Usual spot

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Disclaimer: I own no characters from dune.

Y/n's POV:

It was almost another five minuets before Paul returned he apologized hastily and Gurney asked no more questions. 

Training continued for the next few hours the tension building between me and Paul once again, when Gurney suggest that we practice tackling and restraining an assailant Duncan was forced to distract him so that he wouldn't notice that some of the grunts weren't caused by the excursion.  When training finally ended Duncan called me over leaving Paul to finish a conversation with Gurney. 

"Okay, how blind was I?"

"Not that blind" I said hanging my head slightly "I'm not sure what got into us today"

"I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say the raging hormones of a pair of 19 year olds" he chuckled 

I attempted to roll my eyes but blushed and instinctively looked down. I stayed there for a second then heard the door close and felt arms envelop me from behind. Paul seemed not to care that Duncan was here as soon as Gurney had left his sole mission had become to finish what we had begun earlier. His lips attacked my neck and I closed my eyes enjoying the sensation and gently sighing. 

"Oh my god!" frustration bubbled from Duncan's voices. "What just cause I now know mean's that I have to watch him eating your face?"

"technically I was eating her neck"began Paul but Duncan cut him off. 

"Worse much worse, the pair of you have five months of god know what under your belts and no-one knew then so please figure out a way to calm down." the two of us nodded. 

Paul whispered "Usual spot?" in my ear and I nodded 

"Meet you there," I said with a smile running down to the servants quarters.


Downstairs was the usual chaos, I fought my way through to grab a book then started to make my way back across the room. Unfortunately  I was unlucky enough to run into Beth on the way out. 

"How was training?" She asked her tone of voice suggesting that she hoped I wold say no 

"It was good" I replied tartly resisting the urge  to snap back, Matron was watching and if I didn't keep it civil I would never leave "and now I need to go and discuss continuing this once a month with Duncan Idaho and I mustn't keep him waiting" I said smirking in satisfaction as I departed.

five minuets later I was in the secret garden. I glanced around for a second just taking everything in. Then turning my attention to Paul who was sitting at the trunk of the tree.  I strode over and gently tapped him on the head with the book  I was holding. "Read to me?" 

"No" he said "your turn to read" I knew that full well but loved the feeling of Paul's voice vibrating through his chest. 

"Pleeeease" I begged kneeling down to straddle his legs and staring into his blue-grey eyes

"Fine" he sighed and I snuggled in between his legs resting my head on his chest. He began to read, and I began to listen his voice filling up my world. Every now and then I would shift slightly finding it a little harder than usual to find a comfortable spot. On the eighth or ninth time that I began to squirm around he set his hands on my solders and held me still. 

"Don't start something that you can't finish" he said gently 

"What?" I said and the realized why I hadn't been able to get comfortable. "Oh," Paul was hard and his length was pressing into my back. I smirked "Who says I can't finish it?" I asked shuffling down and flipping over so that I was level with his groin. He moaned slightly and put down the book that he was holding. 

"Are you sure?" he asked  

I looked up at him and my y/e/c eyes met his, I stared at him for a second just taking him in then said "Yes, just relax" I said and returned my attention to his groin. 

Then I began to palm him through the material, being rewarded by his pants and occasional moans. "Dam that feels so good" he said trough a strangled grunt. I smiled loving what I could do to him, loving having this wonderful man completely at my mercy. 

I stuck a finger under the waist band of his trousers causing him to wimpier slightly. Then I pulled down his trousers completely shifting slightly so that he could kick them off he was now lying against the tree in just a shirt and pants.  I looked him up and down he was sensational, I crawled up his legs and kissed him ferociously taking control of the kiss as he moaned helplessly into my open mouth. I began to unbutton his shirt kissing the skin that was being revealed and tracing his abs with my figures. 

"Fuck, Y-Y/n, stop teaaasin-ng me" panted Paul becoming incoherent as  I found my way back to his groin and pulled of his pants. He was huge, his dick was erect and my god, I had never seen anything so beautiful as he was right now, spread out naked in our secret garden pleading with me. I reached out and touched his tip which was already leaking pre-cum. Then I began to pump my hand finding a steady rhythm and Paul's moans elevating. I picked up the pace squeezing him tighter and he screamed out my name cumming in glorious spurts, I continued to pump extending his euphoria for as long as I could before releasing his now limp dick and lying down beside him.

"You- are fucking amazing" he said voice slightly ruff. I smiled at him.

"Better?" I asked grinning at him 

"Yes" he breathed out before turning to grin at me "now, I think it's time I returned the favor don't you?"

I just nodded and he flipped himself on top of me and began to kiss my face and neck only braking contact to pull my shirt over my head. He continued to work his way down my body until he reached my breasts, squeezing them through my sports bra my head lolled back in pleasure as I moaned. Moments later my bra was gone and Paul was sucking on my nipple whilst massaging my other boob. He gently bit down on my nipple and I grunted and moaned a near constant stream of sounds escaping my mouth. 

He continued kissing down my body discarding my trousers and kissing my inner thigh. Then he pulled back my body ached for him. "Paul" I moaned 

"My god, your so beautiful" he breathed 

"Please" I whimpered causing him to chuckle and then rip off my panties. He began to rub up and down finding my bundle of never and massaging it. 

"Your so wet for my baby" he murmured huskily

"I-I'm gonna cum" I gasped and he pushed his figures into me. For a second it hurt and then it felt like pure bliss he only had to pump a few times before my walls contracted around him as I came his figures working magic on my insides and euphoria filling by brain.

We lay there for a few more minuets before we started to feel cold and got back into our cloths. 

"It's getting late we should head back to the citadel before someone misses us" I said and I walked out of the garden a spring In my step and returned to the serving quarters grinning.

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