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Disclaimer: I don't own dune

Y/n's POV:

We walked back through the door in comfortable silence then I spoke a grin on my face "I'm Pregnant aren't I? that's what you've been sensing" 

"I can't be sure, but you should take a test"

"Okay" I chimed merrily dashing into the bathroom to take a test. 

I sat in there for a painstaking 10 minuets, then I flipped over the test and nearly screamed in joy.

Positive, the test was Positive.

Once I had gathered myself together I walked in to the main room feigning disappointment. Paul looked at me and his face fell. "I'm sorry..."

"Why were having a baby" I interrupted now grinning as I handed over the test. Paul instantly wrapped his arms around me swung me round then he set me down and pulled up my shirt to place a flurry of kisses on my belly. 

"I'm up here you know" 

"Yep" he said placing one last lingering kiss on my belly and then placing another kiss on my mouth sinking into it slightly and pulling away. 

"I love you so much" He whispered "Both of you" 

I smiled and whispered "lets go to bed",


The morning we were set to fly home I was bouncing with excitement, I would miss the Island but it had been two weeks since I had seen My friends and Mia would now be 8 months pregnant and I wanted to be their for the birth and also share what time I could with her before. Especially since pregnancy was now something we had in common. 

The plane journey was bumpy and I felt slightly nauseous due to the morning sickness, it wasn't too bad for me yet but it was by no means great. Paul gave me a one armed hug to steady me and I soon fell asleep resting my head snugly in the crook of his neck.

When we landed Paul gently shook me awake. I groaned slightly as I regained consciousness and rose to my feet exited to see my friends, I decided to pick my luggage up a little later. 

The second Paul got off the ship he and Duncan embraced but I barely had time to recognize that as a blur of ginger ringlets obscured my vision as Camilla pulled me into a crushing hug. Mary was the next to embrace me, Mia made a gesture like an air hug and Ben smiled widely saying that he would hug me for Mia too.

My face was fixed in a permanent grin. I had missed the energy of the cite dell while we had been away and was very much looking forwards to our next games night and  getting back to my own bed.

It would be a great comfort after so long with out it. I was looking forwards to normality and getting back to the servants Quarters,  even if I didn't have to be there anymore it was like visiting a child hood home. Happy memories. 

"I missed you" I whispered "And I have some good news."

Mia scrunched her eyebrows" Oh, do tell" 

"Once were inside" I said 

Mia and frowned and Ben gave me the 'don't tease a pregnant woman' look. I smiled up at Paul, Boy were they in for a big surprise.

This chapter is so short, Sorry, It was my sisters birthday this week and we have been really busy. Also I just didn't feel like this chapter needed to be long. Sorry if you wanted more to read, I should be pasting again next week. Hope you enjoy the chapter though.

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