  However there isn't much I can do about it unless I get out of bed and come up with a plan. Camilla and Mary are still asleep, they probably got as little sleep as me last night so I change before waking them. Camilla yawned and grumbled as she awoke but Mary merely opened the thin draw built into her bedside table and grabbed out a sheet of paper. 

The note read:


It is Mary, something has happened to Y/n she got caught sneaking back down here. I think she might be in the Basement. I don't know how or when we will get this to you because Matron is keeping a close eye on us and thus we are going to be working thin the kitchens for the foreseeable future. 

By the way, Y/n told Matron about you two but she didn't believe her and claimed she was rude to make such claims, hope this reaches you soon. 

Mary, Camilla and Mia

"I'm going to sneak it into a fortune cookie, I just need an excuse to make one" said Mary smiling ever so slightly.

Well at least we had a plan. 

Y/n's POV:

I had ran out of things to think of due to this I was forced to confront the dank dark reality of my existence. My hands itched furiously as they scabbed over, the raw flesh crusting over on my knees also and my body wracked with sobs as my mind drifted back to one thing over and over again. Paul, more specifically when would I see him again? Did he yet know that I am missing yet? 

I closed my eyes and pictured his face his sharp cheek bones and his loose curly hair my mouth pulled into the ghost of a smile but my heart ached. There was the sound of feet descending the stone steps. I didn't look up as the metal door screeched open. 

"So are you ready to tell the truth?" asked Matron

"Your making a big mistake" I said quietly my voice horse from disuse and breathing in the clouding dirt and dust that filled the room.

"and why would that be?" she asked "You are a good worker and you have guts I'll give you that but you can't insult our Master Paul like that, but if you just tell the truth I can get you out"

"I've already told you the truth," I rasped Matron placed a half full glass of water beside me and walked out. I heard the bolt scrape back into place and waited for her footsteps to fade before I broke down and cried. 

I could have been crying for an hour or for a day but eventually I stopped I had no tears left to give. I drank the water slowly sipping it, making it last. I didn't know how long it would be until I could expect more, maybe I shouldn't. 

Once again I heard footsteps but they were lighter this time, not an adult then. a child. For a second I dared to hope it was my friends but then a voice spoke from the other side of the door.

"You awake?" It was Beth 

"And I thought my day couldn't get any worse" I said my voice catching like gravel in my thought. 

"Oh how the mighty have fallen" she laughed malice filling her voice "I just came to let you know that your friends are stuck on kitchen duty, your all being punished" she laughed again as I let out an involuntary and furious noise. "any way this is for you" she said opening the door and 'accidentally' spilling the water that she was holding over my head. "oops" she snickered and walked out the room throwing the glass which shattered a couple of the the pieces ripping my nightdress -which I hadn't had the opportunity to change out of- starching my exposed flesh and one lodging just above my ankle causing me to gasp and lash out in pain. 

Beth barely reacted my agony merely commenting on how she would tell Matron that I had broken the glass as she all but skipped out of the room slamming the door behind her. 

Beth's visit had been the final store, sopping wet and in excruciating pain I balled myself on the most glass free piece of ground that I could find and sobbed. 

Mary's POV:

The Plan is all set to role out, the only problem was that without one of us delivering the tray there would be no way of insuring that Paul received our note. We had been working all morning and Mia had come up with the perfect solution only a minuet or two ago.

We had messaged Ben using out one call that day and requested that he come down to the kitchen in a half hour. Giving him as much of the plan as we could in a frantic whisper within about 5 minuets. 

The cookies came out of the oven and it was now a rush to fold them over cups with notes inside to form their shapes all of out eyes lingering on the one concealing our note, preying that this would work. I grabbed the cookie and stuffed it into my apron as Beth, who matron had sent down to Y/n earlier returned and strode over to Matron.

"She still won't admit the truth" she said feigning sadness, Matron bought it but I could tell that she was putting it on. "She thanked you for the water" she added and walked over to us and muttered "your friend is going to snap soon, I don't think that she can survive down there for too much longer" 

We all exchanged worried glances before the door opened behind us revealing Ben defusing the tension in the room Mia instantly ran over to him kissing him as his arms rapped around her waist. "How are you both" he asked his hands shifting to rest on her belly and his words sparking the first true smiles from us in days. 

"Your Pregnant!" I exclaimed my face splitting into a wide smile wile Camilla Squealed excitedly.

"Yep" She said leaning deeper into Ben's arms "It's good right?"

"Yesssss" said Camilla 

"Brilliant" I laughed as if my body had somehow forgotten how in the last day. 

"Right,"said Ben "there's two more person who should hear this news, one of them I upstairs and one of them is further down. What do you say we bring them back together.

"This is going to be dramatic" I laughed 

"Oh yes," He relied "Shall we begin?"

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