Games night

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Disclaimer: I don't own Dune

Y/n's POV:

A few months later nothing particularly eventful had happened. There was a curtain controversy surrounding our upcoming wedding but the Nobels who had stayed from Paul's birthday to the wedding were mostly of the opinion that I was the salt of the earth due to the amount of time I was spending with their kids. I couldn't deny I would miss the little ones once they were gone but for tonight our group had once again gathered in the common room of the servants quarters to discuss plans for the up coming wading play some games and eat.

We had been chatting for about half an hour when I said "Oh, by the way we should probobly make it official Camilla, Mia, Mary your my brides maids" I said with a smile triggering exited squeals from the girls and instant chattering about dress shopping.

"And my best man will be Duncan" declared Paul smiling at his old friend. Camilla stared up Duncan squeezing his hand as the pair grinned. 

"See" she whispered "Told you he'd pick you!" 

"I know" wined Duncan but he ruined the effect by laughing. "But it's good not to be presumptuous."

"Food's ready!" Declared Ben walking in with serving size Mac and Cheese for all of us along with some blanched vegetables and Bacon. Looking around at our elated face's he said "What did I miss?"

"We just found out our roles in the wedding! I'm gonna be a bride's maid!" Said Mia excitedly gripping onto his sleeve.  

"Nice" said Ben 

"And If it's okay you'll be giving me away" I said a hopeful smile on my face "I mean your the man I've known the longest and I don't really Know my Parents, Guess that's a handy cap of being given up at birth to be trained in combat" I said trying to make light of a dark matter. 

"I would love to give you away," He said with a genuine smile. 

"Thank you" I said before blurting out "Now come onnnn food's getting cold!"

The food was shared out and for a while we eat in science enjoying the meal and the comfort of being around friends. Once we had finished Paul spent a good few minuets arguing that we should play monopoly but in the end the insentient jabbering of Camilla and Mary meant that charades won and became the first game. We split into teams, Mia, Duncan and I formed the first team, Mary and Paul were the second and Camilla and Ben were the third. 

"I Don't know are you a goat?" I asked half an hour later much to the amusement of my friends, Mia was miming some four legged creature but the only thing that I understood was that she was from a movie. 

"A Goat? How is a goat a movie?" She exclaimed

"Ha, you spoke we get a point" announced Camilla adding one point to the other two teams tally. 

"I was trying to do the lion king" she told me as she sat back down.

"What in the lion king looks like a goat?" 

"It was supposed to be a lion" 

"Ohhh," I said thinking back to what she had been doing "That makes wayyyy more sense, Sorry" I had the grace to look slightly shamed. 

"Don't worry"She whispered so as not do disturb Paul who was now hopping around on one leg arms spread like a windmill he looked so funny it was impossible no to laugh. Once we had recovered she finished "At least were still in the lead, just"

We continued to play until Camilla and Ben getting to the required 25 points to win first before we switched to a different game all talking about how close it had been even though in truth they had won by a landslide. 

Our next game was exploding kittens one that Mia had dug up from somewhere and was insisting we play. It was pretty good too and always amusing to see peoples faces fall when the explode but those faces gave way to good merriment as they joined the laughter. At one point Duncan so dramatically enacted his kittens death that the water that I had just taken a sip of came out of my nose causing me tho cough and splutter wildly through the laughter.    

"You have no respect, a poor cat has been exploded and all you can do is laugh" he continued keeping up the ruses as long as he could but soon he too fell into manic laughter. 

Last but by no means least, especially in Paul's eyes, we played Monopoly. 

"You know we cant play this every games night right?" asked Ben 

"Yes we can" chorused Paul, Camilla Mia and I

"It's special to us, reminds us of the first time we met" Said Mia 

"I doubt we'll ever finish it again though" laughed Camilla "That took ages!"

We played until we were all too tired to continue before settling down and playing a quick game of Magic to round off the evening, Me snuggling into Paul's lap my head resting in the crook of his neck occasionally kissing it. Ben murmuring to Mia's ever growing baby bump and Camilla, Duncan and Mary playing cards in the corner determinedly sticking to the story that they weren't tired despite the occasional yawns that they tried to hide. 

"Right"I yawned "I'm going to bed we have dress shopping on Monday girls so be ready and make sure Matron knows you've got the full day off, were going to need it!" We all laughed and Paul declared he was also going to turn in and the two of us went upstairs to our bedroom hands intertwined. 

Once we were back in out room we both changed into Pajamas, Paul remaining shirtless as was his preference before slipping into bed and each others arms mentally preparing ourselves  for the days ahead but also the most exited we had ever been in our lives. 

"I love you" I herd him whisper as I fell asleep. 

"I love you too" I murmured back drifting into a deep sleep. 

Author's note: As Mia and Ben are both my characters I was curious to see what came up it is a brand of baby food. I find It Ironic that the couple having a baby are the name of a baby food! Anyway just found that funny, hope your enjoying the book. Bye for now. :)

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