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it was a long and difficult morning for bennett. not only did he decide today was the right time to start packing, but unfortunately he forgot the date was today to start moving into the dorm rooms. luckily at the time, bennett's dad's soon came along to help knowing bennett himself wasn't able to finish on time.

"thanks dads for helping me pack up for my college life. even after knowing im grown..i still couldnt do all of this by myself. i love you guys for taking care of me so much!" bennett spoke guiltfully. all of his dads work but they ended up skipping knowing bennett was suppose to leave today. bennett prayed that even after skipping a day of work, their boss wont get mad at them.

one of bennett's dad smiled proudly, while the other one closely held on to the other crying tears of joy. one spoke proudly as he set down the luggage full of bennett's clothes down to the front of the door, "we are so proud of you son. remember to stay safe and dont get comfortable with everyon-"

"ack! no! please not this talk again! i promise to be careful! remember on this trip im not alone. i have razor, xingqiu, and chongyun tagging along. and im only staying with them so ill be fine taking care of myself." bennett cutted in, knowing the wise words of his father were about to come out.

the other dad chuckled, going in for a hug which bennett accepted comfortably. "just remember to call us when you get to the dorm room. and another thing i want to say is please send us your testings when you finally reach to the campus. i just cant believe how much youve  grown to be such a fine young man." his words cracked, heartbroken off of the leave of his only son.

bennett rubbed his fathers back easing him up and reassuring that he will do everything that his father said he would do.

suddenly a phone call happened from bennett's pocket making him jump in surprise. he then dug for his phone in his pocket, immediately tapping the cracked phone screen to pick up.


bennett immediately knew who this was but..what happened now?

"xingqiu breath for a minute. whats going on anyway? did you try calling razor?" bennett replied. however in the other end, xingqiu took a breather to calm down. usually his composure is very calm so hearing him stress out was always unique to him.

"ok, ok..ive taken a breather," muttered xingqiu before going into detail. "alright so, its been 5 minutes already and i still dont have a hold of him. i even asked chongyun to help me get him up by spam calling him! so maybe you bennett can help also since dorm closing happens soon."

"that's unusual. ever since ive known him he was always a morning person. i-ill call him instead and text back to you if he ever replies. alright?" bennett reassured.

the call stopped, forcing bennett back to reality trying to process the whole situation. he then shakes his head proceeding to go with the plan on calling him. bennett then rears the phone infront of him scrolling in his context to finally be able to click the name "razor" that was highlighted. then after, the call button.

patiently, bennett waited for him to pick up as he paced around the room. bennett then wondered what may he be doing at this time, but suddenly bennett was startled to hear razors voice at the other end.

"bennett call razor..does bennett need anything?"

bennett blushed, mainly embarrassed of his spacing out but also because of razors shocking tone. it was rare for bennett to hear razors tired voice.


"o-oh! xingqiu was wondering what you were doing right now. he's been calling and calling you but you havent been replying. so instead i decided to call you."

razor was quiet for a moment, until bennett heard ruffling happening from the other side.

"sorry. razor overslept." he apologized.

hm..thats new? razor oversleeping isnt something bennett was used to. he was always the first one to wake up and get ready for school back in elementary. maybe it was just because razor slept late. that was always the situation.

"thats ok razor! ill just tell xingqiu to pick you up after me. just spend time getting dress..and eat first!"

both of them say their goodbyes, but bennett couldnt help think about whats going to happen in the dorm room. maybe plan a restaurant were they can hang out and eat? or perhaps just a regular hang out? all these thoughts were a headache, but he didnt mind it.

after all xingqiu most likely has a whole plan for this. however sometimes his plans goes to areas like maybe a spicy restaurant or even a detour to the bookstore. it wasnt a bad idea, but chongyun always feels the need to leave ever so now and then. especially after going to a spicy hot resturant.

"bennett! i think your friends are here!" bennett's father called out.

bennett's mind then wandered back into reality as he looked over to the window, revealing xingqiu who was in the passenger's seat and then chongyun who was in the drivers seat. they were here early than bennett anticipated.

bennett swung the door open, but even before grabbing his stuff and everything he gave both his parents a big hug repeating over and over on how much he would be missing them. hastly, bennett grabbed his bags, heading out to the outside where he met up with the dark blue haired boys who simply greeted him.

"hey bennett, how was the packing going along? i heard it was a stressful time." xingqiu asked, pulling the window down. xingqiu was stylish as always, but who would have known he wore something like this. however it was simple which was always xingqiu's signature outfit.

"packing was difficult!" bennett whined, placing his stuff in the back. he then continued as he entered the back of the car with a slump, "everything was so last minute that i didnt even have time to process anything. not to mention i was tired because i woke up late. my bad luck is getting out of hand these days. sometimes it would be like a few times a day here and there and now its been happening to me all morning! i really need a break."

and just like that. bennett fell asleep for the whole trip to razor's house, which was minutes ahead of the current trio.

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